
wtorek, 10 stycznia 2012

Forest Pathology - 40 (6), 2011



Defence responses induced in embryogenic cultures of Norway spruce by two fractions of Gremmeniella abietina mycelia (pages 467–484)

M. Cvikrová, J. Malá, M. Hrubcová, O. Martincová, H. Cvrčková and H. Lipavská

Distribution, ecology and host range of Armillaria species in Albania (pages 485–499)

B. M. Lushaj, S. Woodward, N. Keča and M. Intini

Factors influencing infection of Acacia mearnsii by the wilt pathogen Ceratocystis albifundus in South Africa (pages 500–509)

R. N. Heath, M. Van Der Linde, H. Groeneveld, B. D. Wingfield, M. J. Wingfield and J. Roux


A rapid staining-assisted wood sampling method for PCR-based detection of pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in Pinus massoniana wood tissue (pages 510–520)

X. R. Wang, X. C. Kong, W. H. Jia, X. W. Zhu, L. L. Ren and M. M. Mota


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