
poniedziałek, 9 stycznia 2012

Euphytica - 181 (1-3), 2011


Euphytica - 181 (1), 2011


Improved salt tolerance and seed cotton yield in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) by transformation with betA gene for glycinebetaine synthesis

Kewei Zhang, Ning Guo, Lijun Lian, Juan Wang and Sulian Lv, et al.

Molecular characterization of cytoplasmic male sterility conditioned by Gossypium harknessii cytoplasm (CMS-D2) in upland cotton

Jianyong Wu, Yangcang Gong, Minghui Cui, Tingxiang Qi and Liping Guo, et al.

Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) with a fungal phytase gene improves phosphorus acquisition

J. F. Liu, C. Y. Zhao, J. Ma, G. Y. Zhang and M. G. Li, et al.

Genetic effects of introgression genomic components from Sea Island cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) on fiber related traits in upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.)

Furong Wang, Yongchao Gong, Chuanyun Zhang, Guodong Liu and Liuming Wang, et al.

Inheritance of somatic embryogenesis using leaf petioles as explants in upland cotton

Chaojun Zhang, Shuxun Yu, Shuli Fan, Jinfa Zhang and Fuguang Li

Mapping resistance gene analogs (RGAs) in cultivated tetraploid cotton using RGA-AFLP analysis

Chen Niu, Yingzhi Lu, Youlu Yuan, Richard G. Percy and Mauricio Ulloa, et al.

Microsporogenesis of Rps8/rps8 heterozygous soybean lines

Maria Andrea Ortega and Anne E. Dorrance

A heuristic method of searching for interesting markers in terms of quantitative traits

Jan Bocianowski, Marcin Kozak, Alina Liersch and Iwona Bartkowiak-Broda

Confirmation of quantitative trait loci for resistance to multiple-HG types of soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe)

T. D. Vuong, D. A. Sleper, J. G. Shannon, X. Wu and H. T. Nguyen

Performance and combining ability in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) populations with diverse parents

Lori L. Hinze, B. Todd Campbell and Russell J. Kohel

Fine mapping of the RSC14Q locus for resistance to soybean mosaic virus in soybean

Ying Ma, Da-Gang Wang, Hai-Chao Li, Gui-Jie Zheng and Yong-Qing Yang, et al.


Euphytica - 181 (2), 2011


Induction of Anthurium andraeanum “Arizona” tetraploid by colchicine in vitro

Chao Chen, Xilin Hou, Hongxin Zhang, Guilan Wang and Limin Tian

Performance of Coffea arabica F1 hybrids in agroforestry and full-sun cropping systems in comparison with American pure line cultivars

B. Bertrand, E. Alpizar, L. Lara, R. SantaCreo and M. Hidalgo, et al.

Papaya ringspot virus resistance in Carica papaya via introgression from Vasconcellea quercifolia

S. V. Siar, G. A. Beligan, A. J. C. Sajise, V. N. Villegas and R. A. Drew

Inheritance of traits associated with seed size in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

R. Venuprasad, R. Aruna and S. N. Nigam

Identifying volatile compounds associated with sensory and fruit attributes in diploid Actinidia chinensis (kiwifruit) using multivariate analysis

Canhong H. Cheng, Alan G. Seal, Elspeth A. MacRae and Mindy Y. Wang

Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) analysis of intergeneric hybrids in Colchicaceae

Daisuke Nakazawa, Tomonari Kishimoto, Takeru Sato, Tomoka Saito and Junji Amano, et al.

Morpho-physiological and phenological attributes of reproductive biology of tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) in Sri Lanka

H. A. C. K. Ariyarathna, M. T. K. Gunasekare, J. D. Kottawa-Arachchige, R. Paskarathevan and K. K. Ranaweera, et al.

Chasmogamous mutant, a novel character enabling commercial hybrid seed production in mungbean

Worawit Sorajjapinun and Peerasak Srinives

Genetic studies in Centrosema pubescens benth, a tropical forage legume: the mating system, genetic variability and genetic relationships between Centrosema species

A. C. B. Sousa, M. A. Carvalho, A. K. B. Ramos, T. Campos and D. A. Sforça, et al.

Genetic diversity, structure and fruit trait associations in Greek sweet cherry cultivars using microsatellite based (SSR/ISSR) and morpho-physiological markers

Ioannis V. Ganopoulos, Konstantinos Kazantzis, Ioannis Chatzicharisis, Irene Karayiannis and Athanasios S. Tsaftaris

Antixenosis resistance to leaf miner Leucoptera coffeella in Coffea species

José Wilacildo de Matos, Oliveiro Guerreiro-Filho, Wallace Gonçalves, Daniel Alves Ramiro and Bárbhara Joana dos Reis Fatobene

Development and application of a SRAP marker for the identification of sex in Buchloe dactyloides

Ying-jie Zhou, Xian-guo Wang and Xin-quan Zhang

Molecular S-genotyping and determination of S-RNase-based incompatibility groups in loquat [Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.]

Laura Carrera, Javier Sanzol, Esteve Soler, María Herrero and Jose I. Hormaza

The self-incompatible RNase S-alleles of Brazilian apple cultivars

Celso Lopes de Albuquerque, Frederico Denardi, Adriana Cibele de Mesquita Dantas and Rubens Onofre Nodari

Genome constitution of Narcissus variety, ‘Tete-a-Tete’, analysed through GISH and NBS profiling

Hongzhi Wu, Munikote S. Ramanna, Paul Arens and Jaap M. van Tuyl


Euphytica - 181 (3), 2011


Effects of acclimation on chilling tolerance in Asian cultivated and wild rice

Akhil Ranjan Baruah, Kazumitsu Onishi, Yasuyo Oguma, Noriko Ishigo-Oka and Naohiro Uwatoko, et al.

Development of gene-based markers from functional Arabidopsis thaliana genes involved in phosphorus homeostasis and mapping in Brassica napus

Guangda Ding, Yuan Liao, Mei Yang, Zunkang Zhao and Lei Shi, et al.

Diversity in root architecture and response to P deficiency in seedlings of Cucumis melo L.

Ana Fita, Fernando Nuez and Belén Picó

Allele mining and haplotype discovery in barley candidate genes for drought tolerance

András Cseri, Mátyás Cserháti, Maria von Korff, Bettina Nagy and Gábor V. Horváth, et al.

In vitro screening and QTL analysis for drought tolerance in diploid potato

A. M. Anithakumari, Oene Dolstra, Ben Vosman, Richard G. F. Visser and C. Gerard van der Linden

Quantitative trait loci associated with salinity tolerance in field grown bread wheat

José Luis Díaz De León, Ricardo Escoppinichi, Nadia Geraldo, Thelma Castellanos and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi, et al.

New genetic sources of resistance in the genus Phaseolus to individual and combined aluminium toxicity and progressive soil drying stresses

Louis Butare, Idupulapati Rao, Philippe Lepoivre, José Polania and César Cajiao, et al.

Identification of quantitative trait loci for cold tolerance during the germination and seedling stages in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Zhoufei Wang, Fuhua Wang, Rong Zhou, Jianfei Wang and Hongsheng Zhang

Quantitative trait loci associated with drought tolerance in the model legume Medicago truncatula

Mounawer Badri, Fabien Chardon, Thierry Huguet and Mohamed Elarbi Aouani

QTL mapping for chromium-induced growth and zinc, and chromium distribution in seedlings of a rice DH population

Boyin Qiu, Fanrong Zeng, Dawei Xue, Weihui Zhou and Shafaqat Ali, et al.


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