
wtorek, 17 stycznia 2012

Journal of Botany - 2011


Low- and High-Temperature Tolerance and Acclimation for Chlorenchyma versus Meristem of the Cultivated Cacti Nopalea cochenillifera, Opuntia robusta, and Selenicereus megalanthus, Brian R. Zutta, Park S. Nobel, Alenoush M. Aramians, and Arineh Sahaghian

Biplot Approach for Identification of Heterotic Crosses in Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.), Anu Rastogi, Brij Kishore Mishra, Mrinalini Srivastava, Ameena Siddiqui, and Sudhir Shukla

Effect of Small-Scale Variations in Environmental Factors on the Distribution of Woody Species in Tropical Deciduous Forests of Vindhyan Highlands, India, R. K. Chaturvedi, A. S. Raghubanshi, and J. S. Singh

Influence of Tree Age and Variety on Allometric Characteristics and Water Use of Mangifera indica L. Growing in Plantation, Philip G. Oguntunde, Johnson T. Fasinmirin, and Nick van de Giesen

Effect of Tuber Crop Wastes/Byproducts on Nutritional and Microbial Composition of Vermicomposts and Duration of the Vermicomposting Process, M. Nedunchezhiyan, S. K. Jata, G. Byju, and S. S. Veena

Ethnobotanical Study of Tehsil Kabal, Swat District, KPK, Pakistan, Imtiaz Ahmad, Mohammad Ibrar, Barkatullah, and Niaz Ali

On the Coevolution of Transposable Elements and Plant Genomes, Peter Civáň, Miroslav Švec, and Pavol Hauptvogel

The Genomes of All Angiosperms: A Call for a Coordinated Global Census, David W. Galbraith, Jeffrey L. Bennetzen, Elizabeth A. Kellogg, J. Chris Pires, and Pamela S. Soltis

Does Large Genome Size Limit Speciation in Endemic Island Floras?, Maxim V. Kapralov and Dmitry A. Filatov

A Simple, Cost-Effective Method for Leaf Area Estimation, S. K. Pandey and Hema Singh

Composite Actinorhizal Plants with Transgenic Roots for the Study of Symbiotic Associations with Frankia, Faïza Meriem Benabdoun, Mathish Nambiar-Veetil, Leandro Imanishi, Sergio Svistoonoff, Nadia Ykhlef, Hassen Gherbi, and Claudine Franche

Flowering Ecology of the Species of the Genus Hypoxidia (Hypoxidaceae: Asparagales), Justin Gerlach

Genome Diversity in Maize, Victor Llaca, Matthew A. Campbell, and Stéphane Deschamps

Metabolic and Molecular Events Occurring during Chromoplast Biogenesis, Wanping Bian, Cristina Barsan, Isabel Egea, Eduardo Purgatto, Christian Chervin, Mohamed Zouine, Alain Latché, Mondher Bouzayen, and Jean-Claude Pech

Evolution of Genome Size in Duckweeds (Lemnaceae), Wenqin Wang, Randall A. Kerstetter, and Todd P. Michael

Cell Wall Growth and Modulation Dynamics in a Model Unicellular Green Alga—Penium margaritaceum: Live Cell Labeling with Monoclonal Antibodies, David S. Domozych, Hannah Brechka, Alicia Britton, and Marc Toso


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