
sobota, 24 marca 2012

Acta Botanica Hungarica - 53 (3-4), 2011


Architekturmodelle und -Typen von GehÖlzen des Pannonischen Raumes

Architectural models and types of the woody plants in the Pannonian Basin
D. Bartha

Pharmacognostic studies on the leaf of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
I. Biswasi, A. Mukherjee

Dos Especies Nuevas en la Flora de Hispaniola
A. Borhidi

Transfer of the Mexican species of Psychotria subgen. Heteropsychotria to Palicourea based on morphological and molecular evidences
A. Borhidi

Estudios Sobre Rubiáceas Méxicanas XXXIII
Tres especies nuevas del género Deppea Schltdl. et Cham. (Hamelieae)
A. Borhidi

Estudios Sobre Rubiáceas Méxicanas XXXIV
Hoffmannia silviarum spec. nova y una variedad nueva (Hamelieae)
A. Borhidi

Estudios Sobre Rubiáceas Méxicanas XXXV
Chiococca motleyana nomen novum
A. Borhidi

UNA Rondeletia Nueva (Rubiaceae) en Sur-Oriente de Cuba
A. Borhidii, M. Fernández-Zequeira

Donnellyanthus (Rubiaceae, Rondeletieae), a new genus in the flora of Mexico and Meso-America
A. Borhidi, J. Daróki, Sz. Stranczinger

The liverwort Thysananthus Spathulistipus (Lejeuneaceae) long-lost in India rediscovered
A. E. D. Daniels, K. C. Kariyappai, P. Daniel

The Spiraea rock-heath communities in Hungary
T. Morschhauser, L. Erdősi A. Borhidi

Distribution of Solenopsora candicans (lichen-forming fungi, Catillariaceae) in Hungary
E. Farkas, A. Guttová, L. Lőkösi, K. Molnár

Statistical analysis of substrate investigations of terricolous Toninia species in Hungary
E. Farkas, K. Veresi, B. Czúcz

Leptogium ferax (lichen-forming fungi, Collemataceae) new to Hungary
A. Guttovái, L. Lőkös

Environmental impact assessment of particulate pollution on some fruit trees of the Kashmir Himalayas
F. A. Lone, M. A. Khani, H. R. Naik

Natural mass growth of Zygnema stellinum in El-Hykstep new city soil, Egypt
H. A. Monsouri, A. M. Shaaban

Influence of limnology on temporal changes in species diversity of aquatic vegetation in two tropical ponds (Kolkata, India)
G. Mukhopadhyay, S. C. Santrai, A. Dewanji

Population ecology of Allium ursinum, a space-monopolizing clonal plant
B. Oborny, Z. Botta-Dukát, K. Rudolfi, T. Morschhauser

Increased chilling tolerance and altered protein patterns in tomato seedlings following hardening of seeds or system in application
W. M. Shukryi, L. M. El-Otaby

Flowering phenology, floral display and reproductive success of Iris sibirica
R. Szőllősi, A. Medvegy, E. Benyes, A. Némethi, E. Mihalik

A study on biogeographical distribution of Turkish oak species and their relations with the Anatolian Diagonal
E. Uslu, Y. Bakişi, M. T. Babaç

Book reviews
E. Farkas, M. Duleba, Cs. Vadi, B. Bolla


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