
piątek, 9 marca 2012

Proceedings of the Professional Association for Cactus Development - 13, 2011


Opuntia ficus–indica (L.) Mill. yield depends on nutrients and nutrient ratios

Fidel Blanco–Macías, Rafael Magallanes–Quintanar, Rigoberto E. Vázquez–Alvarado,Santiago de J. Méndez–Gallegos, Enrique Troyo–Diéguez, Clemente Gallegos-Vázquezand Ricardo D. Valdez–Cepeda1,

Clusters of commercial varieties of cactus pear and xoconostle using UPOV morphological traits

Clemente Gallegos–Vásquez, Alejandro F. Barrientos–Priego, Juan A. Reyes–Agüero, Carlos A. Núnez–Colín, and Candelario Mondragón–Jacobo

Productive response of lambs fed with fresh or dehydrated spineless cactus (Opuntia ficus–indica L.)

M.I. Aguilar–Yánez, O. Hernández–Mendo, I. Guerrero–Legarreta, J.E. Ramírez–Bribiesca, G. Aranda–Osorio and M.M. Crosby–Galvan

Coryphantha spp. proximate composition and phytochemical profile

Rocío Sánchez-Herrera, María de los Angeles Sotelo-Olague, Xochitl Aparicio-Fernández and Sofía Loza-Cornejo

Productivity, cold hardiness and forage quality of spineless progeny of the Opuntia ficus-indica 1281 x O. lindheimerii 1250 cross in Mendoza plain, Argentina

Juan C. Guevara, Peter Felker, Mónica G. Balzarini, Sebastián A. Páez, Oscar R. Estevez, Marta N. Paezand Juan C. Antúnez

Pre-harvest glochid abscission induced by spraying of GA and ethephon on fruits of cactus pear (Opuntia spp.)

Joel Corrales-García, María Teresa Colinas-León, Flor Adriana Gallegos-García, Ma. Carmen Ybarra-Moncada, María Isabel Cervantes-Espinoza

Plant height and mineral content of Opuntia tapona growing along the coasts of Baja California Sur, México

Alejandra Nieto–Garibay, Enrique Troyo–Diéguez, Ricardo David Valdez–Cepeda, Edgar Rueda–Puente, José Luis García–Hernández, Arnoldo Flores–Hernández, Sergio Zamora–Salgado, Ignacio Orona–Castilloand Bernardo Murillo–Amador

Climate and microenvironmental parameters affecting anthesis and nectar secretion for Polaskia chende and P. chichipe, endemic columnar cacti from the Tehuacán Valley, Puebla

Whaleeha Gudino, Alejandro Casas, Alfonso Valiente–Banuet, Rodrigo Orozco–Martínez, and Erick de la Barrera


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