
środa, 28 marca 2012

Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae - 80 (3-4), 2011

Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae - 80 (3), 2011



Letter from the Editor 
Beata Zagórska-Marek
Floristics and Plant Conservation

Orobanche mayeri (Suess. & Ronniger) Bertsch & F. Bertsch – a species new to Poland    
Renata Piwowarczyk    

Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology

A comparison of PCR-based markers for the molecular identification of Sphagnum species of the section Acutifolia    
Jakub Sawicki, Monika Szczecińska    

Physiology and Biochemistry

TLC of selected sesquiterpenoids of the Asteraceae family    
Gerard Nowak, Renata Dawid-Pać, Maria Urbańska, Joanna Nawrot    

Structure, Evolution and Development

Coleoptile length and plant height of modern tall and semi-dwarf European winter wheat varieties    
Žilvinas Liatukas, Vytautas Ruzgas    

Cyanophytes on limestone rocks in the Szopczański Gorge (Pieniny Mountains) – their ecomorphology and ultrastructure    
Joanna Czerwik-Marcinkowska, Bohuslav Uher    

'Elaioplasts' identified as lipotubuloids in Althaea rosea, Funkia sieboldiana and Vanilla planifolia contain lipid bodies connected with microtubules    
Maria Kwiatkowska, Dariusz Stępiński, Katarzyna Popłońska, Agnieszka Wojtczak, Justyna Teresa Polit    

Pollen morphology of Polish native species of the Rosa genus (Rosaceae) and its relation to systematics    
Dorota Wrońska-Pilarek    

Taxonomy and Phytogeography

Aneuploids in the shrub birch Betula humilis populations in Poland    
Katarzyna A. Jadwiszczak, Ewa Jabłońska, Stanisław Kłosowski, Agata Banaszek    

Lathyrus aphaca L.: the distribution, habitats and remarks on the status of the species in Poland    
Agnieszka Nobis, Marcin Nobis, Alina Urbisz    

Morphological variability of Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl in the north-western Balkans    
Kristjan Jarni, Marjana Westergren, Hojka Kraigher, Robert Brus    

Tissue Culture

Terpenoids from a multiple shoot culture of Telekia speciosa    
Anna Stojakowska, Janusz Malarz, Wanda Kisiel    


Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae - 80 (4), 2011



Impact of weather on dynamics of plant functional groups in an abandoned limestone grassland    
Zbigniew Dzwonko, Stefania Loster    

The pattern of seed banks during secondary succession on poor soils    
Anna J. Kwiatkowska-Falińska, Małgorzata Jankowska-Błaszczuk, Maciej Wódkiewicz    

Floristics and Plant Conservation

Allium olivieri Boiss. (Alliaceae), a new taxon to Turkey, with contributions to its taxonomy    
Ismail Eker, Mehmet Koyuncu    

Structure, Evolution and Development

Phyllotaxis instability – exploring the depths of first available space    
Marcin Szpak, Beata Zagórska-Marek    

Arbuscular mycorrhizal and dark septate endophyte associations of medicinal plants    
Szymon Zubek, Janusz Błaszkowski, Piotr Mleczko    

Taxonomy and Phytogeography

Distribution and ecology of the lichen Fellhanera gyrophorica in the Pojezierze Olsztyńskie Lakeland and its status in Poland    
Dariusz Kubiak    

Genetic and morphological differentiation between Melica ciliata L. and M. transsilvanica Schur (Poaceae) in Europe reveals the non-presence of M. ciliata in the Polish flora
Magdalena Szczepaniak, Elżbieta Cieślak    

ISSR analysis points to relict character of Aconitum bucovinense Zapał. (Ranunculaceae) at the range margin    
Piotr Boroń, Joanna Zalewska-Gałosz, Agnieszka Sutkowska, Bogdan Zemanek, Józef Mitka    

New taxon of the genus Calypogeia (Jungermanniales, Hepaticae) in Poland    
Katarzyna Buczkowska, Alina Bączkiewicz    

Orthotrichum affine var. bohemicum (Orthotrichaceae), a new variety of epiphytic moss from the Czech Republic    
Vítězslav Plášek, Jakub Sawicki, Ivana Marková, Sylwia Wierzcholska    


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