
niedziela, 26 lutego 2012

Bothalia - 41 (1-2), 2011/2012

Bothalia - 41 (1), 2011


Systematics and biology of the African genus Ferraria (Iridaceae: Irideae).
Goldblatt, P., Manning, J C.

Annotated catalogue of the flowering plants of Sao Tome and Principe.
Figueiredo, E., Paiva, J., Stevart, T., Oliveira, F. , Smith, G F.

Systematics of the southern African genus Ixia (Iridaceae). 3. Sections Hyalis and Morphixia.
Goldblatt, P., Manning, J C.

A conspectus of Combretum (Combretaceae) in southern Africa, with taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on species and sections.
Jordaan, M., Van Wyk, A E., Maurin, O.

Generic status of Quisqualis (Combretaceae), with notes on the taxonomy and distribution of Q. parviflora.
Jordaan, M., Van Wyk, A E., Maurin, O.

Iridaceae. Tritonia cedarmontana and T. linearifolia (Crocoideae), two new species from the Cape Floristic Region; T. lineata var. parvifolia included in T. gladiolaris; and the correct author citation for T. strictifolia.
Manning, J C., Goldblatt, P.

Asteraceae. Vernonia (tribe Vernonieae) and related genera in southern Africa: Updates and corrections.
Herman, P P J., Swelankomo, N.

Campanulaceae. A new species of Wahlenbergia from Western Cape, South Africa.
Cupido, C N.

Pteridophyta. New pteridophyte records for the flora of Swaziland.
Crouch, N R., Burrows, J E.

Asphodelaceae: Alooideae. Gasteria croucheri subsp. pondoensis, a new cremnophyte from Pondoland, South Africa.
Crouch, N R., Smith, G F., Styles, D G A.

Marchantiophyta. New liverwort distribution Records in South Africa.
Van Rooy, J., Phephu, N., Perold, S M.

Asteraceae. The true identity of Oxylaena acicularis.
Koekemoer, M.

Bryophyta. New and interesting records of mosses in the Flora of southern Africa area: 5. New provincial records.
Van Rooy, J.

Molluginaceae. Adenogramma natans, a remarkable new aquatic species from Western Cape, South Africa.
Manning, J C., Goldblatt, P., Forest, F.

Pteridophyta-Thelypteridaceae. Metathelypteris burrowsiorum, a new species from Swaziland and a first genus record for southern Africa.
Crouch, N R.

Notes on African plants - Agavaceae. Furcraea foetida: An invading alien in South Africa.
Crouch, N R., Smith, G F.

Apocynaceae. Distribution of Cryptolepis delagoensis (Periplocoideae-Cryptolepideae), a subcontinental southern African endemic and selection of a neotype.
Bester, S P., Joubert, L.

Pteridophyta-Marsileaceae. Pilularia dracomontana, a new species of pillwort from the KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg, South Africa.
Crouch, N R., Wesley-Smith, J.

Pteridophyta-Sinopteridaceae. A new subspecies of Cheilanthes deltoidea from Gauteng and Limpopo, South Africa.
Klopper, R R., Van Wyk, A E.

The medical ethnobotany of Lesotho: A review.
Moteetee, A., Van Wyk, B-E.

Miscellaneous notes - Tribute to Gerrit Germishuizen, editor of Bothalia.
Smith, G F.


Bothalia - 41 (2), 2012


Ornithoglossum pulchrum (Colchicaceae: Colchiceae), a new species from southern Namibia.
Snijman, D A., Nordenstam, B., Mannheimer, C.

Maireana brevifolia (Chenopodiaceae: Camphorosmeae), a new naturalized alien plant species in South Africa
Mucina, L., Snijman, D A.

Taxonomic revision of the genus Thereianthus (Iridaceae: Crocoideae).
Manning, J C., Goldblatt, P.

Romulea pilosa and R. quartzicola (Iridaceae: Crocoideae), two new species from the southern African winter rainfall region, with nomenclatural corrections including new names for R. amoena, R. neglecta and R. rosea var. reflexa.
Manning, J C., Goldblatt, P., Harrower, A D.

FSA contributions 19: Asteraceae: Anthemideae: Eumorphia.
Swelankomo, N.

Review of the genus Xenoscapa (Iridaceae: Crocoideae), including X. grandiflora, a new species from southern Namibia.
Manning, J C., Goldblatt, P.

Nyctaginaceae. Notes on Commicarpus in southern Africa, including a new record for Namibia.
Struwig, M., Siebert, S J., Klaassen, E S.

Notes on African plants - Aizoaceae. New combinations in Antimima and Octopoma (Ruschioideae).
Klak, C.

Vitaceae. A new and an overlooked record of Cyphostemma in Angola.
De Sousa, F., Figueiredo, E., Smith, G F.

Apocynaceae (Asclepiadoideae-Ceropegieae). First records of Orbea cooperi in Gauteng and Mpumalanga Provinces, FSA region.
Bester, S P., Berruti, S M.

Hyacinthaceae. Ornithogalum lebaense transferred to Albuca.
Manning, J C., Goldblatt, P.

Fabaceae. A new species of Xiphotheca from the Western Cape, South Africa.
Schuttevlok, A L.

Cyperaceae. New names and new combinations in Cyperus for southern Africa.
Archer, C., Goetghebeur, P.

Scrophulariaceae. Anticharis juncea, an overlooked record for South Africa, with notes on its type localities and flower morphology.
Steyn, H M.

Asteraceae. Lachnospermum neglectum (Asteroideae: Gnaphalieae), a new and overlooked species from the Worcester Valley, Western Cape.
Manning, J C., Goldblatt, P.

Amaryllidaceae. Ammocharis deserticola (Amaryllideae), a new species from Namibia and a key to species of the genus.
Snijman, D A., Kolberg, H.

Alliaceae. Micromorphology and cytology of' Prototulbaghia siebertii, with notes on its taxonomic significance.
Vosa, C G., Siebert, S J., Van Wyk, A E.

Hyacinthaceae. Albuca gariepensis (Ornithogaloideae), a new species of A. subgen. Namibiogalum from Gordonia, South Africa, and A. prasina transferred to Ornithogalum.
Manning, J C., Goldblatt, P.

Fabaceae. A new species of Rhynchosia from the northern provinces of South Africa.
Germishuizen, G.

Lycopodiophyta: Selaginellaceae. Selaginella nivea, a new lycophyte record for South Africa, with notes on its habitat.
Klopper, A W., Klopper, R R.

Asteraceae. Bryomorphe and Dolichothrix (Gnaphalieae-Relhaniinae): Taxonomy and nomenclature.
Koekemoer, M.

Iridaceae. Gladiolus diluvialis (Crocoideae), a replacement name for the illegitimate homonym G. halophilus.
Manning, J C., Goldblatt, P.

Phytosociological description of norite koppies in the Rustenburg area, North-West Province and refinement of the distribution of the Norite Koppies Bushveld on the national vegetation classification map of South Africa.
Lamprecht, A J H., Cilliers, S S., Gotze, A R., Du Toit, M J.

The extended occurrence of Maputaland Woody Grassland further south in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

Floristic analysis of domestic gardens in the Tlokwe City Municipality, South Africa.
Lubbe, C S., Siebert, S J., Cilliers, S S.

Tribute to Beverley Momberg, technical editor in the publications section of the South African National Biodiversity Institute.
Smith, G F.

Obituary: Franz Sebastian Muller (1913-2010).
Smith, G F., Figueiredo, E.

South African National Biodiversity Institute: Publications 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2010. Compiler
Steenkamp, Y.

Guide for authors to Bothalia


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