
czwartek, 2 lutego 2012

Journal of Vegetation Science - 22 (2-6), 2011


Journal of Vegetation Science - 22 (2), 2011


Original Articles

Cover plus: ways of measuring plant canopies and the terms used for them (pages 197–206)

J. Bastow Wilson

Changes in species composition of European acid grasslands observed along a gradient of nitrogen deposition (pages 207–215)

Carly Stevens, Cecilia Dupre, Cassandre Gaudnik, Edu Dorland, Nancy Dise, David Gowing, Albert Bleeker, Didier Alard, Roland Bobbink, David Fowler, Vigdis Vandvik, Emmanuel Corcket, J. Owen Mountford, Per Arild Aarrestad, Serge Muller and Martin Diekmann

Joint control by rodent herbivory and nutrient availability of plant diversity in a salt marsh–salty steppe transition zone (pages 216–224)

Juan Alberti, Alejandro Canepuccia, Jesús Pascual, Claudio Pérez and Oscar Iribarne

Savanna tree–grass competition is modified by substrate type and herbivory (pages 225–237)

Jack R. Kambatuku, Michael D. Cramer and David Ward

Species richness of woody plants in the landscapes of Central Spain: the role of management disturbances, environment and non-stationarity (pages 238–250)

E. Martín-Queller, A. Gil-Tena and S. Saura

A new net mineralizable nitrogen assay improves predictions of floristic composition (pages 251–261)

Edwin C. Rowe, Bridget A. Emmett, Simon M. Smart and Zoe L. Frogbrook

Individual and combined effects of disturbance and N addition on understorey vegetation in a subarctic mountain birch forest (pages 262–272)

O.H. Manninen, S. Stark, M.-M. Kytöviita and A. Tolvanen

Sampling procedures and species estimation: testing the effectiveness of herbarium data against vegetation sampling in an oceanic island (pages 273–280)

Pedro P. Garcillán and Exequiel Ezcurra

Bias in vegetation databases? A comparison of stratified-random and preferential sampling (pages 281–291)

Dana Michalcová, Samuel Lvončík, Milan Chytrý and Ondřej Hájek

Rates of local colonization and extinction reveal different plant community assembly mechanisms on road verges in central Spain (pages 292–302)

Enrique G. de la Riva, Miguel A. Casado, Maria Dolores Jiménez, Ignacio Mola, Margarita Costa-Tenorio and Luis Balaguer

Factors affecting species richness of tree regeneration in mixed-wood stands of central Maine (pages 303–311)

M.G. Olson and R.G. Wagner

Distinct roles of savanna and forest tree species in regeneration under fire suppression in a Brazilian savanna (pages 312–321)

Erika L. Geiger, Sybil G. Gotsch, Gabriel Damasco, M. Haridasan, Augusto C. Franco and William A. Hoffmann

Tree mortality episodes in the intact Picea abies-dominated taiga in the Arkhangelsk region of northern European Russia (pages 322–333)

Tuomas Aakala, Timo Kuuluvainen, Tuomo Wallenius and Heikki Kauhanen

The spatio-temporal forest patch dynamics inferred from the fine-scale synchronicity in growth chronology (pages 334–345)

Ichiro K. Shimatani and Yasuhiro Kubota

Identifying drivers of species compositional change in a semi-natural upland grassland over a 40-year period (pages 346–356)

Stephanie McGovern, Chris D. Evans, Peter Dennis, Clive Walmsley and Morag A. McDonald

Differences in CO2 dynamics between successional mire plant communities during wet and dry summers (pages 357–366)

Mirva Leppälä, Anna M. Laine, Marja-Liisa Seväkivi and Eeva-Stiina Tuittila

Can plant litter affect net primary production of a typical steppe in Inner Mongolia? (pages 367–376)

Jing Wang, Mengli Zhao, Walter D. Willms, Guodong Han, Zhongwu Wang and Yongfei Bai


Journal of Vegetation Science - 22 (3), 2011


Original Articles

From protégé to nurse plant: establishment of thorny shrubs in grazed temperate woodlands (pages 377–386)

Christian Smit and Jasper Laurens Ruifrok

Testing the effect–response framework: key response and effect traits determining above-ground biomass of salt marshes (pages 387–401)

Vanessa Minden and Michael Kleyer

Spatial patterns of species and plant traits in response to 20 years of grazing exclusion in subalpine grassland communities (pages 402–413)

Claire Deléglise, Grégory Loucougaray and Didier Alard

A regional-scale consideration of the effects of species richness on above-ground biomass in temperate natural grasslands of China (pages 414–424)

Guohong Wang, He Li, Meng An, Jian Ni, Shengjun Ji and Juan Wang

How do slow-growing, fire-sensitive conifers survive in flammable eucalypt woodlands? (pages 425–435)

J.S. Cohn, I.D. Lunt, K.A. Ross and R.A. Bradstock

Fire history of a prairie/forest boundary: more than 250 years of frequent fire in a North American tallgrass prairie (pages 436–444)

Matthew S. Allen and Michael W. Palmer

Factors influencing the seed source and sink functions of a floodplain nature reserve in the Netherlands (pages 445–456)

Hester Soomers, Judith M. Sarneel, Wouter Patberg, Steven K. Verbeek, Pita A. Verweij, Martin J. Wassen and Rudy van Diggelen

Patterns of plant species turnover along grazing gradients (pages 457–466)

Jan Peper, Florian Jansen, Dorothea Pietzsch and Michael Manthey

Successional trends in standing dead biomass in Mediterranean basin species (pages 467–474)

M.J. Baeza, V.M. Santana, J.G. Pausas and V.R. Vallejo

Structure and biomass along an Acacia zanzibarica woodland–savanna gradient in a former ranching area in coastal Tanzania (pages 475–489)

Roland Cochard and Peter J. Edwards

Tree dieback and regeneration in secondary Acacia zanzibarica woodlands on an abandoned cattle ranch in coastal Tanzania (pages 490–502)

Roland Cochard and Peter J. Edwards

Biomass compensation and plant responses to 7 years of plant functional group removals (pages 503–515)

Jennie R. McLaren and Roy Turkington

Traits of winner and loser species indicate drivers of herb layer changes over two decades in forests of NW Germany (pages 516–527)

Tobias Naaf and Monika Wulf

Trait–environment relations for dominant grasses in South African mesic grassland support a general leaf economic model (pages 528–540)

Richard Fynn, Craig Morris, David Ward and Kevin Kirkman

Functional traits relating arable weed communities to crop characteristics (pages 541–550)

Richard M. Gunton, Sandrine Petit and Sabrina Gaba

Multiple effects of land-use changes impede the colonization of open water in fen ponds (pages 551–563)

Judith M. Sarneel, Merel B. Soons, Jeroen J.M. Geurts, Boudewijn Beltman and Jos T.A. Verhoeven

Change from pre-settlement to present-day forest composition reconstructed from early land survey records in eastern Québec, Canada (pages 564–575)

S. Dupuis, D. Arseneault and L. Sirois


Journal of Vegetation Science - 22 (4), 2011

Special Issue: Special feature: Ecoinformatics and Global Change: Edited by Jürgen Dengler, Jörg Ewald, Ingolf Kühn & Robert K. Peet


Special Feature: Ecoinformatics

Ecoinformatics and global change – an overdue liaison (pages 577–581)

Jürgen Dengler, Jörg Ewald, Ingolf Kühn and Robert K. Peet

The Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD): a new resource for vegetation science (pages 582–597)

Jürgen Dengler, Florian Jansen, Falko Glöckler, Robert K. Peet, Miquel De Cáceres, Milan Chytrý, Jörg Ewald, Jens Oldeland, Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez, Manfred Finckh, Ladislav Mucina, John S. Rodwell, Joop H. J. Schaminée and Nick Spencer

Veg-X – an exchange standard for plot-based vegetation data (pages 598–609)

Susan K. Wiser, Nick Spencer, Miquel De Cáceres, Martin Kleikamp, Brad Boyle and Robert K. Peet

Ecoinformatics: Report a web application and research tool to manage and analyse tropical forest plot data (pages 610–613)

Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez, Simon L. Lewis, Mark Burkitt and Oliver L. Phillips

Special Feature: Ecoinformatics

Addressing data property rights concerns and providing incentives for collaborative data pooling: the West African Vegetation Database approach (pages 614–620)

Thomas Janßen, Marco Schmidt, Stefan Dressler, Karen Hahn, Mipro Hien, Souleymane Konaté, Anne Mette Lykke, Ali Mahamane, Bienvenu Sambou, Brice Sinsin, Adjima Thiombiano, Rüdiger Wittig and Georg Zizka

Species distribution models as a tool for forest management planning under climate change: risk evaluation of Abies alba in Bavaria (pages 621–634)

Wolfgang Falk and Karl H. Mellert

Hypothesis-driven species distribution models for tree species in the Bavarian Alps (pages 635–646)

K. H. Mellert, V. Fensterer, H. Küchenhoff, B. Reger, C. Kölling, H. J. Klemmt and J. Ewald

Modelling potential distribution of the threatened tree species Juniperus oxycedrus: how to evaluate the predictions of different modelling approaches? (pages 647–659)

Franziska Rupprecht, Jens Oldeland and Manfred Finckh

Mapping gradients of community composition with nearest-neighbour imputation: extending plot data for landscape analysis (pages 660–676)

Janet L. Ohmann, Matthew J. Gregory, Emilie B. Henderson and Heather M. Roberts

Modelling effective thermal climate for mountain forests in the Bavarian Alps: Which is the best model? (pages 677–687)

Birgit Reger, Christian Kölling and Jörg Ewald

Landscape complexity and spatial scale influence the relationship between remotely sensed spectral diversity and survey-based plant species richness (pages 688–698)

Duccio Rocchini, Daniel McGlinn, Carlo Ricotta, Markus Neteler and Thomas Wohlgemuth

Comparing modelling approaches at two levels of biological organisation – Climate change impacts on selected Natura 2000 habitats (pages 699–710)

Torsten Bittner, Anja Jaeschke, Björn Reineking and Carl Beierkuhnlein

An indicator framework for the climatic adaptive capacity of natural ecosystems (pages 711–725)

Bálint Czúcz, Anikó Csecserits, Zoltán Botta-Dukát, György Kröel-Dulay, Rebeka Szabó, Ferenc Horváth and Zsolt Molnár

Vegetation databases as a tool to analyse factors affecting the range expansion of the forest understory herb Ceratocapnos claviculata (pages 726–740)

Nicole Voss, Dietmar Simmering, Cord Peppler-Lisbach, Walter Durka and R. Lutz Eckstein

Ecological ranges for the pH and NO3 of syntaxa: a new basis for the estimation of critical loads for acid and nitrogen deposition (pages 741–749)

G.W.W. Wamelink, P.W. Goedhart, A.H. Malinowska, J.Y. Frissel, R.J.M. Wegman, P.A. Slim and H.F. van Dobben


Journal of Vegetation Science - 22 (5), 2011


Original Articles

Dealing with scarce data to understand how environmental gradients and propagule pressure shape fine-scale alien distribution patterns on coastal dunes (pages 751–765)

Marta Carboni, Riccardo Santoro and Alicia T. R. Acosta

Fine-scale patterns of species and phylogenetic turnover in a global biodiversity hotspot: Implications for climate change vulnerability (pages 766–780)

Juliane Sander and Grant Wardell-Johnson

Mid-Holocene pine woodland phases and mire development – significance of dendroecological data from subfossil trees from northwest Germany (pages 781–794)

Jan Eckstein, Hanns Hubert Leuschner and Andreas Bauerochse

Pollen–vegetation relationships along steep climatic gradients in western Amazonia (pages 795–806)

Dunia H. Urrego, Miles R. Silman, Alexander Correa-Metrio and Mark B. Bush

A novel trap for quantifying the dispersal of seeds by wind (pages 807–817)

K. Morris, E. J. Raulings, W. H. Melbourne, R. Mac Nally and R. M. Thompson

A field test of the stress-gradient hypothesis along an aridity gradient (pages 818–827)

Cristina Armas, Susana Rodríguez-Echeverría and Francisco I. Pugnaire

The importance of facilitation in the zonation of shrubs along a coastal salinity gradient (pages 828–836)

Qiang He, Baoshan Cui and Yuan An

Impact of shrub canopies on understorey vegetation in western Eurasian tundra (pages 837–846)

A.M. Pajunen, J. Oksanen and R. Virtanen

Spatio-temporal variation in the effect of herbaceous layer on woody seedling survival in a Chilean mediterranean ecosystem (pages 847–855)

P. I. Becerra, V. González-Rodríguez, C. Smith-Ramírez and J. J. Armesto

Oak trees and soil interactions in Mediterranean forests: a positive feedback model (pages 856–867)

Cristina Aponte, Luis V. García, Ignacio M. Pérez-Ramos, Eduardo Gutiérrez and Teodoro Maranón

Liana co-occurrence patterns in a temperate rainforest (pages 868–877)

R.A.J. Blick and K.C. Burns

Environmental control and spatial structures in peatland vegetation (pages 878–890)

R. Andersen, M. Poulin, D. Borcard, R. Laiho, J. Laine, H. Vasander and E.-T. Tuittila

Long-term vegetation changes in bogs exposed to high atmospheric deposition, aerial liming and climate fluctuation (pages 891–904)

Petra Hájková, Michal Hájek, Kamil Rybníček, Martin Jiroušek, Lubomír Tichý, Štěpánka Králová and Eva Mikulášková

Surprisingly fast recovery of biological soil crusts following livestock removal in southern Australia (pages 905–916)

Cassia F. Read, David H. Duncan, Peter A. Vesk and Jane Elith

Leaf attributes and tree growth in a tropical dry forest (pages 917–931)

R. K. Chaturvedi, A. S. Raghubanshi and J. S. Singh

Silver fir stand productivity is enhanced when mixed with Norway spruce: evidence based on large-scale inventory data and a generic modelling approach (pages 932–942)

Patrick Vallet and Thomas Pérot

Patterns of early succession on bare peat in a Swiss mire after a bog burst (pages 943–954)

Elizabeth Feldmeyer-Christe, Meinrad Küchler and Otto Wildi


Corrigendum (page 955)

Reproducibility of species lists, visual cover estimates and frequency methods for recording high-mountain vegetation


Journal of Vegetation Science - 22 (6), 2011


Original Articles

Exploring large vegetation databases to detect temporal trends in species occurrences (pages 957–972)

Ute Jandt, Henrik von Wehrden and Helge Bruelheide

Spatial pattern and process at the plant neighbourhood scale: insights from communities dominated by the clonal grass Elymus repens (L.) Gould (pages 973–982)

Julien Pottier and André Evette

Scale-dependent determinants of plant species richness in a semi-arid fragmented agro-ecosystem (pages 983–996)

Itamar Giladi, Yaron Ziv, Felix May and Florian Jeltsch

Plant species richness responses to grazing protection and degradation history in a low productivity landscape (pages 997–1008)

R.J. Fensham, J.L. Silcock and J.M. Dwyer

Plant functional traits along environmental gradients in seasonally dry and fire-prone ecosystem (pages 1009–1020)

Burak K Pekin, Roy S Wittkuhn, Matthias M Boer, Craig Macfarlane and Pauline F Grierson

Independent effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza and earthworms on plant diversity and newcomer plant establishment (pages 1021–1030)

Susanne Wurst, Kristin Gebhardt and Matthias C. Rillig

Plant–ungulate interaction: goat gut passage effect on survival and germination of Mediterranean shrub seeds (pages 1031–1037)

J.M. Mancilla-Leytón, R. Fernández-Alés and A. Martín Vicente

Disentangling facilitation and seed dispersal from environmental heterogeneity as mechanisms generating associations between savanna plants (pages 1038–1048)

Jana Schleicher, Katrin M. Meyer, Kerstin Wiegand, Frank M. Schurr and David Ward

Tree dynamics and co-existence in the montane–sub-alpine ecotone: the role of different light-induced strategies (pages 1049–1061)

Aitor Ameztegui and Lluís Coll

Isolation affects tree-scale epiphytic lichen community structure on New Zealand mountain beech trees (pages 1062–1071)

Hannah L. Buckley

Vegetation convergence during early succession on coal wastes: a 6-year permanent plot study (pages 1072–1083)

Josu G. Alday, Rob H. Marrs and Carolina Martínez-Ruiz

Fire history and vegetation recovery in two raised bogs at the Baltic Sea (pages 1084–1093)

Ülle Sillasoo, Minna Väliranta and Eeva-Stiina Tuittila

Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) fire scars reveal new details of a frequent fire regime (pages 1094–1104)

Michael C. Stambaugh, Richard P. Guyette and J. M. Marschall

Effect of forest canopy composition on soil nutrients and dynamics of the understorey: mixed canopies serve neither vascular nor bryophyte strata (pages 1105–1119)

Xavier Cavard, Yves Bergeron, Han Y.H. Chen and David Paré

Lack of tree layer control on herb layer characteristics in a subtropical forest, China (pages 1120–1131)

Sabine Both, Teng Fang, Martin Böhnke, Helge Bruelheide, Christian Geißler, Peter Kühn, Thomas Scholten, Stefan Trogisch and Alexandra Erfmeier

Effect of increased Populus cover on Abies regeneration in the Picea–feathermoss boreal forest (pages 1132–1142)

Marie-Lyne Arbour and Yves Bergeron

Forum Article

Does phylogenetic distance aid in detecting environmental gradients related to species composition? (pages 1143–1148)

Heather T. Root and Peter R. Nelson

Book Reviews

The Biology of Deserts. By D. Ward (pages 1149–1150)

B. Amat

Remote sensing of vegetation: principles, techniques and applications. By Hamlyn G. Jones and Robin A Vaughan (pages 1151–1153)

Ranjani Wasantha Kulawardhana


ERRATUM (page 1154)

L. Kulmala, J. Pumpanen, P. Hari and T. Vesala


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