
czwartek, 29 marca 2012

African Journal of Ecology - 49 (4), 2011


    Original articles

        Ficus sp. and Musanga leo-errerae: coexistent keystone fruits for chimpanzees in Kalinzu forest (pages 389–396)

        Grace Kagoro-Rugunda and Frederick I. B. Kayanja

        Assessment of woody species encroachment in the grasslands of Nechisar National Park, Ethiopia (pages 397–409)

        Hasan Yusuf, Anna C. Treydte, Sebsebe Demissew and Zerihun Woldu

        The role of farm structure on bird assemblages around a Kenyan tropical rainforest (pages 410–417)

        Nickson Erick Otieno, Nathan Gichuki, Nina Farwig and Samuel Kiboi

        Small mammal community structure in West Africa: a meta-analysis using null models (pages 418–430)

        Giovanni Amori and Luca Luiselli

        Beehive fences as effective deterrents for crop-raiding elephants: field trials in northern Kenya (pages 431–439)

        Lucy E. King, Iain Douglas-Hamilton and Fritz Vollrath

        Ecological adaptation of the shea butter tree (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn.) along climatic gradient in Bénin, West Africa (pages 440–449)

        Romain Glele Kakai, T. Jean Didier Akpona, Achille E. Assogbadjo, Orou Gandé Gaoué, Sebastian Chakeredza, P. Césaire Gnangle, Guy Apollinaire Mensah and Brice Sinsin

        Long-term monitoring of large rainforest mammals in the Biosphere Reserve of Tai National Park, Côte d’Ivoire (pages 450–458)

        Bernd Hoppe-Dominik, Hjalmar S. Kühl, Gerhard Radl and Frauke Fischer

        Depth and temporal distribution of vagile fauna associated with Posidonia oceanica meadows in Cap Zebib, north-eastern Tunisian coastline (pages 459–470)

        Walid Belgacem, Habib Langar and Oum Kalthoum Ben Hassine

        Influence of environmental conditions on sex allocation in the black rhinoceros population of Mkhuze Game Reserve, South Africa (pages 471–480)

        Robert B. Weladji and Karine Laflamme-Mayer

        Understanding sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekii) habitats through diet analysis in Rushebeya-Kanyabaha wetland, Uganda (pages 481–489)

        Joseph Ndawula, Mnason Tweheyo, David M. Tumusiime and Gerald Eilu

        Patterns of plant functional traits in the biogeography of West African grasses (Poaceae) (pages 490–500)

        Marco Schmidt, Adjima Thiombiano, Alexander Zizka, Konstantin König, Ulrike Brunken and Georg Zizka

        Factors governing flower visitation patterns and quality of pollination services delivered by social and solitary bee species to coffee in central Uganda (pages 501–509)

        Théodore Munyuli

    Notes and records

        Vegetation composition of natural gaps in Moribane forest (Mozambique) (pages 510–514)

        José Monteiro, Stefaan Dondeyne, Bart Wursten, James Bannerman, Henrik Meilby and Almeida Sitoe

    Book review

        Biodiversity in South Africa (pages 515–516)

        K.-R. Grace


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