
niedziela, 11 marca 2012

Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad - 82 (1), 2011


Systematics and evolutionary biology: uneasy bedfellows?
Schwartz, Jeffrey H.

Floristic integration of the benthic marine algae from the southern coast of Jalisco, Mexico
Mendoza-González, A. Catalina; Mateo-Cid, Luz Elena; Galicia-García, Citlali

The genus Sclerocarpus (Asteraceae, Heliantheae) in Mexico
Villasenor, José Luis; Hinojosa-Espinosa, Óscar

New species of Echeveria (Crassulaceae) from central western Michoacán, Mexico
García Ruiz, Ignacio

Phragmipedium warscewiczii, a new record for the Mexican orchid flora
Solano-Gómez, Rodolfo; Martínez-Ovando, Eduardo

Digenean parasites of Ciconiiform birds from Argentina
Drago, Fabiana B.; Lunaschi, Lía I.

New species of the genus Gibberula (Mollusca: Cystiscidae) from Cuba and Venezuela
Espinosa, José; Ortea, Jesús; Caballer, Manuel

Revision of two species of Physidae
Núnez, Verónica

The Afro-Asian cyclopoid Mesocyclops aspericornis (Crustacea: Copepoda) in eastern Mexico with comments on the distribution of exotic copepods
Suárez-Morales, Eduardo; Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Martha A.; Mendoza, Fredy

Description of the immature stages of Sigara (Tropocorixa) jensenhaarupi (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Corixidae: Corixini), with ecological notes
Melo, María Cecilia; Scheibler, Erica Elizabeth

Morphology and anatomy of Rhipsalis cereuscula, Rhipsalis floccosa subsp. hohenauensis and Lepismium cruciforme (Cactaceae) seedlings
Secorun, Alan C.; Souza, Luiz Antonio de

Comparative floral anatomy of the genus Polianthes (Agavaceae)
Serrano-Casas, Héctor; Solano, Eloy; Terrazas, Teresa

Population structure of Taxodium mucronatum under contrasting conditions of disturbance in the State of Querétaro, Mexico
Enríquez-Pena, E. Gabriela; Suzán-Azpiri, Humberto

Breeding aspects of the crayfish Cambarellus (Cambarellus) montezumae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Cambaridae) under controlled conditions
Arredondo-Figueroa, José Luis; Vásquez-González, Angélica; Núnez-García, Laura Georgina; Barriga-Sosa, Irene de los Ángeles; Ponce-Palafox, Jesús T.

Spatial patterns of species richness of garter snakes Thamnophis in Mexico
Venegas-Barrera, Crystian Sadiel; Manjarrez, Javier

Tail loss incidence in the Chihuahuan fringe toed-lizard Uma paraphygas (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae)
Castaneda, Gamaliel; García-De la Pena, Cristina; Gadsden, Héctor; Contreras-Balderas, Armando J.; Cooper, William E.

Variation in parental investment and relative clutch mass of the spiny-tail iguana, Ctenosaura pectinata (Squamata: Iguanidae) in central México
Castro-Franco, Rubén; Bustos-Zagal, María Guadalupe; Méndez-De la Cruz, Fausto R.

Richness and diversity of bird species associated with mangrove in three lagoon systems in the coastal region of Oaxaca, Mexico
Bojorges-Banos, José Cruz

Diet of Barn Owl (Tyto alba) (Aves: Strigiformes) in natural and anthropogenic habitat in central Cuba
Hernández-Munoz, Abel; Mancina, Carlos A.

Abundance of two populations of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in northern Veracruz, Mexico
Valdes-Arellanes, Michelle P.; Serrano, Arturo; Heckel, Gisela; Schramm, Yolanda; Martínez-Serrano, Ibiza

Diversity of mammals in the Natural Reserve Sierra Nanchititla, Mexico
Monroy-Vilchis, Octavio; Zarco-González, Martha M.; Ramírez-Pulido, José; Aguilera-Reyes, Ulises

Impact of anthropogenic disturbances on the diversity of shallow stony corals in the Veracruz Reef System National Park
Gutiérrez-Ruiz, Carla V.; Román-Vives, Miguel A. M.; Vergara, Carlos H.; Badano, Ernesto I.

Reproduction of Crocodylus moreletii in captivity in Tabasco, Mexico
Casas-Andreu, Gustavo; Barrios-Quiroz, Gabriel; Macip-Ríos, Rodrigo

Novelties on the pollen of Acacia mayana, a little known species (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae: Acacieae)
Rico-Arce, M. de Lourdes

Where has Aristolochia tricaudata (ARISTOLOCHIACEAE) gone? New record of a critically endangered species in Oaxaca, Mexico
Rivera-Hernández, Jaime Ernesto; Samain, Marie-Stéphanie

The blue land planarian Caenoplana coerulea, an invader in Argentina
Luis-Negrete, Lisandro Héctor; Brusa, Francisco; Winsor, Leigh

Trypanoxyuris (Trypanoxyuris) minutus (Nematoda: Oxyuridae) in the two howler monkeys species (Cebidae) from México
Trejo-Macías, Genoveva; Mosqueda-Cabrera, Miguel Ángel; García-Prieto, Luis; Estrada, Alejandro

New records of syrphids (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Yucatán, Mexico
González-Moreno, Alejandra; Marcos-García, Ma. Ángeles; Manrique-Saide, Pablo

The ringtail tonguefish, Symphurus ocellaris, a new addition to the marine fish fauna of Mexico (Cynoglossidae, Pleuronectiformes)
van der Heiden, Albert M.; Ruiz-Guerrero, Marcela; Plascencia-González, Héctor G.

A new record for American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) in San Juan, Argentina
Sanabria, Eduardo; Ripoll, Yanina; Jordan, Marcelo; Quiroga, Lorena; Ariza, Mariano; Guillemain, María; Pérez, Mauricio; Chávez, Héctor

Observations on nests of Crocodylus moreletii in San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Escobedo-Galván, Armando H.; Casas-Andreu, Gustavo; Barrios-Quiroz, Gabriel; Sustaita-Rodríguez, Víctor H.; López-Luna, Marco A.

Consumption of an adult Puma yagouaroundi (Felidae) by the snake Boa constrictor (Boidae) in Central Mexico
Monroy-Vilchis, Octavio; Sánchez, Óscar; Urios, Vicente

Peces demersales del Pacífico de México
Castro-Aguirre, José Luis; Espinosa Pérez, Héctor; González-Acosta, Adrián F.

The final volume in an epic series on reptilian biology
Flores Villela, Oscar


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