
piątek, 30 marca 2012

The Quarterly Review of Biology - 86 (3), 2011


    Announcements(p. 161) 
    The Bentley Glass Memorial Endowment Fund(p. 162) 
    From the Origin of Sex-Determining Factors to the Evolution of Sex-Determining Systems(pp. 163-180) 
     Tobias Uller, Heikki Helanterä
    It's All Who You Know: The Evolution Of Socially Cued Anticipatory Plasticity As A Mating Strategy(pp. 181-197) 
    Michael M. Kasumovic, Robert C. Brooks
        Mentally Rotating Gender.(pp. 198-202) 
        Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference  by Cordelia Fine; Brain Storm: The Flaws in the Science of Sex Differences  by Rebecca M. Jordan-Young
        Review by: By Marlene Zuk
        Expand or Revise? The Evolutionary Synthesis Today.(pp. 203-208) 
        Evolution: The Extended Synthesis  by Massimo Pigliucci; Gerd B. Müller
        Review by: By Douglas J. Futuyma
            Stephen Jay Gould and the Politics of Evolution.(pp. 209-210) 
            Stephen Jay Gould and the Politics of Evolution  by David F. Prindle
            Review by: By Ullica Segerstrale
            Remarkable Biologists: From Ray to Hamilton.(pp. 210-211) 
            Remarkable Biologists: From Ray to Hamilton  by Ioan James
            Review by: By Elof Axel Carlson
            Donald Michie on Machine Intelligence, Biology and More.(p. 211) 
            Donald Michie on Machine Intelligence, Biology and More  by Ashwin Srinivasan; I. J. Good; J. D. Biggers; C. A. Sammut; S. H. Muggleton
            Review by: By Anthony J. Dellureficio
            Progress in Bioethics: Science, Policy, and Politics.(pp. 211-212) 
            Progress in Bioethics: Science, Policy, and Politics  by Jonathan D. Moreno; Sam Berger
            Review by: By Edmund D. Pellegrino
            Exuberant Skepticism.(p. 212) 
            Exuberant Skepticism  by Paul Kurtz; John R. Shook
            Review by: By Justin Trottier
            Science Education and Civic Engagement: The SENCER Approach.(pp. 212-213) 
            Science Education and Civic Engagement: The SENCER Approach  by Richard D. Sheardy
            Review by: By O. R. Anderson
            Emerging Model Organisms: A Laboratory Manual, Volume 2.(p. 213) 
            Emerging Model Organisms: A Laboratory Manual, Volume 2  by David A. Crotty; Alexander Gann
            Review by: By Christopher Lowe
            Corporate Accountability and Sustainable Development.(pp. 213-214) 
            Corporate Accountability and Sustainable Development  by Peter Utting; Jennifer Clapp
            Review by: By Bernardo Aguilar-González

            The Second Jurassic Dinosaur Rush: Museums and Paleontology in America at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.(p. 215) 
            The Second Jurassic Dinosaur Rush: Museums and Paleontology in America at the Turn of the Twentieth Century  by Paul Brinkman
            Review by: By Christopher R. Noto
            The Rise of Horses: 55 Million Years of Evolution.(pp. 215-216) 
            The Rise of Horses: 55 Million Years of Evolution  by Jens Lorenz Franzen; Kirsten M. Brown
            Review by: By Juha Saarinen
            Marine Macroecology.(p. 216) 
            Marine Macroecology  by Jon D. Witman; Kaustuv Roy
            Review by: By Jeffrey Levinton
            Amphibian Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques.(p. 217) 
            Amphibian Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques  by C. Kenneth DoddJr
            Review by: By Andrew Storfer
            Effective Ecological Monitoring.(pp. 217-218) 
            Effective Ecological Monitoring  by David B. Lindenmayer; Gene E. Likens
            Review by: By David Schimel
            From Populations to Ecosystems: Theoretical Foundations for a New Ecological Synthesis.(p. 218) 
            From Populations to Ecosystems: Theoretical Foundations for a New Ecological Synthesis  by Michel Loreau
            Review by: By Diane S. Srivastava
            Resolving Ecosystem Complexity.(pp. 218-219) 
            Resolving Ecosystem Complexity  by Oswald J. Schmitz
            Review by: By Peter A. Abrams
            Remote Sensing for Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques.(p. 219) 
            Remote Sensing for Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques  by Ned Horning; Julie A. Robinson; Eleanor J. Sterling; Woody Turner; Sacha Spector
            Review by: By James L. Smith
            Mapping Species Distributions: Spatial Inference and Prediction.(pp. 219-220) 
            Mapping Species Distributions: Spatial Inference and Prediction  by Janet Franklin; Jennifer A. Miller
        Conservation Biology
            Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainability in the Americas: Impacts and Adaptations.(p. 220) 
            Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainability in the Americas: Impacts and Adaptations  by Francisco Dallmeier; Adam Fenech; Don MacIver; Robert Szaro
            Review by: By Shaily Menon
            Nature's Matrix: Linking Agriculture, Conservation and Food Sovereignty.(pp. 220-221) 
            Nature's Matrix: Linking Agriculture, Conservation and Food Sovereignty  by Ivette Perfecto; John Vandermeer; Angus Wright
            Review by: By Daniel Lavelle, Hillary Suzanne Sardinas, Eleanor Jane Blitzer, Karen Z. Weinbaum, Matthew Scott Luskin, Justin S. Brashares
            Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change.(pp. 221-222) 
            Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change  by Allan Eaglesham; Ralph W. F. Hardy
            Review by: By Robert Mendelsohn
            Biology's First Law: The Tendency for Diversity and Complexity to Increase in Evolutionary Systems.(p. 222) 
            Biology's First Law: The Tendency for Diversity and Complexity to Increase in Evolutionary Systems  by Daniel W. McShea; Robert N. Brandon
            Review by: By Michael Ruse
            Human Brain Evolution: The Influence of Freshwater and Marine Food Resources.(pp. 222-223) 
            Human Brain Evolution: The Influence of Freshwater and Marine Food Resources  by Stephen C. Cunnane; Kathlyn M. Stewart
            Review by: By Christopher P. Heesy
            The Evolution of Language.(p. 223) 
            The Evolution of Language  by W. Tecumseh Fitch
            Review by: By Mark Pagel
            Animal Models in Light of Evolution.(pp. 223-224) 
            Animal Models in Light of Evolution  by Niall Shanks; C. Ray Greek
            Review by: By Rachel A. Ankeny
            The Nesting Season: Cuckoos, Cuckolds, and the Invention of Monogamy.(p. 224) 
            The Nesting Season: Cuckoos, Cuckolds, and the Invention of Monogamy  by Bernd Heinrich
            Review by: By Michael S. Webster
            A Primer of Conservation Behavior.(pp. 224-225) 
            A Primer of Conservation Behavior  by Daniel T. Blumstein; Esteban Fernández-Juricic
            Review by: By John P. Swaddle
            Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain.(pp. 225-226) 
            Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain  by Antonio Damasio
            Review by: By Paul E. Tibbetts
            Neurosociology: The Nexus between Neuroscience and Social Psychology.(p. 226) 
            Neurosociology: The Nexus between Neuroscience and Social Psychology  by David D. Franks
            Review by: By Paul Tibbetts
        Anatomy and Physiology
            Seeing: The Computational Approach to Biological Vision.(p. 227) 
            Seeing: The Computational Approach to Biological Vision  by John P. Frisby; James V. Stone
            Review by: By Heinrich H. Buelthoff, Lewis Leewui Chuang
        Cell and Molecular Biology
            Fundamentals of Molecular Biology.(p. 227) 
            Fundamentals of Molecular Biology  by Jayanta K. Pal; Saroj S. Ghaskadbi
            Review by: By Kuang Yu Chen
            Introducing Biological Energetics: How Energy and Information Control the Living World.(p. 228) 
            Introducing Biological Energetics: How Energy and Information Control the Living World  by Norman W. H. Cheetham
            Review by: By Edwin H. Battley
            Control Theory and Systems Biology.(p. 228) 
            Control Theory and Systems Biology  by Pablo A. Iglesias; Brian P. Ingalls
            Review by: By Andriani Daskalaki
            Membrane Structural Biology: With Biochemical and Biophysical Foundations.(p. 229) 
            Membrane Structural Biology: With Biochemical and Biophysical Foundations  by Mary Luckey
            Review by: By Andreas Engel
            Anaerobic Parasitic Protozoa: Genomics and Molecular Biology.(pp. 229-230) 
            Anaerobic Parasitic Protozoa: Genomics and Molecular Biology  by C. Graham Clark; Patricia J. Johnson; Rodney D. Adam
            Review by: By Sudha Bhattacharya
            Insect Pathogens: Molecular Approaches and Techniques.(p. 230) 
            Insect Pathogens: Molecular Approaches and Techniques  by S. Patricia Stock; John Vanderberg; Noël Boemare; Itamar Glazer
            Review by: By Ann E. Hajek
            Cancer Stem Cells.(pp. 230-231) 
            Cancer Stem Cells  by William L. Farrar
            Review by: By Keith Syson Chan
            The Great Pheromone Myth.(p. 231) 
            The Great Pheromone Myth  by Richard L. Doty
            Review by: By Ann Eileen Miller Baker
            Genetic Twists of Fate.(pp. 231-232) 
            Genetic Twists of Fate  by Stanley Fields; Mark Johnston
            Review by: By Anthony J. Dellureficio
            Human Biological Variation.(p. 232) 
            Human Biological Variation  by James H. Mielke; Lyle W. Konigsberg; John H. Relethford
            Review by: By Brian M. Kemp
            High-Pressure Microbiology.(pp. 232-233) 
            High-Pressure Microbiology  by Chris Michiels; Douglas H. Bartlett; Abram Aertsen
            Review by: By Rukma N. Reddy
            Medical Microbiology.(p. 233) 
            Medical Microbiology  by Michael Ford
            Clinical Virology.(pp. 233-234) 
            Clinical Virology  by Douglas D. Richman; Richard J. Whitley; Frederick G. Hayden
            Review by: By Marie Louise Landry
            Plants in Mesozoic Time: Morphological Innovations, Phylogeny Ecosystems.(p. 234) 
            Plants in Mesozoic Time: Morphological Innovations, Phylogeny Ecosystems  by Carole T. Gee
            Review by: By Ramona Walls
            Plant Cell Culture: Essential Methods.(p. 234) 
            Plant Cell Culture: Essential Methods  by Michael R. Davey; Paul Anthony
            Review by: By Adi Zaltsman
            Manual of Central American Diptera.(pp. 235-236) 
            Manual of Central American Diptera  by B. V. Brown; A. Borkent; J. M. Cumming; D. M. Wood; N. E. Woodley; M. A. Zumbado; S. A. Marshall
            Review by: By David Grimaldi
            Mariposas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y Alrededores.(p. 236) 
            Mariposas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y Alrededores  by Ezequiel Nunez Bustos; Roberto Güller
            Review by: By Arthur M. Shapiro
            The Leafcutter Ants: Civilization by Instinct.(pp. 236-237) 
            The Leafcutter Ants: Civilization by Instinct  by Bert Hölldobler; Edward O. Wilson
            Review by: By Seán G. Brady
            Inland Fishes of the Greater Southwest: Chronicle of a Vanishing Biota.(p. 237) 
            Inland Fishes of the Greater Southwest: Chronicle of a Vanishing Biota  by W. L. Minckley; Paul C. Marsh; James E. Deacon
            Review by: By Dean A. Hendrickson
            Fish Defenses.(pp. 237-238) 
            Fish Defenses  by Giacomo Zaccone; C. Perriere; A. Mathis; B. G. Kapoor
            Review by: By Iain Barber
            Sharks and Their Relatives II: Biodiversity, Adaptive Physiology, and Conservation.(p. 238) 
            Sharks and Their Relatives II: Biodiversity, Adaptive Physiology, and Conservation  by Jeffrey C. Carrier; John A. Musick; Michael R. Heithaus
            Review by: By John E. McCosker
            Sharks and Rays of Australia.(pp. 238-239) 
            Sharks and Rays of Australia  by Peter R. Last; John D. Stevens
            Review by: By Marcelo R. de Carvalho
            The Last Tortoise: A Tale of Extinction in Our Lifetime.(pp. 239-240) 
            The Last Tortoise: A Tale of Extinction in Our Lifetime  by Craig B. Stanford
            Review by: By James F. Parham
            Birds of Brazil: The Pantanal and Cerrado of Central Brazil.(p. 240) 
            Birds of Brazil: The Pantanal and Cerrado of Central Brazil  by John A. Gwynne; Robert S. Ridgely; Guy Tudor; Martha Argel; Maria Allen; Terry Clarke
            Island Bats: Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation.(p. 240) 
            Island Bats: Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation  by Theodore H. Fleming; Paul A. Racey
            Review by: By Gary F. McCracken
        Human Biology and Health
            Biographies of Disease.(pp. 241-242) 
            Biographies of Disease  by William Bynum; Helen Bynum
            Lyme Disease: The Ecology of a Complex System.(p. 241) 
            Lyme Disease: The Ecology of a Complex System  by Richard S. Ostfeld
            Review by: By Weigang Qiu
            The Elusive Malaria Vaccine: Miracle or Mirage?.(p. 241) 
            The Elusive Malaria Vaccine: Miracle or Mirage?  by Irwin W. Sherman
            Infectious Disease: Pathogenesis, Prevention and Case Studies.(p. 242) 
            Infectious Disease: Pathogenesis, Prevention and Case Studies  by N. Shetty; J. W. Tang; J. Andrews
            Biodiversity and the Law: Intellectual Property, Biotechnology and Traditional Knowledge.(p. 242) 
            Biodiversity and the Law: Intellectual Property, Biotechnology and Traditional Knowledge  by Charles R. McManis
            Review by: By Kabir Bavikatte
        Directory of Publishers(pp. 243-244) 
    No Access

    Index to Titles and Authors/Editors of Books Reviewed(pp. 245-248) 
    Index to Reviewers of Books(p. 249) 

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