
niedziela, 18 marca 2012

The Plant Journal - 67 (4-6), 2011

The Plant Journal - 67 (4), 2011



The Plant Journal turns twenty (pages 567–569)

Christoph Benning


AtKC1 is a general modulator of Arabidopsis inward Shaker channel activity (pages 570–582)

Linda Jeanguenin, Carine Alcon, Geoffrey Duby, Martin Boeglin, Isabelle Chérel, Isabelle Gaillard, Sabine Zimmermann, Hervé Sentenac and Anne-Aliénor Véry

OsSGO1 maintains synaptonemal complex stabilization in addition to protecting centromeric cohesion during rice meiosis (pages 583–594)

Mo Wang, Ding Tang, Kejian Wang, Yi Shen, Baoxiang Qin, Chunbo Miao, Ming Li and Zhukuan Cheng

Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation (pages 595–607)

Kavitha Sarvepalli and Utpal Nath

LOV KELCH PROTEIN2 and ZEITLUPE repress Arabidopsis photoperiodic flowering under non-inductive conditions, dependent on FLAVIN-BINDING KELCH REPEAT F-BOX1 (pages 608–621)

Tomoyuki Takase, Yuuki Nishiyama, Haruna Tanihigashi, Yasunobu Ogura, Yuji Miyazaki, Yumiko Yamada and Tomohiro Kiyosue

Hierarchy of hormone action controlling apical hook development in Arabidopsis (pages 622–634)

Javier Gallego-Bartolomé, María V. Arana, Filip Vandenbussche, Petra Žádníková, Eugenio G. Minguet, Vicente Guardiola, Dominique Van Der Straeten, Eva Benkova, David Alabadí and Miguel A. Blázquez

PIPKs are essential for rhizoid elongation and caulonemal cell development in the moss Physcomitrella patens (pages 635–647)

Laura Saavedra, Virginia Balbi, Jennifer Lerche, Koji Mikami, Ingo Heilmann and Marianne Sommarin

PHOSPHATIDYLSERINE SYNTHASE1 is required for microspore development in Arabidopsis thaliana (pages 648–661)

Yasuyo Yamaoka, Yanbo Yu, Junya Mizoi, Yuki Fujiki, Kyoko Saito, Masahiro Nishijima, Youngsook Lee and Ikuo Nishida

Phylogenetic variation in glycosidases and glycanases acting on plant cell wall polysaccharides, and the detection of transglycosidase and trans-ß-xylanase activities (pages 662–681)

Lenka Franková and Stephen C. Fry

The biosynthesis of Caryophyllaceae-like cyclic peptides in Saponaria vaccaria L. from DNA-encoded precursors (pages 682–690)

Janet A. Condie, Goska Nowak, Darwin W. Reed, J. John Balsevich, Martin J. T. Reaney, Paul G. Arnison and Patrick S. Covello

Additive inheritance of histone modifications in Arabidopsis thaliana intra-specific hybrids (pages 691–700)

Ali M. Banaei Moghaddam, Francois Roudier, Michael Seifert, Caroline Bérard, Marie-Laure M. Magniette, Raheleh Karimi Ashtiyani, Andreas Houben, Vincent Colot and Michael F. Mette

Role of tomato BRANCHED1-like genes in the control of shoot branching (pages 701–714)

Mar Martín-Trillo, Eduardo González Grandío, François Serra, Fabien Marcel, María Luisa Rodríguez-Buey, Gregor Schmitz, Klaus Theres, Abdelhafid Bendahmane, Hernán Dopazo and Pilar Cubas


Next-generation mapping of Arabidopsis genes (pages 715–725)

Ryan S. Austin, Danielle Vidaurre, George Stamatiou, Robert Breit, Nicholas J. Provart, Dario Bonetta, Jianfeng Zhang, Pauline Fung, Yunchen Gong, Pauline W. Wang, Peter McCourt and David S. Guttman

STARTS – A stable root transformation system for rapid functional analyses of proteins of the monocot model plant barley (pages 726–735)

Jafargholi Imani, Liang Li, Patrick Schäfer and Karl-Heinz Kogel

Large-scale detection of rare variants via pooled multiplexed next-generation sequencing: towards next-generation Ecotilling (pages 736–745)

Fabio Marroni, Sara Pinosio, Eleonora Di Centa, Irena Jurman, Wout Boerjan, Nicoletta Felice, Federica Cattonaro and Michele Morgante


Erratum (page 746)


The Plant Journal - 67 (5), 2011



Pepper asparagine synthetase 1 (CaAS1) is required for plant nitrogen assimilation and defense responses to microbial pathogens (pages 749–762)

In Sun Hwang, Soo Hyun An and Byung Kook Hwang

Wheat flowering repressor VRN2 and promoter CO2 compete for interactions with NUCLEAR FACTOR-Y complexes (pages 763–773)

Chengxia Li, Assaf Distelfeld, Alfio Comis and Jorge Dubcovsky

Pseudomonas syringae colonizes distant tissues in Nicotiana benthamiana through xylem vessels (pages 774–782)

Johana C. Misas-Villamil, Izabella Kolodziejek and Renier A. L. van der Hoorn

Arabidopsis ocp3 mutant reveals a mechanism linking ABA and JA to pathogen-induced callose deposition (pages 783–794)

Javier García-Andrade, Vicente Ramírez, Victor Flors and Pablo Vera

The Arabidopsis thaliana aquaporin AtPIP1;2 is a physiologically relevant CO2 transport facilitator (pages 795–804)

Marlies Heckwolf, Dianne Pater, David T. Hanson and Ralf Kaldenhoff

Proper gibberellin localization in vascular tissue is required to control auxin-dependent leaf development and bud outgrowth in hybrid aspen (pages 805–816)

Mélanie Mauriat, Linda G. Sandberg and Thomas Moritz

Polarization of PIN3-dependent auxin transport for hypocotyl gravitropic response in Arabidopsis thaliana (pages 817–826)

Hana Rakusová, Javier Gallego-Bartolomé, Marleen Vanstraelen, Hélene S. Robert, David Alabadí, Miguel A. Blázquez, Eva Benková and Jiří Friml

Structure and binding specificity of the receiver domain of sensor histidine kinase CKI1 from Arabidopsis thaliana (pages 827–839)

Blanka Pekárová, Tomáš Klumpler, Olga Třísková, Jakub Horák, Séverine Jansen, Radka Dopitová, Petra Borkovcová, Veronika Papoušková, Eliška Nejedlá, Vladimír Sklenář, Jaromír Marek, Lukáš Žídek, Jan Hejátko and Lubomír Janda

An atypical heterotrimeric G-protein ?-subunit is involved in guard cell K+-channel regulation and morphological development in Arabidopsis thaliana (pages 840–851)

David Chakravorty, Yuri Trusov, Wei Zhang, Biswa R. Acharya, Michael B. Sheahan, David W. McCurdy, Sarah M. Assmann and José Ramón Botella

Metabolomic approaches reveal that cell wall modifications play a major role in ethylene-mediated resistance against Botrytis cinerea (pages 852–868)

Amanda J. Lloyd, J. William Allwood, Catherine L. Winder, Warwick B. Dunn, James K. Heald, Simona M. Cristescu, Anushen Sivakumaran, Frans J. M. Harren, Joseph Mulema, Katherine Denby, Royston Goodacre, Aileen R. Smith and Luis A. J. Mur

High-density kinetic analysis of the metabolomic and transcriptomic response of Arabidopsis to eight environmental conditions (pages 869–884)

Camila Caldana, Thomas Degenkolbe, Alvaro Cuadros-Inostroza, Sebastian Klie, Ronan Sulpice, Andrea Leisse, Dirk Steinhauser, Alisdair R. Fernie, Lothar Willmitzer and Matthew A. Hannah

Arabidopsis mutants of AtABCG22, an ABC transporter gene, increase water transpiration and drought susceptibility (pages 885–894)

Takashi Kuromori, Eriko Sugimoto and Kazuo Shinozaki

AtMPK4 is required for male-specific meiotic cytokinesis in Arabidopsis (pages 895–906)

Qingning Zeng, Jin-Gui Chen and Brian E. Ellis

Suppression of the rice heterotrimeric G protein ß-subunit gene, RGB1, causes dwarfism and browning of internodes and lamina joint regions (pages 907–916)

Yuzuko Utsunomiya, Chihiro Samejima, Yoshiyuki Takayanagi, Yuki Izawa, Takahisa Yoshida, Yuka Sawada, Yukiko Fujisawa, Hisaharu Kato and Yukimoto Iwasaki

The transcription factor EMISSION OF BENZENOIDS II activates the MYB ODORANT1 promoter at a MYB binding site specific for fragrant petunias (pages 917–928)

Alex Van Moerkercke, Michel A. Haring and Robert C. Schuurink

Lotus japonicus symRK-14 uncouples the cortical and epidermal symbiotic program (pages 929–940)

Sonja Kosuta, Mark Held, Md Shakhawat Hossain, Giulia Morieri, Amanda MacGillivary, Christopher Johansen, Meritxell Antolín-Llovera, Martin Parniske, Giles E. D. Oldroyd, Allan J. Downie, Bogumil Karas and Krzysztof Szczyglowski


Biolistic co-transformation of the nuclear and plastid genomes (pages 941–948)

Zouhair Elghabi, Stephanie Ruf and Ralph Bock


The Plant Journal - 67 (6), 2011



Recruitment of a duplicated primary metabolism gene into the nicotine biosynthesis regulon in tobacco (pages 949–959)

Tsubasa Shoji and Takashi Hashimoto

In vivo grapevine anthocyanin transport involves vesicle-mediated trafficking and the contribution of anthoMATE transporters and GST (pages 960–970)

Camila Gomez, Genevieve Conejero, Laurent Torregrosa, Véronique Cheynier, Nancy Terrier and Agnes Ageorges

Unique morphological changes in plant pathogenic phytoplasma-infected petunia flowers are related to transcriptional regulation of floral homeotic genes in an organ-specific manner (pages 971–979)

Misako Himeno, Yutaro Neriya, Nami Minato, Chihiro Miura, Kyoko Sugawara, Yoshiko Ishii, Yasuyuki Yamaji, Shigeyuki Kakizawa, Kenro Oshima and Shigetou Namba

Arabidopsis ENHANCED DISEASE RESISTANCE 1 is required for pathogen-induced expression of plant defensins in nonhost resistance, and acts through interference of MYC2-mediated repressor function (pages 980–992)

Kei Hiruma, Takumi Nishiuchi, Tomoaki Kato, Paweł Bednarek, Tetsuro Okuno, Paul Schulze-Lefert and Yoshitaka Takano

NIMA-related kinases 6, 4, and 5 interact with each other to regulate microtubule organization during epidermal cell expansion in Arabidopsis thaliana (pages 993–1005)

Hiroyasu Motose, Takahiro Hamada, Kaori Yoshimoto, Takashi Murata, Mitsuyasu Hasebe, Yuichiro Watanabe, Takashi Hashimoto, Tatsuya Sakai and Taku Takahashi

The Arabidopsis SOC1-like genes AGL42, AGL71 and AGL72 promote flowering in the shoot apical and axillary meristems (pages 1006–1017)

Carmen Dorca-Fornell, Veronica Gregis, Valentina Grandi, George Coupland, Lucia Colombo and Martin M. Kater

Cofactome analyses reveal enhanced flux of carbon into oil for potential biofuel production (pages 1018–1028)

Daniel M. Hayden, Hardy Rolletschek, Ljudmilla Borisjuk, Jason Corwin, Daniel J. Kliebenstein, Asa Grimberg, Sten Stymne and Katayoon Dehesh

CBP60g and SARD1 play partially redundant critical roles in salicylic acid signaling (pages 1029–1041)

Lin Wang, Kenichi Tsuda, William Truman, Masanao Sato, Le V. Nguyen, Fumiaki Katagiri and Jane Glazebrook

The key enzyme of sulfate assimilation, adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate reductase, is regulated by HY5 in Arabidopsis (pages 1042–1054)

Bok-Rye Lee, Anna Koprivova and Stanislav Kopriva

Dual functions of the nucleus-encoded factor TDA1 in trapping and translation activation of atpA transcripts in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplasts (pages 1055–1066)

Stephan Eberhard, Christelle Loiselay, Dominique Drapier, Sandrine Bujaldon, Jacqueline Girard-Bascou, Richard Kuras, Yves Choquet and Francis-André Wollman

The RCC1 family protein RUG3 is required for splicing of nad2 and complex I biogenesis in mitochondria of Arabidopsis thaliana (pages 1067–1080)

Kristina Kühn, Chris Carrie, Estelle Giraud, Yan Wang, Etienne H. Meyer, Reena Narsai, Catherine Colas des Francs-Small, Botao Zhang, Monika W. Murcha and James Whelan

BON1 interacts with the protein kinases BIR1 and BAK1 in modulation of temperature-dependent plant growth and cell death in Arabidopsis (pages 1081–1093)

Zheng Wang, Pei Meng, Xiaoyan Zhang, Dongtao Ren and Shuhua Yang

Integrating long-day flowering signals: a LEAFY binding site is essential for proper photoperiodic activation of APETALA1 (pages 1094–1102)

Reyes Benlloch, Min Chul Kim, Camille Sayou, Emmanuel Thévenon, Francois Parcy and Ove Nilsson


Using spontaneous photon emission to image lipid oxidation patterns in plant tissues (pages 1103–1115)

Simona Birtic, Brigitte Ksas, Bernard Genty, Martin J. Mueller, Christian Triantaphylides and Michel Havaux

In vivo analysis of local wall stiffness at the shoot apical meristem in Arabidopsis using atomic force microscopy (pages 1116–1123)

Pascale Milani, Maryam Gholamirad, Jan Traas, Alain Arnéodo, Arezki Boudaoud, Françoise Argoul and Olivier Hamant


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