
piątek, 10 lutego 2012

Kew Bulletin - 66 (1-2), 2011

Kew Bulletin - 66 (1), 2011


Valid publication of the family name Pteleocarpaceae

R. K. Brummitt

Summary of recent systems of angiosperm classification

James L. Reveal

A revision of the genus Medusanthera (Stemonuraceae, Icacinaceae s.l.)

Timothy M. A. Utteridge

Phylogeny and biogeography of the lamioid genus Phlomis (Lamiaceae)

C. Mathiesen, A.-C. Scheen and C. Lindqvist

Catabrosa versus Colpodium (Poaceae: Poeae) in southern Africa, with a key to these genera and their species in Africa

Robert J. Soreng and Lyn Fish

Four new species of Aloe (Aloaceae) from Ethiopia, with notes on the ethics of describing new taxa from foreign countries

Sebsebe Demissew, Ib Friis, Tesfaye Awas, Paul Wilkin and Odile Weber, et al.

Four new species of Anthurium (Araceae) from Bahia, Brazil

A. Haigh, S. J. Mayo and M. A. Nadruz Coelho

Baccharis sphagnophila, a new species of Baccharis sect. Caulopterae (Compositae: Astereae) from the highlands of Southern Brazil

Angelo Alberto Schneider, Gustavo Heiden and Ilsi Iob Boldrini

Two new species of Marsdenia R. Br. (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) from the semi-arid region of Brazil

Alessandro Rapini and Jorge Fontella Pereira

Kerianthera longiflora (Rubiaceae), a remarkable new species from eastern Brazil, with some observations on K. preclara

Caetano Troncoso Oliveira, Leandro L. Giacomin and Daniela C. Zappi

Passiflora cristalina, a striking new species of Passiflora (Passifloraceae) from Mato Grosso, Brazil

John Vanderplank and Daniela Zappi

Zeuxine strateumatica (Orchidaceae) goes south: a first record for Brazil

Luiz Menini Neto, Marcelo Rodrigues Miranda and David Cruz

Lectotypifications in Pseudolaelia (Laeliinae: Orchidaceae)

Luiz Menini Neto, Rafaela Campostrini Forzza and Cassio van den Berg

Microlicia hirticalyx (Melastomataceae): a new name for Microlicia acuminata Cogn.

R. Romero and E. M. Woodgyer

Typification and synonymy of Meriania species (Merianieae – Melastomataceae) from Brazil

Berenice Chiavegatto and José Fernando Andrade Baumgratz

Hyptis maya, a new species of Lamiaceae from Belize, Central America, and the closely related H. lanceolata

Raymond M. Harley

Vernonia bayensis (Asteraceae/Compositae), a new species from Somalia and a key to the Somali species of Vernonia

Mats Thulin and Henk Beentje

Vernonia excelsa (Compositae), a new liana from Central Africa, and notes on related species

Carel C. H. Jongkind

A new endemic species of Pandanaceae from India: Pandanus palakkadensis

A. B. Nadaf, R. L. Zanan and K. V. Wakte

Impatiens kunyitensis (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Sumatra, Indonesia

Nanda Utami

Alexander von Humboldt’s fungal collections at Kew

Peter Roberts

Book Reviews
(Edited by B. M. Spooner)

B. M. Spooner


Kew Bulletin - 66 (2), 2011


Clinopodium L. (Lamiaceae) in Bolivia

John R. I. Wood

A taxonomic history of Japanese endemic Fritillaria (Liliaceae)

Laurence Hill

New species and range extensions from Mt Namuli, Mt Mabu and Mt Chiperone in northern Mozambique

T. Harris, I. Darbyshire and R. Polhill

A taxonomic revision of unifoliolate Chinese Epimedium L. (Berberidaceae)

Y. J. Zhang, H. S. Dang, Y. Wang, X. W. Li and J. Q. Li

Four new species of Chionolaena (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from south-eastern Brazil

B. Loeuille, L. Deble and J. N. Nakajima

Two new species of Bertolonia (Melastomataceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

José Fernando A. Baumgratz, André M. Amorim and Alessandra B. Jardim

Side by side: two remarkable new species of Encholirium Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f. (Bromeliaceae) found in the Cadeia do Espinhaço, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Rafaela Campostrini Forzza and Daniela Zappi

Three new species of Ipomoea L. (Convolvulaceae) from Southern Brazil

Priscila Porto Alegre Ferreira and Silvia Teresinha Sfoggia Miotto

Strychnos jacarepiensis, a new species of Loganiaceae from Brazil

Evelin Andrade Manoel and Elsie Franklin Guimaraes

Capparis tchaourembensis, a new species of Capparaceae from Mayotte, Comororian Archipelago

Silvio Fici

Ischaemum sayajiraoi, a new species of Poaceae from Gujarat, India

Vinay M. Raole, Rinku J. Desai and J. F. Veldkamp

The taxonomic status of Cyperus digitatus var. khasianus (Cyperaceae)

V. P. Prasad and D. A. Simpson

A new fungicolous Scolecobasidium (hyphomycetes) and Caducirostrum gen. nov. (coelomycetes) from leaf litter in the UK and Italy

E. Punithalingam and Brian M. Spooner

Book Reviews

B. M. Spooner


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