
poniedziałek, 23 stycznia 2012

Journal of Experimental Botany - 61 (11-15), 2010


Journal of Experimental Botany - 61 (11), 2010


Temperate flowering phenology
Tooke, Fiona; Battey, Nicholas H.

Meiosis in flowering plants and other green organisms
Harrison, C. Jill; Alvey, Elizabeth; Henderson, Ian R.

Biomass accumulation in sugarcane: unravelling the factors underpinning reduced growth phenomena
van Heerden, Philippus D. R.; Donaldson, Robin A.; Watt, Derek A.; Singels, Abraham

The phytohormone signal network regulating elongation growth during shade avoidance
Stamm, Petra; Kumar, Prakash P.

A specific group of genes respond to cold dehydration stress in cut Alstroemeria flowers whereas ambient dehydration stress accelerates developmental senescence expression patterns
Wagstaff, Carol; Bramke, Irene; Breeze, Emily; Thornber, Sarah; Harrison, Elizabeth; Thomas, Brian; Buchanan-Wollaston, Vicky; Stead, Tony; Rogers, Hilary

Genetic dissection of the developmental behaviours of plant height in wheat under diverse water regimes
Wu, Xianshan; Wang, Zhenghang; Chang, Xiaoping; Jing, Ruilian

Reversible association of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activase with the thylakoid membrane depends upon the ATP level and pH in rice without heat stress
Chen, Juan; Wang, Peng; Mi, Hua-ling; Chen, Gen-Yun; Xu, Da-Quan

Petunia nectar proteins have ribonuclease activity
Hillwig, Melissa S.; Liu, Xiaoteng; Liu, Guangyu; Thornburg, Robert W.; MacIntosh, Gustavo C.

Functional characterization of a carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 1 and its relation to the carotenoid accumulation and volatile emission during the floral development of Osmanthus fragrans Lour.
Baldermann, Susanne; Kato, Masaya; Kurosawa, Miwako; Kurobayashi, Yoshiko; Fujita, Akira; Fleischmann, Peter; Watanabe, Naoharu

H2O2 mediates the regulation of ABA catabolism and GA biosynthesis in Arabidopsis seed dormancy and germination
Liu, Yinggao; Ye, Nenghui; Liu, Rui; Chen, Moxian; Zhang, Jianhua

Cold acclimation and low temperature resistance in cotton: Gossypium hirsutum phospholipase D isoforms are differentially regulated by temperature and light
Kargiotidou, Anastasia; Kappas, Ilias; Tsaftaris, Athanasios; Galanopoulou, Dia; Farmaki, Theodora

Increase in fruit size of a spontaneous mutant of Gala apple (Malusdomestica Borkh.) is facilitated by altered cell production and enhanced cell size
Malladi, Anish; Hirst, Peter M.

Photosynthesis at an extreme end of the leaf trait spectrum: how does it relate to high leaf dry mass per area and associated structural parameters?
Hassiotou, Foteini; Renton, Michael; Ludwig, Martha; Evans, John R.; Veneklaas, Erik J.

QTL dynamics for fruit firmness and softening around an ethylene-dependent polygalacturonase gene in apple (Malusdomestica Borkh.)
Costa, Fabrizio; Peace, Cameron P.; Stella, Sara; Serra, Sara; Musacchi, Stefano; Bazzani, Micaela; Sansavini, Silviero; Van de Weg, W. Eric

Natural variation in herbivore-induced volatiles in Arabidopsis thaliana
Snoeren, Tjeerd A. L.; Kappers, Iris F.; Broekgaarden, Colette; Mumm, Roland; Dicke, Marcel; Bouwmeester, Harro J.

Metal accumulation in tobacco expressing Arabidopsis halleri metal hyperaccumulation gene depends on external supply
Barabasz, Anna; Krmer, Ute; Hanikenne, Marc; Rudzka, Justyna; Antosiewicz, Danuta Maria

Strigolactone regulation of shoot branching in chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum)
Liang, Jianli; Zhao, Liangjun; Challis, Richard; Leyser, Ottoline

Characterization of a trimeric light-harvesting complex in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum built of FcpA and FcpE proteins
Joshi-Deo, Jidnyasa; Schmidt, Matthias; Gruber, Ansgar; Weisheit, Wolfram; Mittag, Maria; Kroth, Peter G.; Bchel, Claudia

Mobilization of lipid reserves during germination of oat (Avena sativa L.), a cereal rich in endosperm oil
Leonova, Svetlana; Grimberg, sa; Marttila, Salla; Stymne, Sten; Carlsson, Anders S.

Positional relationship between the gamete fusion site and the first division plane in the rice zygote
Nakajima, Keisuke; Uchiumi, Takao; Okamoto, Takashi

Blue light doseresponses of leaf photosynthesis, morphology, and chemical composition of Cucumis sativus grown under different combinations of red and blue light
Hogewoning, Sander W.; Trouwborst, Govert; Maljaars, Hans; Poorter, Hendrik; van Ieperen, Wim; Harbinson, Jeremy

Evaluating the nodulation status of leguminous species from the Amazonian forest of Brazil
de Faria, Sergio M.; Diedhiou, Abdala G.; de Lima, Haroldo C.; Ribeiro, Robson D.; Galiana, Antoine; Castilho, Alexandre F.; Henriques, Joo C.

Strigolactones are positive regulators of light-harvesting genes in tomato
Mayzlish-Gati, Einav; LekKala, Sivarama P.; Resnick, Nathalie; Wininger, Smadar; Bhattacharya, Chaitali; Lemcoff, J. Hugo; Kapulnik, Yoram; Koltai, Hinanit

A major grain protein content locus on barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) chromosome 6 influences flowering time and sequential leaf senescence
Lacerenza, Joseph A.; Parrott, David L.; Fischer, Andreas M.

Low red/far-red ratios delay spike and stem growth in wheat
Ugarte, Cristina Cecilia; Trupkin, Santiago Ariel; Ghiglione, Hernn; Slafer, Gustavo; Casal, Jorge Jos

Aluminium-induced ion transport in Arabidopsis: the relationship between Al tolerance and root ion flux
Bose, Jayakumar; Babourina, Olga; Shabala, Sergey; Rengel, Zed


Journal of Experimental Botany - 61 (12), 2010


Crop management techniques to enhance harvest index in rice
Yang, Jianchang; Zhang, Jianhua

The significance of roots as hydraulic rheostats
Maurel, Christophe; Simonneau, Thierry; Sutka, Moira

ABA receptors: the START of a new paradigm in phytohormone signalling
Klingler, John P.; Batelli, Giorgia; Zhu, Jian-Kang

Genetic and genomic tools to improve drought tolerance in wheat
Fleury, Delphine; Jefferies, Stephen; Kuchel, Haydn; Langridge, Peter

Influence of diurnal variation in mesophyll conductance on modelled 13C discrimination: results from a field study
Bickford, Christopher P.; Hanson, David T.; McDowell, Nate G.

Interference with oxidative phosphorylation enhances anoxic expression of rice -amylase genes through abolishing sugar regulation
Park, Minji; Yim, Hui-kyeong; Park, Hyeok-gon; Lim, Jun; Kim, Soo-Hwan; Hwang, Yong-sic

Alteration of cell-wall porosity is involved in osmotic stress-induced enhancement of aluminium resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Yang, Zhong-Bao; Eticha, Dejene; Rao, Idupulapati Madhusudana; Horst, Walter Johannes

Characterization of a pathogenesis-related protein 4 (PR-4) induced in Capsicum chinense L3 plants with dual RNase and DNase activities
Guevara-Morato, Maria ngeles; de Lacoba, Mario Garca; Garca-Luque, Isabel; Serra, Maria Teresa

Proteomic changes associated with expression of a gene (ipt) controlling cytokinin synthesis for improving heat tolerance in a perennial grass species
Xu, Yan; Gianfagna, Thomas; Huang, Bingru

Association of water spectral indices with plant and soil water relations in contrasting wheat genotypes
Gutierrez, Mario; Reynolds, Matthew P.; Klatt, Arthur R.

HHP1, a novel signalling component in the cross-talk between the cold and osmotic signalling pathways in Arabidopsis
Chen, Chin-Chung; Liang, Ching-Shin; Kao, Ai-Ling; Yang, Chien-Chih

Tissue-specific transcriptome profiling of the citrus fruit epidermis and subepidermis using laser capture microdissection
Matas, Antonio J.; Agust, Javier; Tadeo, Francisco R.; Taln, Manuel; Rose, Jocelyn K. C.

Interactome analysis of the six cotton 14-3-3s that are preferentially expressed in fibres and involved in cell elongation
Zhang, Ze-Ting; Zhou, Ying; Li, Yang; Shao, Su-Qiang; Li, Bing-Ying; Shi, Hai-Yan; Li, Xue-Bao

Involvement of Arabidopsis histone deacetylase HDA6 in ABA and salt stress response
Chen, Li-Ting; Luo, Ming; Wang, Yu-Yuan; Wu, Keqiang

The differential spatial distribution of secondary metabolites in Arabidopsis leaves reacting hypersensitively to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato is dependent on the oxidative burst
Simon, Clara; Langlois-Meurinne, Mathilde; Bellvert, Floriant; Garmier, Marie; Didierlaurent, Laure; Massoud, Kamal; Chaouch, Sejir; Marie, Arul; Bodo, Bernard; Kauffmann, Serge; Noctor, Graham; Saindrenan, Patrick

The GmFAD7 gene family from soybean: identification of novel genes and tissue-specific conformations of the FAD7 enzyme involved in desaturase activity
Andreu, Vanesa; Lagunas, Beatriz; Collados, Raquel; Picorel, Rafael; Alfonso, Miguel

Limitation of the Cavitron technique by conifer pit aspiration
Beikircher, B.; Ameglio, T.; Cochard, H.; Mayr, S.

Sulphate as a xylem-borne chemical signal precedes the expression of ABA biosynthetic genes in maize roots
Ernst, Laura; Goodger, Jason Q. D.; Alvarez, Sophie; Marsh, Ellen L.; Berla, Bert; Lockhart, Eric; Jung, Jiyul; Li, Pinghua; Bohnert, Hans J.; Schachtman, Daniel P.

Isolation and characterization of low-sulphur-tolerant mutants of Arabidopsis
Wu, Yu; Zhao, Qing; Gao, Lei; Yu, Xiao-Min; Fang, Ping; Oliver, David J.; Xiang, Cheng-Bin

A kinesin with calponin-homology domain is involved in premitotic nuclear migration
Frey, Nicole; Klotz, Jan; Nick, Peter

Development of synchronized, autonomous, and self-regulated oscillations in transpiration rate of a whole tomato plant under water stress
Wallach, Rony; Da-Costa, Noam; Raviv, Michael; Moshelion, Menachem

Cloning, functional expression, and characterization of a chalcone 3-hydroxylase from Cosmos sulphureus
Schlangen, Karin; Miosic, Silvija; Thill, Jana; Halbwirth, Heidi

Cytokinin-binding protein (70 kDa) from etioplasts and amyloplasts of etiolated maize seedlings and chloroplasts of green plants and its putative function
Brovko, Fedor A.; Vasil'eva, Victoria S.; Lushnikova, Antonina L.; Selivankina, Svetlana Yu.; Karavaiko, Natalia N.; Boziev, Khanafy M.; Shepelyakovskaya, Anna O.; Moshkov, Dmitry A.; Pavlik, Liubov L.; Kusnetsov, Victor V.; Kulaeva, Olga N.

Exogenously induced expression of ethylene biosynthesis, ethylene perception, phospholipase D, and Rboh-oxidase genes in broccoli seedlings
Jakubowicz, Magorzata; Gagaska, Hanna; Nowak, Witold; Sadowski, Jan


Journal of Experimental Botany - 61 (13), 2010


Drought decision-making
Boyer, John S.

New phenotyping methods for screening wheat and barley for beneficial responses to water deficit
Munns, Rana; James, Richard A.; Sirault, Xavier R. R.; Furbank, Robert T.; Jones, Hamlyn G.

Breeding for water-saving and drought-resistance rice (WDR) in China
Luo, L. J.

High-throughput shoot imaging to study drought responses
Berger, Bettina; Parent, Boris; Tester, Mark

Effect of salinity and water stress during the reproductive stage on growth, ion concentrations, 13C, and 15N of durum wheat and related amphiploids
Yousfi, Salima; Serret, Maria Dolores; Voltas, Jordi; Araus, Jos Luis

Root water potential integrates discrete soil physical properties to influence ABA signalling during partial rootzone drying
Dodd, Ian C.; Egea, Gregorio; Watts, Chris W.; Whalley, W. Richard

Characterization of root-yield-1.06, a major constitutive QTL for root and agronomic traits in maize across water regimes
Landi, Pierangelo; Giuliani, Silvia; Salvi, Silvio; Ferri, Matteo; Tuberosa, Roberto; Sanguineti, Maria Corinna

Transcriptional profiles of drought-responsive genes in modulating transcription signal transduction, and biochemical pathways in tomato
Gong, Pengjuan; Zhang, Junhong; Li, Hanxia; Yang, Changxian; Zhang, Chanjuan; Zhang, Xiaohui; Khurram, Ziaf; Zhang, Yuyang; Wang, Taotao; Fei, Zhangjun; Ye, Zhibiao

Production and diffusion of chloroplastic H2O2 and its implication to signalling
Mubarakshina, Maria M.; Ivanov, Boris N.; Naydov, Ilya A.; Hillier, Warwick; Badger, Murray R.; Krieger-Liszkay, Anja

Auxin influx inhibitors 1-NOA, 2-NOA, and CHPAA interfere with membrane dynamics in tobacco cells
Lakov, Martina; Smith, Richard S.; Peek, Bedich; Kube, Martin; Zamalov, Eva; Petrek, Jan; Hoyerov, Klra

An L1 box binding protein, GbML1, interacts with GbMYB25 to control cotton fibre development
Zhang, Fei; Zuo, Kaijing; Zhang, Jieqiong; Liu, Xiang; Zhang, Lida; Sun, Xiaofen; Tang, Kexuan

Sequestration of auxin by the indole-3-acetic acid-amido synthetase GH3-1 in grape berry (Vitis vinifera L.) and the proposed role of auxin conjugation during ripening
Butcher, Christine; Keyzers, Robert A.; Boss, Paul K.; Davies, Christopher

Overexpression of UV-DAMAGED DNA BINDING PROTEIN 1 links plant development and phytonutrient accumulation in high pigment-1 tomato
Azari, Raviv; Reuveni, Moshe; Evenor, Dalia; Nahon, Sahadia; Shlomo, Haviva; Chen, Lea; Levin, Ilan

Disruption of a gene for rice sucrose transporter, OsSUT1, impairs pollen function but pollen maturation is unaffected
Hirose, Tatsuro; Zhang, Zujian; Miyao, Akio; Hirochika, Hirohiko; Ohsugi, Ryu; Terao, Tomio

Revealing diversity in structural and biochemical forms of C4 photosynthesis and a C3C4 intermediate in genus Portulaca L. (Portulacaceae)
Voznesenskaya, Elena V.; Koteyeva, Nuria K.; Edwards, Gerald E.; Ocampo, Gilberto

Identification and characterization of the maize arogenate dehydrogenase gene family
Holding, David R.; Meeley, Robert B.; Hazebroek, Jan; Selinger, David; Gruis, Fred; Jung, Rudolf; Larkins, Brian A.

Role of photosynthesis and analysis of key enzymes involved in primary metabolism throughout the lifespan of the tobacco flower
Mller, Gabriela Leticia; Drincovich, Mara Fabiana; Andreo, Carlos Santiago; Lara, Mara Valeria

Brachytic2/ZmABCB1 functions in IAA export from intercalary meristems
Knller, Anne Sophie; Blakeslee, Joshua J.; Richards, Elizabeth L.; Peer, Wendy Ann; Murphy, Angus S.

Remote-controlled stop of phloem mass flow by biphasic occlusion in Cucurbita maxima
Furch, Alexandra C. U.; Zimmermann, Matthias R.; Will, Torsten; Hafke, Jens B.; van Bel, Aart J. E.

Effect on shoot water relations, and cytokinin and abscisic acid levels of inducing expression of a gene coding for isopentenyltransferase in roots of transgenic tobacco plants
Vysotskaya, Lydia B.; Veselov, Stanislav Yu.; Kudoyarova, Guzel R.

Involvement of cytokinins in the grain filling of rice under alternate wetting and drying irrigation
Zhang, Hao; Chen, Tintin; Wang, Zhiqin; Yang, Jianchang; Zhang, Jianhua

Nitrogen to phosphorus ratio of plant biomass versus soil solution in a tropical pioneer tree, Ficus insipida
Garrish, Valerie; Cernusak, Lucas A.; Winter, Klaus; Turner, Benjamin L.

Excretion and folding of plasmalemma function to accommodate alterations in guard cell volume during stomatal closure in Vicia faba L.
Li, Bingbing; Liu, Gaofei; Deng, Yuanyuan; Xie, Min; Feng, Zhigao; Sun, Mingzhu; Zhao, Yanxia; Liang, Liyan; Ding, Ning; Jia, Wensuo

Mining the surface proteome of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit for proteins associated with cuticle biogenesis
Yeats, Trevor H.; Howe, Kevin J.; Matas, Antonio J.; Buda, Gregory J.; Thannhauser, Theodore W.; Rose, Jocelyn K. C.

The Arabidopsis plastid-signalling mutant gun1 (genomes uncoupled1) shows altered sensitivity to sucrose and abscisic acid and alterations in early seedling development
Cottage, Amanda; Mott, Ellie K.; Kempster, Jennie A.; Gray, John C.

A comparative study of salt tolerance parameters in 11 wild relatives of Arabidopsis thaliana
Orsini, Francesco; D'Urzo, Matilde Paino; Inan, Gunsu; Serra, Sara; Oh, Dong-Ha; Mickelbart, Michael V.; Consiglio, Federica; Li, Xia; Jeong, Jae Cheol; Yun, Dae-Jin; Bohnert, Hans J.; Bressan, Ray A.; Maggio, Albino

The role of vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE) from Nicotiana benthamiana in the elicitor-triggered hypersensitive response and stomatal closure
Zhang, Huajian; Dong, Suomeng; Wang, Meifang; Wang, Wei; Song, Wenwen; Dou, Xianying; Zheng, Xiaobo; Zhang, Zhengguang

Nicotinate/nicotinamide mononucleotide adenyltransferase-mediated regulation of NAD biosynthesis protects guard cells from reactive oxygen species in ABA-mediated stomatal movement in Arabidopsis
Hashida, Shin-nosuke; Itami, Taketo; Takahashi, Hideyuki; Takahara, Kentaro; Nagano, Minoru; Kawai-Yamada, Maki; Shoji, Kazuhiro; Goto, Fumiyuki; Yoshihara, Toshihiro; Uchimiya, Hirofumi


Journal of Experimental Botany - 61 (14), 2010


Border cells versus border-like cells: are they alike?
Driouich, Azeddine; Durand, Caroline; Cannesan, Marc-Antoine; Percoco, Giuseppe; Vicr-Gibouin, Mait

High-throughput degradome sequencing can be used to gain insights into microRNA precursor metabolism
Meng, Yijun; Gou, Lingfeng; Chen, Dijun; Wu, Ping; Chen, Ming

NSP-interacting kinase, NIK: a transducer of plant defence signalling
Santos, Ansia A.; Lopes, Knia V. G.; Apfata, Jorge A. C.; Fontes, Elizabeth P. B.

Subgroup 4 R2R3-MYBs in conifer trees: gene family expansion and contribution to the isoprenoid- and flavonoid-oriented responses
Bedon, Frank; Bomal, Claude; Caron, Sbastien; Levasseur, Caroline; Boyle, Brian; Mansfield, Shawn D.; Schmidt, Axel; Gershenzon, Jonathan; Grima-Pettenati, Jacqueline; Sguin, Armand; MacKay, John

pH-dependent permeation of amino acids through isolated ivy cuticles is affected by cuticular water sorption and hydration shell size of the solute
Arand, Katja; Stock, David; Burghardt, Markus; Riederer, Markus

Changes in gravitational forces induce the modification of Arabidopsis thaliana silique pedicel positioning
Wei, Ning; Tan, Chao; Qi, Bin; Zhang, Yue; Xu, Guoxin; Zheng, Huiqiong

Ethylene and nitric oxide involvement in the up-regulation of key genes related to iron acquisition and homeostasis in Arabidopsis
Garca, Mara J.; Lucena, Carlos; Romera, Francisco J.; Alcntara, Esteban; Prez-Vicente, Rafael

Male gametophyte-specific WRKY34 transcription factor mediates cold sensitivity of mature pollen in Arabidopsis
Zou, Changsong; Jiang, Wenbo; Yu, Diqiu

Characterization of volatile production during storage of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seed
Mira, Sara; Gonzlez-Benito, M. Elena; Hill, Lisa M.; Walters, Christina

AHAS herbicide resistance endowing mutations: effect on AHAS functionality and plant growth
Yu, Qin; Han, Heping; Vila-Aiub, Martin M.; Powles, Stephen B.

Cloning, functional characterization, and co-expression studies of a novel aquaporin (FaPIP2;1) of strawberry fruit
Alleva, Karina; Marquez, Mercedes; Villarreal, Natalia; Mut, Paula; Bustamante, Claudia; Bellati, Jorge; Martnez, Gustavo; Civello, Marcos; Amodeo, Gabriela

The RAV1 transcription factor positively regulates leaf senescence in Arabidopsis
Woo, Hye Ryun; Kim, Jin Hee; Kim, Junyoung; Kim, Jeongsik; Lee, Ung; Song, In-Ja; Kim, Jin-Hong; Lee, Hyo-Yeon; Nam, Hong Gil; Lim, Pyung Ok

Effects of elevated root zone CO2 and air temperature on photosynthetic gas exchange, nitrate uptake, and total reduced nitrogen content in aeroponically grown lettuce plants
He, Jie; Austin, Paul T.; Lee, Sing Kong

Functional analysis of the structural domain of ARF proteins in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Shen, ChenJia; Wang, SuiKang; Bai, YouHuang; Wu, YunRong; Zhang, SaiNa; Chen, Ming; Guilfoyle, Tom J.; Wu, Ping; Qi, YanHua

Duplicate polyphenol oxidase genes on barley chromosome 2H and their functional differentiation in the phenol reaction of spikes and grains
Taketa, Shin; Matsuki, Kanako; Amano, Satoko; Saisho, Daisuke; Himi, Eiko; Shitsukawa, Naoki; Yuo, Takahisa; Noda, Kazuhiko; Takeda, Kazuyoshi

Caesium and strontium accumulation in shoots of Arabidopsis thaliana: genetic and physiological aspects
Kanter, Ulrike; Hauser, Andreas; Michalke, Bernhard; Drxl, Stephan; Schffner, Anton R.

The salt- and drought-inducible poplar GRAS protein SCL7 confers salt and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana
Ma, Hong-Shuang; Liang, Dan; Shuai, Peng; Xia, Xin-Li; Yin, Wei-Lun

The cytoskeleton enhances gene expression in the response to the Harpin elicitor in grapevine
Qiao, Fei; Chang, Xiao-Li; Nick, Peter

NMR metabolomics of esca disease-affected Vitis vinifera cv. Alvarinho leaves
Lima, Marta R. M.; Felgueiras, Mafalda L.; Graa, Gonalo; Rodrigues, Joo E. A.; Barros, Antnio; Gil, Ana M.; Dias, Alberto C. P.

Functional analysis of the pathways for 2-Cys peroxiredoxin reduction in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts
Pulido, Pablo; Spnola, Mara Cristina; Kirchsteiger, Kerstin; Guinea, Manuel; Pascual, Mara Beln; Sahrawy, Mariam; Sandalio, Luisa Mara; Dietz, Karl-Josef; Gonzlez, Maricruz; Cejudo, Francisco Javier

Class I KNOX genes are associated with organogenesis during bulbil formation in Agave tequilana
Abraham-Jurez, Mara Jazmn; Martnez-Hernndez, Ada; Leyva-Gonzlez, Marco Antonio; Herrera-Estrella, Luis; Simpson, June

Modulation of embryo-forming capacity in culture through the expression of Brassica genes involved in the regulation of the shoot apical meristem
Elhiti, Mohamed; Tahir, Muhammad; Gulden, Robert H.; Khamiss, Khalil; Stasolla, Claudio

Acclimation of photosystem II to high temperature in two Wedelia species from different geographical origins: implications for biological invasions upon global warming
Song, Liying; Chow, Wah Soon; Sun, Lanlan; Li, Changhan; Peng, Changlian

Changes in growth and cell wall extensibility of maize silks following pollination
Sella Kapu, Nuwan U.; Cosgrove, Daniel J.

Growth of the C4 dicot Flaveria bidentis: photosynthetic acclimation to low light through shifts in leaf anatomy and biochemistry
Pengelly, Jasper J. L.; Sirault, Xavier R. R.; Tazoe, Youshi; Evans, John R.; Furbank, Robert T.; von Caemmerer, Susanne


Journal of Experimental Botany - 61 (15), 2010


Kin recognition in plants: a mysterious behaviour unsolved
Biedrzycki, Meredith L.; Bais, Harsh P.

Increasing productivity by matching farming system management and genotype in water-limited environments
Kirkegaard, J. A.; Hunt, J. R.

Simultaneously improving yield under drought stress and non-stress conditions: a case study of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Guan, Y. S.; Serraj, R.; Liu, S. H.; Xu, J. L.; Ali, J.; Wang, W. S.; Venus, E.; Zhu, L. H.; Li, Z. K.

Genome-wide identification and analysis of drought-responsive microRNAs in Oryza sativa
Zhou, Liguo; Liu, Yunhua; Liu, Zaochang; Kong, Deyan; Duan, Mei; Luo, Lijun

Recombinant protease inhibitors for herbivore pest control: a multitrophic perspective
Schulter, Urte; Benchabane, Meriem; Munger, Aurlie; Kiggundu, Andrew; Vorster, Juan; Goulet, Marie-Claire; Cloutier, Conrad; Michaud, Dominique

Exploiting phytochemicals for developing a pushpull crop protection strategy for cereal farmers in Africa
Khan, Zeyaur R.; Midega, Charles A. O.; Bruce, Toby J. A.; Hooper, Antony M.; Pickett, John A.

Catalase function in plants: a focus on Arabidopsis mutants as stress-mimic models
Mhamdi, Amna; Queval, Guillaume; Chaouch, Sejir; Vanderauwera, Sandy; Van Breusegem, Frank; Noctor, Graham

Involvement of brassinosteroid signals in the floral-induction network of Arabidopsis
Li, Jihong; Li, Yuhua; Chen, Shuyan; An, Lizhe

The immunolocation of XTH1 in embryonic axes during chickpea germination and seedling growth confirms its function in cell elongation and vascular differentiation
Hernndez-Nistal, Josefina; Martn, Ignacio; Labrador, Emilia; Dopico, Berta

Short flashes and continuous light have similar photoinhibitory efficiency in intact leaves
Sarvikas, Pivi; Hakala-Yatkin, Marja; Dnmez, Sirin; Tyystjrvi, Esa

A 9bp cis-element in the promoters of class I small heat shock protein genes on chromosome 3 in rice mediates L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid and heat shock responses
Guan, Jiahn-Chou; Yeh, Ching-Hui; Lin, Ya-Ping; Ke, Yi-Ting; Chen, Ming-Tse; You, Jia-Wen; Liu, Yi-Hsin; Lu, Chung-An; Wu, Shaw-Jye; Lin, Chu-Yung

Transcriptome analysis of Hpa1Xoo transformed cotton revealed constitutive expression of genes in multiple signalling pathways related to disease resistance
Miao, Weiguo; Wang, Xiben; Song, Congfeng; Wang, Yu; Ren, Yonghong; Wang, Jinsheng

A multifaceted study of stigma/style cysteine-rich adhesin (SCA)-like Arabidopsis lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) suggests diversified roles for these LTPs in plant growth and reproduction
Chae, Keun; Gonong, Benedict J.; Kim, Seung-Chul; Kieslich, Chris A.; Morikis, Dimitrios; Balasubramanian, Shruthi; Lord, Elizabeth M.

Pollen density on the stigma affects endogenous gibberellin metabolism, seed and fruit set, and fruit quality in Pyrus pyrifolia
Zhang, Caixi; Tateishi, Naoya; Tanabe, Kenji

Deviation from the grain protein concentrationgrain yield negative relationship is highly correlated to post-anthesis N uptake in winter wheat
Bogard, Matthieu; Allard, Vincent; Brancourt-Hulmel, Maryse; Heumez, Emmanuel; Machet, Jean-Marie; Jeuffroy, Marie-Hlne; Gate, Philippe; Martre, Pierre; Le Gouis, Jacques

Is the remobilization of S and N reserves for seed filling of winter oilseed rape modulated by sulphate restrictions occurring at different growth stages?
Dubousset, L.; Etienne, P.; Avice, J. C.

Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel tomato xylosyltransferase specific for gentisic acid
Traga, Susana; Lisn, Purificacin; Lopez-Gresa, Mara Pilar; Torres, Cristina; Rodrigo, Ismael; Bells, Jos Mara; Conejero, Vicente

UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana
Hectors, Kathleen; Jacques, Eveline; Prinsen, Els; Guisez, Yves; Verbelen, Jean-Pierre; Jansen, Marcel A. K.; Vissenberg, Kris

Floret development of durum wheat in response to nitrogen availability
Ferrante, Ariel; Savin, Roxana; Slafer, Gustavo A.

The impact of drought on leaf physiology of Quercus suber L. trees: comparison of an extreme drought event with chronic rainfall reduction
Grant, Olga M.; Tronina, ukasz; Ramalho, Jos Cochicho; Kurz Besson, Cathy; Lobo-do-Vale, Raquel; Santos Pereira, Joo; Jones, Hamlyn G.; Chaves, M. Manuela

COI1, a jasmonate receptor, is involved in ethylene-induced inhibition of Arabidopsis root growth in the light
Adams, Eri; Turner, John

Integration of phot1, phot2, and PhyB signalling in light-induced chloroplast movements
Luesse, Darron R.; DeBlasio, Stacy L.; Hangarter, Roger P.

ZmMPK5 is required for the NADPH oxidase-mediated self-propagation of apoplastic H2O2 in brassinosteroid-induced antioxidant defence in leaves of maize
Zhang, Aying; Zhang, Jun; Ye, Nenghui; Cao, Jianmei; Tan, Mingpu; Zhang, Jianhua; Jiang, Mingyi

Spectral reflectance from a soybean canopy exposed to elevated CO2 and O3
Gray, Sharon B.; Dermody, Orla; DeLucia, Evan H.

Quantitative trait loci associated with longevity of lettuce seeds under conventional and controlled deterioration storage conditions
Schwember, Andreas R.; Bradford, Kent J.

Genetics, phosphorus availability, and herbivore-derived induction as sources of phenotypic variation of leaf volatile terpenes in a pine species
Sampedro, Luis; Moreira, Xoaqun; Llusia, Joan; Peuelas, Josep; Zas, Rafael

High concentrations of Na+ and Cl- ions in soil solution have simultaneous detrimental effects on growth of faba bean under salinity stress
Tavakkoli, Ehsan; Rengasamy, Pichu; McDonald, Glenn K.

A CESA from Griffithsia monilis (Rhodophyta, Florideophyceae) has a family 48 carbohydrate-binding module
Matthews, Peter R.; Schindler, Michael; Howles, Paul; Arioli, Tony; Williamson, Richard E.


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