
wtorek, 13 marca 2012

Systematic Botany - 37 (1), 2012


Walter S. Judd — Recipient of the 2011 Asa Gray Award
Soltis, Douglas E.; Soltis, Pamela S.

Robbin Moran - Recipient of the 2011 Peter Raven Award
Miller, James S.; Vasco, Alejandra

Selecting Nuclear Sequences for Fine Detail Molecular Phylogenetic Studies in Plants: A Computational Approach and Sequence Repository
Ilut, Daniel C.; Doyle, Jeff J.

Systematics of the Sphagnum fimbriatum Complex: Phylogenetic Relationships, Morphological Variation, and Allopolyploidy
Shaw, A. Jonathan; Flatberg, Kjell Ivar; Szövényi, Peter; Ricca, Mariana; Johnson, Matthew G.; Stenoien, Hans K.; Shaw, Blanka

Parallel Evolution of Endospory within Hornworts: Nothoceros renzagliensis (Dendrocerotaceae), sp. nov.
Villarreal A., Juan Carlos; Campos S., Laura Victoria; Uribe-M., Jaime; Goffinet, Bernard

Two New Species of the Fern Genus Blechnumwith Partially Anastomosing Veins from Northern Brazil
de Oliveira Dittrich, Vinícius Antonio; Salino, Alexandre; Almeida, Thais Elias

Two New Species and a Revised Key for Philodendron Section Schizophyllum (Araceae)
Sakuragui, Cassia Mônica

Lorenzia (Araceae - Spathicarpeae): A New Genus from Northern Brazil Supported by matK Sequence Data
Gonçalves, Eduardo G.

A New Species of Thismia (Thismiaceae) from West Kalimantan, Borneo
Tsukaya, Hirokazu; Okada, Hiroshi

Cohniella (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae) South of the Amazon River
Cetzal Ix, William; Fernández-Concha, Germán Carnevali; Castro, Vitorino Paiva

Quechua, a New Monotypic Genus of Andean Spiranthinae (Orchidaceae)
Salazar, Gerardo A.; Jost, Lou

Phylogeny of the New World Genus Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae) Based on Analyses of Plastid and Nuclear DNA Sequence Data
Karst, Lisa; Wilson, Carol A.

The Evolution of Genome Size Variation in Drumstick Onions (Allium subgenus Melanocrommyum)
Gurushidze, Maia; Fuchs, Jörg; Blattner, Frank R.

Mayariochloa, a New Monotypic Genus Segregated from Scutachne (Poaceae, Panicoideae, Paniceae)
Salariato, Diego L.; Morrone, Osvaldo; Zuloaga, Fernando O.

Ichnanthus longhi-wagnerii (Panicoideae): New Grass from the Atlantic Moist Forest of Bahia, Brazil
Costa da Mota, Aline; de Oliveira, Reyjane Patrícia

Molecular Phylogeny of Dissanthelium (Poaceae: Pooideae) and its Taxonomic Implications
Refulio-Rodriguez, Nancy F.; Columbus, J. Travis; Gillespie, Lynn J.; Peterson, Paul M.; Soreng, Robert J.

Piresia palmula: a New Species of Herbaceous Bamboo (Poaceae, Olyreae) Endemic to the Atlantic Rainforest, Southern Bahia, Brazil
de Carvalho, Maria Luiza S.; Dórea, Marcos C.; Pimenta, Karena M.; de Oliveira, Reyjane P.

Phylogeny and Reclassification of Anemone (Ranunculaceae), with an Emphasis on Austral Species
Hoot, Sara B.; Meyer, Kyle M.; Manning, John C.

Phylogeny and Cytogeography of the North American Creosote Bush (Larrea tridentata, Zygophyllaceae)
Laport, Robert G.; Minckley, Robert L.; Ramsey, Justin

Taxonomic Revision of the Neotropical Genus Lacunaria (Quiinaceae / Ochnaceae s. l.)
Schneider, Julio V.; Zizka, Georg

Tibouchina bracteolata and T. comosa (Melastomataceae, Melastomeae): Two New Species to the Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil
Freitas, Juliana G.; Santos, Andrea K. A.; Oliveira, Reyjane P.

A Revision of Hortia (Rutaceae)
Groppo, Milton; Pirani, José Rubens

A Remarkable New Species of Jarandersonia (Malvaceae-Brownlowioideae) from Central Kalimantan, Borneo
Chung, R. C. K.; Tan, H. S.; Soepadmo, E.

Evolutionary History of the South American Mistletoe Tripodanthus (Loranthaceae) Using Nuclear and Plastid Markers
Amico, Guillermo C.; Vidal-Russell, Romina; Garcia, Miguel A.; Nickrent, Daniel L.

Phylogenetic Relationships of Silene multinervia and Silene Section Conoimorpha (Caryophyllaceae)
Rautenberg, Anja.; Sloan, Daniel B.; Aldén, Vivian.; Oxelman, Bengt.

Taxonomy of Exochaenium and Lagenias: Two Resurrected Genera of Tribe Exaceae (Gentianaceae)
Kissling, Jonathan

A New Tree Species of Strychnos Sect. Longiflorae (Loganiaceae)
Manoel, Evelin Andrade; Carrijo, Tatiana Tavares; Guimaraes, Elsie Franklin

The Morphological and Genetic Variation in the Polymorphic Species Picris hieracioides (Compositae, Lactuceae) in Europe Strongly Contrasts with Traditional Taxonomical Concepts
Slovák, Marek; Kučera, Jaromír; Marhold, Karol; Zozomová-Lihová, Judita

Phylogeny and Diversification in the Melanesian Schefflera Clade (Araliaceae) Based on Evidence from Nuclear rDNA Spacers
Plunkett, Gregory M.; Lowry, Porter P.


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