
wtorek, 24 stycznia 2012

Journal of Experimental Botany - 63 (1), 2012


Journal of Experimental Botany - 63 (1), 2012



Global crop improvement networks to bridge technology gaps
Reynolds, Matthew P.; Hellin, Jonathan; Govaerts, Bram; Kosina, Petr; Sonder, Kai; Hobbs, Peter; Braun, Hans

Improving crop productivity and resource use efficiency to ensure food security and environmental quality in China
Fan, Mingsheng; Shen, Jianbo; Yuan, Lixing; Jiang, Rongfeng; Chen, Xinping; Davies, William J.; Zhang, Fusuo

Any trait or trait-related allele can confer drought tolerance: just design the right drought scenario
Tardieu, Franois

Tungstate: is it really a specific nitrate reductase inhibitor in plant nitric oxide research?
Xiong, Jie; Fu, Guanfu; Yang, Yongjie; Zhu, Cheng; Tao, Longxing

Regulation of root water uptake under abiotic stress conditions
Aroca, Ricardo; Porcel, Rosa; Ruiz-Lozano, Juan Manuel

The roles of the cation transporters CHX21 and CHX23 in the development of Arabidopsis thaliana
Evans, A. R.; Hall, D.; Pritchard, J.; Newbury, H. J.

Genetic control of duration of pre-anthesis phases in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and relationships to leaf appearance, tillering, and dry matter accumulation
Borrs-Gelonch, Gisela; Rebetzke, Greg J.; Richards, Richard A.; Romagosa, Ignacio

Natural variation of Arabidopsis response to nitrogen availability
Ikram, Sobia; Bedu, Magali; Daniel-Vedele, Franoise; Chaillou, Sylvain; Chardon, Fabien

Proteomic analysis by two-dimensional differential in gel electrophoresis (2D DIGE) of the early response of Pisum sativum to Orobanche crenata
Castillejo, Ma ngeles; Fernndez-Aparicio, Mnica; Rubiales, Diego

The failure to express a protein disulphide isomerase-like protein results in a floury endosperm and an endoplasmic reticulum stress response in rice
Han, Xiaohua; Wang, Yihua; Liu, Xi; Jiang, Ling; Ren, Yulong; Liu, Feng; Peng, Cheng; Li, Jingjing; Jin, Ximing; Wu, Fuqing; Wang, Jiulin; Guo, Xiuping; Zhang, Xin; Cheng, Zhijun; Wan, Jianmin

Genetic control of biennial bearing in apple
Guitton, Baptiste; Kelner, Jean-Jacques; Velasco, Riccardo; Gardiner, Susan E.; Chagn, David; Costes, Evelyne

Silver ions disrupt K+ homeostasis and cellular integrity in intact barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) roots
Coskun, Devrim; Britto, Dev T.; Jean, Yuel-Kai; Schulze, Lasse M.; Becker, Alexander; Kronzucker, Herbert J.

RNAi-mediated disruption of squalene synthase improves drought tolerance and yield in rice
Manavalan, Lakshmi P.; Chen, Xi; Clarke, Joseph; Salmeron, John; Nguyen, Henry T.

Calcium-sensing receptor regulates stomatal closure through hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide in response to extracellular calcium in Arabidopsis
Wang, Wen-Hua; Yi, Xiao-Qian; Han, Ai-Dong; Liu, Ting-Wu; Chen, Juan; Wu, Fei-Hua; Dong, Xue-Jun; He, Jun-Xian; Pei, Zhen-Ming; Zheng, Hai-Lei

Structure, attachment properties, and ecological importance of the attachment system of English ivy (Hedera helix)
Melzer, Bjrn; Seidel, Robin; Steinbrecher, Tina; Speck, Thomas

Molecular characterization of 60 isolated wheat MYB genes and analysis of their expression during abiotic stress
Zhang, Lichao; Zhao, Guangyao; Jia, Jizeng; Liu, Xu; Kong, Xiuying

Post-anthesis alternate wetting and moderate soil drying enhances activities of key enzymes in sucrose-to-starch conversion in inferior spikelets of rice
Zhang, Hao; Li, Hongwei; Yuan, Liming; Wang, Zhiqin; Yang, Jianchang; Zhang, Jianhua

Translocation and the alternative D-galacturonate pathway contribute to increasing the ascorbate level in ripening tomato fruits together with the D-mannose/L-galactose pathway
Badejo, Adebanjo Ayobamidele; Wada, Keiko; Gao, Yongshun; Maruta, Takanori; Sawa, Yoshihiro; Shigeoka, Shigeru; Ishikawa, Takahiro

Myosin XIK is a major player in cytoplasm dynamics and is regulated by two amino acids in its tail
visar, Dror; Abu-Abied, Mohamad; Belausov, Eduard; Sadot, Einat

Plastid signalling under multiple conditions is accompanied by a common defect in RNA editing in plastids
Kakizaki, Tomohiro; Yazu, Fumiko; Nakayama, Katsuhiro; Ito-Inaba, Yasuko; Inaba, Takehito

Integrated multiple population analysis of leaf architecture traits in maize (Zea mays L.)
Ku, L. X.; Zhang, J.; Guo, S. L.; Liu, H. Y.; Zhao, R. F.; Chen, Y. H.

Role of ARABIDOPSIS A-FIFTEEN in regulating leaf senescence involves response to reactive oxygen species and is dependent on ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2
Chen, Guan-Hong; Liu, Chia-Ping; Chen, Shu-Chen Grace; Wang, Long-Chi

Genetic analysis reveals a complex regulatory network modulating CBF gene expression and Arabidopsis response to abiotic stress
Novillo, Fernando; Medina, Joaqun; Rodrguez-Franco, Marta; Neuhaus, Gunther; Salinas, Julio

NADPH oxidase AtrbohD and AtrbohF function in ROS-dependent regulation of Na+/K+ homeostasis in Arabidopsis under salt stress
Ma, Liya; Zhang, Huan; Sun, Lirong; Jiao, Yiheng; Zhang, Guozeng; Miao, Chen; Hao, Fushun

Nuclear magnetic resonance: a tool for imaging belowground damage caused by Heterodera schachtii and Rhizoctonia solani on sugar beet
Hillnhtter, C.; Sikora, R. A.; Oerke, E. -C.; van Dusschoten, D.

Functional associations between the metabolome and manganese tolerance in Vigna unguiculata
Fuehrs, Hendrik; Specht, Andr; Erban, Alexander; Kopka, Joachim; Horst, Walter J.

Plastid structure and carotenogenic gene expression in red- and white-fleshed loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) fruits
Fu, Xiumin; Kong, Wenbin; Peng, Gang; Zhou, Jingyi; Azam, Muhammad; Xu, Changjie; Grierson, Don; Chen, Kunsong

Establishment of an in planta magnesium monitoring system using CAX3 promoter-luciferase in Arabidopsis
Kamiya, Takehiro; Yamagami, Mutsumi; Hirai, Masami Yokota; Fujiwara, Toru

Chaperone-like properties of tobacco plastid thioredoxins f and m
Sanz-Barrio, Ruth; Fernndez-San Milln, Alicia; Carballeda, Jon; Corral-Martnez, Patricia; Segu-Simarro, Jos M.; Farran, Inmaculada

Functional characterization of barley betaglucanless mutants demonstrates a unique role for CslF6 in (1,3;1,4)--D-glucan biosynthesis
Taketa, Shin; Yuo, Takahisa; Tonooka, Takuji; Tsumuraya, Yoichi; Inagaki, Yoshiaki; Haruyama, Naoto; Larroque, Oscar; Jobling, Stephen A.

Interplay of flg22-induced defence responses and nodulation in Lotus japonicus
Lopez-Gomez, Miguel; Sandal, Niels; Stougaard, Jens; Boller, Thomas

Mitochondrial and plastidial COG0354 proteins have folate-dependent functions in ironsulphur cluster metabolism
Waller, Jeffrey C.; Ellens, Kenneth W.; Alvarez, Sophie; Loizeau, Karen; Ravanel, Stphane; Hanson, Andrew D.

On measuring the response of mesophyll conductance to carbon dioxide with the variable J method
Gilbert, Matthew Edmund; Pou, Alcia; Zwieniecki, Maciej Andrzej; Holbrook, N. Michele

A conserved phosphorylation site regulates the transcriptional function of ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE3-like1 in tomato
Li, Ji; Li, Zhengguo; Tang, Ling; Yang, Yingwu; Zouine, Mohamed; Bouzayen, Mondher

Histone deacetylase HD2 interacts with ERF1 and is involved in longan fruit senescence
Kuang, Jian-fei; Chen, Jian-ye; Luo, Ming; Wu, Ke-qiang; Sun, Wei; Jiang, Yue-ming; Lu, Wang-jin

Using chromosome introgression lines to map quantitative trait loci for photosynthesis parameters in rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaves under drought and well-watered field conditions
Gu, Junfei; Yin, Xinyou; Struik, Paul C.; Stomph, Tjeerd Jan; Wang, Huaqi

Two SERK genes are markers of pluripotency in Cyclamen persicum Mill.
Savona, M.; Mattioli, R.; Nigro, S.; Falasca, G.; Della Rovere, F.; Costantino, P.; De Vries, S.; Ruffoni, B.; Trovato, M.; Altamura, M. M.

Leaf optical properties reflect variation in photosynthetic metabolism and its sensitivity to temperature
Serbin, Shawn P.; Dillaway, Dylan N.; Kruger, Eric L.; Townsend, Philip A.

Glutaredoxin GRXS13 plays a key role in protection against photooxidative stress in Arabidopsis
Laporte, Daniel; Olate, Ema; Salinas, Paula; Salazar, Marcela; Jordana, Xavier; Holuigue, Loreto

Carotenoid accumulation in orange-pigmented Capsicum annuum fruit, regulated at multiple levels
Rodriguez-Uribe, Laura; Guzman, Ivette; Rajapakse, Wathsala; Richins, Richard D.; OConnell, Mary A.


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