
czwartek, 26 stycznia 2012

Journal of Systematics and Evolution - 48 (6), 2010



Angiosperm phylogeny inferred from sequences of four mitochondrial genes (pages 391–425)

Yin-Long QIU, Libo LI, Bin WANG, Jia-Yu XUE, Tory A. HENDRY, Rui-Qi LI, Joseph W. BROWN, Yang LIU, Geordan T. HUDSON and Zhi-Duan CHEN

Sequences of 72 plastid genes support the early divergence of Cornales in the asterids (pages 426–434)

Jianhua LI and Zhi-Hong ZHANG

Molecular phylogeny of the entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Cordyceps (Ascomycota: Clavicipitaceae) and its evolutionary implications (pages 435–444)

Li-Hua TIAN, Bo HU, Hui ZHOU, Wei-Ming ZHANG, Liang-Hu QU and Yue-Qin CHEN

Biosystematic studies on Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae) V. A taxonomic treatment (pages 445–454)

Song GE and De-Yuan HONG

Palynological characters of Glycyrrhiza, Glycyrrhizopsis, and Meristotropis (Leguminosae), with special reference to their taxonomic significance (pages 455–463)

Lei MENG and Xiang-Yun ZHU

Comparative pollen morphology of Glechoma and Marmoritis (Nepetinae, Lamiaceae) (pages 464–473)

Tae-Soo JANG and Suk-Pyo HONG

Infrageneric relationships of Korean Viola based on eight chloroplast markers (pages 474–481)

Ki-Oug YOO and Su-Kil JANG

Molecular phylogeny of Osmanthus (Oleaceae) based on non-coding chloroplast and nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions (pages 482–489)

Wang-Jun YUAN, Wei-Rui ZHANG, Yuan-Ji HAN, Mei-Fang DONG and Fu-De SHANG

Demographic history of the Tibetan antelope Pantholops hodgsoni (chiru) (pages 490–496)

Yu-Rong DU, Song-Chang GUO, Zhao-Feng WANG, Hai-Xing CI, Zhen-Yuan CAI, Qian ZHANG, Jian-Ping SU and Jian-Quan LIU


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