
piątek, 2 marca 2012

Plant Biotechnology Journal - 9 (6-9), 2011

Plant Biotechnology Journal - 9 (6), 2011


Special Section: Chloroplast Biotechnology

Immunogenicity of chloroplast-derived HIV-1 p24 and a p24-Nef fusion protein following subcutaneous and oral administration in mice (pages 629–638)

Nuria Gonzalez-Rabade, Edward G. McGowan, Fei Zhou, Matthew S. McCabe, Ralph Bock, Philip J. Dix, John C. Gray and Julian K-C. Ma

Tobacco plastidial thioredoxins as modulators of recombinant protein production in transgenic chloroplasts (pages 639–650)

Ruth Sanz-Barrio, Alicia Fernández-San Millán, Patricia Corral-Martínez, José M. Seguí-Simarro and Inmaculada Farran

Plastid expression of a double-pentameric vaccine candidate containing human papillomavirus-16 L1 antigen fused with LTB as adjuvant: transplastomic plants show pleiotropic phenotypes (pages 651–660)

Mohammad T. Waheed, Nadja Thönes, Martin Müller, Syed W. Hassan, Johanna Gottschamel, Elke Lössl, Hans-Peter Kaul and Andreas G. Lössl

Tobacco chloroplast transformants expressing genes encoding dehydroascorbate reductase, glutathione reductase, and glutathione-S-transferase, exhibit altered anti-oxidant metabolism and improved abiotic stress tolerance (pages 661–673)

Bénédicte Le Martret, Miranda Poage, Karen Shiel, Gregory D. Nugent and Philip J. Dix

Improved heterologous protein expression in the chloroplast of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii through promoter and 5' untranslated region optimization (pages 674–683)

Beth A. Rasala, Machiko Muto, Joseph Sullivan and Stephen P. Mayfield

Original articles

Reversible male sterility in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) by artificial microRNA-mediated silencing of general transcription factor genes (pages 684–692)

Laura Toppino, Maarten Kooiker, Matias Lindner, Ludovico Dreni, Giuseppe L. Rotino and Martin M. Kater

Only half the transcriptomic differences between resistant genetically modified and conventional rice are associated with the transgene (pages 693–702)

Maria Montero, Anna Coll, Anna Nadal, Joaquima Messeguer and Maria Pla

Improved foreign gene expression in plants using a virus-encoded suppressor of RNA silencing modified to be developmentally harmless (pages 703–712)

Pooja Saxena, Yi-Cheng Hsieh, Veria Y. Alvarado, Frank Sainsbury, Keith Saunders, George P. Lomonossoff and Herman B. Scholthof

Site-specific gene integration in rice genome mediated by the FLP–FRT recombination system (pages 713–721)

Soumen Nandy and Vibha Srivastava


Plant Biotechnology Journal - 9 (7), 2011


Original articles

RNAi trigger fragment truncation attenuates soybean FAD2-1 transcript suppression and yields intermediate oil phenotypes (pages 723–728)

Nicholas Wagner, Andrew Mroczka, Peter D. Roberts, William Schreckengost and Toni Voelker

Antihypertensive activity of transgenic rice seed containing an 18-repeat novokinin peptide localized in the nucleolus of endosperm cells (pages 729–735)

Yuhya Wakasa, Hui Zhao, Sakiko Hirose, Daiki Yamauchi, Yuko Yamada, Lijun Yang, Kousaku Ohinata, Masaaki Yoshikawa and Fumio Takaiwa

Generation of chimeric repressors that confer salt tolerance in Arabidopsis and rice (pages 736–746)

Tomomi Mito, Motoaki Seki, Kazuo Shinozaki, Masaru Ohme-Takagi and Kyoko Matsui

Cytokinin-mediated source/sink modifications improve drought tolerance and increase grain yield in rice under water-stress (pages 747–758)

Zvi Peleg, Maria Reguera, Ellen Tumimbang, Harkamal Walia and Eduardo Blumwald

Trade-offs between biomass growth and inducible biosynthesis of polyhydroxybutyrate in transgenic poplar (pages 759–767)

David A. Dalton, Cathleen Ma, Shreya Shrestha, Peter Kitin and Steven H. Strauss

Sequencing and assembly of low copy and genic regions of isolated Triticum aestivum chromosome arm 7DS (pages 768–775)

Paul J. Berkman, Adam Skarshewski, Michał T. Lorenc, Kaitao Lai, Chris Duran, Edmund Y.S. Ling, Jiri Stiller, Lars Smits, Michael Imelfort, Sahana Manoli, Megan McKenzie, Marie Kubaláková, Hana Šimková, Jacqueline Batley, Delphine Fleury, Jaroslav Doležel and David Edwards

Plant production of anti-ß-glucan antibodies for immunotherapy of fungal infections in humans (pages 776–787)

Cristina Capodicasa, Paola Chiani, Carla Bromuro, Flavia De Bernardis, Marcello Catellani, Angelina S. Palma, Yan Liu, Ten Feizi, Antonio Cassone, Eugenio Benvenuto and Antonella Torosantucci

Temporal and spatial control of transgene expression using a heat-inducible promoter in transgenic wheat (pages 788–796)

Jacqueline Freeman, Caroline A. Sparks, Jevon West, Peter R. Shewry and Huw D. Jones

Virus-induced gene silencing can persist for more than 2 years and also be transmitted to progeny seedlings in Nicotiana benthamiana and tomato (pages 797–806)

Muthappa Senthil-Kumar and Kirankumar S. Mysore

Expression of an immunogenic Ebola immune complex in Nicotiana benthamiana (pages 807–816)

Waranyoo Phoolcharoen, Seong H. Bhoo, Huafang Lai, Julian Ma, Charles J. Arntzen, Qiang Chen and Hugh S. Mason


Addendum (page 817)


Plant Biotechnology Journal - 9 (8), 2011


Review article

Exploiting natural variation to identify insect-resistance genes (pages 819–825)

Colette Broekgaarden, Tjeerd A.L. Snoeren, Marcel Dicke and Ben Vosman

Original articles

Introduction of the ZmDof1 gene into rice enhances carbon and nitrogen assimilation under low-nitrogen conditions (pages 826–837)

Tomohiro Kurai, Masataka Wakayama, Tomomi Abiko, Shuichi Yanagisawa, Naohiro Aoki and Ryu Ohsugi

Rice plants expressing the moss sodium pumping ATPase PpENA1 maintain greater biomass production under salt stress (pages 838–847)

Andrew Jacobs, Kristina Ford, Jodie Kretschmer and Mark Tester

Pectin engineering to modify product quality in potato (pages 848–856)

Heather A. Ross, Wayne L. Morris, Laurence J.M. Ducreux, Robert D. Hancock, Susan R. Verrall, Jenny A Morris, Gregory A. Tucker, Derek Stewart, Pete E. Hedley, Gordon J. McDougall and Mark A. Taylor

Transgenic maize plants expressing the Totivirus antifungal protein, KP4, are highly resistant to corn smut (pages 857–864)

Aron Allen, Emir Islamovic, Jagdeep Kaur, Scott Gold, Dilip Shah and Thomas J. Smith

Bio-available zinc in rice seeds is increased by activation tagging of nicotianamine synthase (pages 865–873)

Sichul Lee, Daniel P. Persson, Thomas H. Hansen, Soren Husted, Jan K. Schjoerring, You-Sun Kim, Un Sil Jeon, Yoon-Keun Kim, Yusuke Kakei, Hiroshi Masuda, Naoko K. Nishizawa and Gynheung An

Increasing the energy density of vegetative tissues by diverting carbon from starch to oil biosynthesis in transgenic Arabidopsis (pages 874–883)

Sanjaya, Timothy P. Durrett, Sean E. Weise and Christoph Benning

Accumulation of recombinant cellobiohydrolase and endoglucanase in the leaves of mature transgenic sugar cane (pages 884–896)

Mark D. Harrison, Jason Geijskes, Heather D. Coleman, Kylie Shand, Mark Kinkema, Anthony Palupe, Rachael Hassall, Manuel Sainz, Robyn Lloyd, Stacy Miles and James L. Dale

Transgenic Pm3b wheat lines show resistance to powdery mildew in the field (pages 897–910)

Susanne Brunner, Severine Hurni, Gerhard Herren, Olena Kalinina, Simone von Burg, Simon L. Zeller, Bernhard Schmid, Michael Winzeler and Beat Keller

Non-food/feed seeds as biofactories for the high-yield production of recombinant pharmaceuticals (pages 911–921)

Francesca Morandini, Linda Avesani, Luisa Bortesi, Bart Van Droogenbroeck, Kirsten De Wilde, Elsa Arcalis, Flavia Bazzoni, Luca Santi, Annalisa Brozzetti, Alberto Falorni, Eva Stoger, Ann Depicker and Mario Pezzotti

Large-scale transcriptome analysis in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), an orphan legume crop of the semi-arid tropics of Asia and Africa (pages 922–931)

Pavana J. Hiremath, Andrew Farmer, Steven B. Cannon, Jimmy Woodward, Himabindu Kudapa, Reetu Tuteja, Ashish Kumar, Amindala BhanuPrakash, Benjamin Mulaosmanovic, Neha Gujaria, Laxmanan Krishnamurthy, Pooran M. Gaur, Polavarapu B. KaviKishor, Trushar Shah, Ramamurthy Srinivasan, Marc Lohse, Yongli Xiao, Christopher D. Town, Douglas R. Cook, Gregory D. May and Rajeev K. Varshney


Plant Biotechnology Journal - 9 (9), 2011



In consideration of GMOs: a virtual special issue of the Plant Biotechnology Journal (pages 933–935)

Dominique Michaud

Review article

Biotechnological application of functional genomics towards plant-parasitic nematode control (pages 936–944)

Jiarui Li, Timothy C. Todd, Junghoon Lee and Harold N. Trick

Research articles

Attitudes of European farmers towards GM crop adoption (pages 945–957)

Francisco J. Areal, Laura Riesgo and Emilio Rodríguez-Cerezo

Peroxisomal polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis is a promising strategy for bioplastic production in high biomass crops (pages 958–969)

Kimberley Tilbrook, Leigh Gebbie, Peer M. Schenk, Yves Poirier and Stevens M. Brumbley

Coordinate expression of multiple proteins in plant cells by exploiting endogenous kex2p-like protease activity (pages 970–981)

Bei Zhang, Madhusudhan Rapolu, Leyang Huang and Wei Wen Su

Prevention of allergic asthma by vaccination with transgenic rice seed expressing mite allergen: induction of allergen-specific oral tolerance without bystander suppression (pages 982–990)

Kazuya Suzuki, Osamu Kaminuma, Lijun Yang, Toshiro Takai, Akio Mori, Makiko Umezu-Goto, Takayuki Ohtomo, Yasushi Ohmachi, Yuko Noda, Sakiko Hirose, Ko Okumura, Hideoki Ogawa, Kazuko Takada, Masatomo Hirasawa, Takachika Hiroi and Fumio Takaiwa

Recombinant plant-expressed tumour-associated MUC1 peptide is immunogenic and capable of breaking tolerance in MUC1.Tg mice (pages 991–1001)

Julia Pinkhasov, M. Lucrecia Alvarez, M. Manuela Rigano, Khanrat Piensook, Dalia Larios, Martin Pabst, Josephine Grass, Pinku Mukherjee, Sandra J. Gendler, Amanda M. Walmsley and Hugh S. Mason

Mutations in the F-box gene LARGER PANICLE improve the panicle architecture and enhance the grain yield in rice (pages 1002–1013)

Ming Li, Ding Tang, Kejian Wang, Xinru Wu, Lili Lu, Hengxiu Yu, Minghong Gu, Changjie Yan and Zhukuan Cheng

Engineering virus resistance using a modified potato gene (pages 1014–1021)

Jason Cavatorta, Kari W. Perez, Stewart M. Gray, Joyce Van Eck, Inhwa Yeam and Molly Jahn

Dynamic 13C/1H NMR imaging uncovers sugar allocation in the living seed (pages 1022–1037)

Gerd Melkus, Hardy Rolletschek, Johannes Fuchs, Volodymyr Radchuk, Eva Grafahrend-Belau, Nese Sreenivasulu, Twan Rutten, Diana Weier, Nicolas Heinzel, Falk Schreiber, Thomas Altmann, Peter M Jakob and Ljudmilla Borisjuk

GhHmgB3 deficiency deregulates proliferation and differentiation of cells during somatic embryogenesis in cotton (pages 1038–1048)

Lisong Hu, Xiyan Yang, Daojun Yuan, Fanchang Zeng and Xianlong Zhang

Enhancing the expression of starch synthase class IV results in increased levels of both transitory and long-term storage starch (pages 1049–1060)

Francisco M. Gámez-Arjona, Jun Li, Sandy Raynaud, Edurne Baroja-Fernández, Francisco J. Munoz, Miroslav Ovecka, Paula Ragel, Abdellatif Bahaji, Javier Pozueta-Romero and Ángel Mérida

Human alfa-mannosidase produced in transgenic tobacco plants is processed in human ?-mannosidosis cell lines (pages 1061–1073)

Francesca De Marchis, Chiara Balducci, Andrea Pompa, Hilde M. F. Riise Stensland, Marco Guaragno, Rita Pagiotti, Anna R. Menghini, Emanuele Persichetti, Tommaso Beccari and Michele Bellucci

Discovery of polymorphisms in starch-related genes in rice germplasm by amplification of pooled DNA and deeply parallel sequencing (pages 1074–1085)

Ardashir Kharabian-Masouleh, Daniel L. E. Waters, Russell F. Reinke and Robert J. Henry

Transcript-specific, single-nucleotide polymorphism discovery and linkage analysis in hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (pages 1086–1099)

Alexandra M. Allen, Gary L.A. Barker, Simon T. Berry, Jane A. Coghill, Rhian Gwilliam, Susan Kirby, Phil Robinson, Rachel C. Brenchley, Rosalinda D’Amore, Neil McKenzie, Darren Waite, Anthony Hall, Michael Bevan, Neil Hall and Keith J. Edwards

Global and grain-specific accumulation of glycoside hydrolase family 10 xylanases in transgenic maize (Zea mays) (pages 1100–1108)

Benjamin N. Gray, Oleg Bougri, Alvar R. Carlson, Judy Meissner, Shihao Pan, Matthew H. Parker, Dongcheng Zhang, Vladimir Samoylov, Nathan A. Ekborg and R. Michael Raab

Production of recombinant human granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor in rice cell suspension culture with a human-like N-glycan structure (pages 1109–1119)

Yun-Ji Shin, Yun-Jo Chong, Moon-Sik Yang and Tae-Ho Kwon

Differential N-glycosylation of a monoclonal antibody expressed in tobacco leaves with and without endoplasmic reticulum retention signal apparently induces similar in vivo stability in mice (pages 1120–1130)

Ada Triguero, Gleysin Cabrera, Meilyn Rodríguez, Jeny Soto, Yasser Zamora, Marlene Pérez, Mark R. Wormald and José A. Cremata

Characterizing homologues of crop domestication genes in poorly described wild relatives by high-throughput sequencing of whole genomes (pages 1131–1140)

Sylvia Malory, Frances M. Shapter, Martin S. Elphinstone, Ian H. Chivers and Robert J. Henry

Apoptosis-related genes confer resistance to Fusarium wilt in transgenic ‘Lady Finger’ bananas (pages 1141–1148)

Jean-Yves Paul, Douglas K. Becker, Martin B. Dickman, Robert M. Harding, Harjeet K. Khanna and James L. Dale


Reviewers (pages 1149–1150)


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