
sobota, 7 stycznia 2012

Euphytica - 179 (1-3), 2011

Euphytica - 179 (1), 2011


Special Issue: Borlaug Global Rust Initiative provides momentum for wheat rust research / Guest Edited by R.A. McIntosh and Z.A. Pretorius

Borlaug Global Rust Initiative provides momentum for wheat rust research

R. A. McIntosh and Z. A. Pretorius

Implications of climate change for diseases, crop yields and food security

Adrian C. Newton, Scott N. Johnson and Peter J. Gregory

Rust-proofing wheat for a changing climate

Sukumar Chakraborty, Jo Luck, Grant Hollaway, Glenn Fitzgerald and Neil White

Determining the basis of nonhost resistance in rice to cereal rusts

Mick Ayliffe, Yue Jin, Zhensheng Kang, Mattias Persson and Brian Steffenson, et al.

Nutrient uptake in rust fungi: how sweet is parasitic life?

Ralf T. Voegele and Kurt W. Mendgen

Prospects for functional analysis of effectors from cereal rust fungi

Chuntao Yin and Scot Hulbert

Durable resistance to the wheat rusts: integrating systems biology and traditional phenotype-based research methods to guide the deployment of resistance genes

Iago Lowe, Dario Cantu and Jorge Dubcovsky

Molecular genetics of race non-specific rust resistance in wheat

Evans S. Lagudah

Shifting boundaries: challenges for rust monitoring

D. P. Hodson

Role of Berberis spp. as alternate hosts in generating new races of Puccinia graminis and P. striiformis

Yue Jin

International surveillance of wheat rust pathogens: progress and challenges

Robert Park, Tom Fetch, Dave Hodson, Yue Jin and Kumarse Nazari, et al.

Characterization of two new Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici races within the Ug99 lineage in South Africa

Botma Visser, Liezel Herselman, Robert F. Park, Haydar Karaoglu and Cornelia M. Bender, et al.

Global status of stripe rust: a review of historical and current threats

Colin R. Wellings

Global status of wheat leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina

J. Huerta-Espino, R. P. Singh, S. Germán, B. D. McCallum and R. F. Park, et al.

Genomic selection for durable stem rust resistance in wheat

Jessica E. Rutkoski, Elliot L. Heffner and Mark E. Sorrells

Race non-specific resistance to rust diseases in CIMMYT spring wheats

R. P. Singh, J. Huerta-Espino, S. Bhavani, S. A. Herrera-Foessel and D. Singh, et al.

Delivering rust resistant wheat to farmers: a step towards increased food security

A. K. Joshi, M. Azab, M. Mosaad, M. Moselhy and M. Osmanzai, et al.

Improving wheat stripe rust resistance in Central Asia and the Caucasus

Z. M. Ziyaev, R. C. Sharma, K. Nazari, A. I. Morgounov and A. A. Amanov, et al.


Euphytica - 179 (2), 2011


Allelic changes in bread wheat cultivars were associated with long-term wheat trait improvements

Yong-Bi Fu and Daryl J. Somers

Tetraploid bahiagrass hybrids: breeding technique, genetic variability and proportion of heterotic hybrids

Carlos A. Acuna, Ann R. Blount, Kenneth H. Quesenberry, Kevin E. Kenworthy and Wayne W. Hanna

Characterisation of aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm and correlation between their agronomic and quality traits

Sarika Mathure, Asif Shaikh, N. Renuka, Kantilal Wakte and Narendra Jawali, et al.

Inheritance of Russian wheat aphid resistance from tetraploid wheat accessions during transfer to hexaploid wheat

Benjamin M. Beyer, Scott D. Haley, Nora L. V. Lapitan, Junhua H. Peng and Frank B. Peairs

Comparative genetic mapping of homoeologous genes for the chlorina phenotype in the genus Triticum

K. Kosuge, N. Watanabe and T. Kuboyama

QTL analysis of textural property traits for Chinese northern-style steamed bread

Peng Wu, Bin Liu, Jiansheng Chen, Cailing Sun and Jichun Tian

Agrobacterium mediated transformation of indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) for insect resistance

S. Ignacimuthu and S. Raveendar

Occurrence of 1BL.1RS wheat-rye chromosome translocation and of Sr36/Pm6 resistance gene cluster in wheat cultivars registered in Hungary

László Purnhauser, Lajos Bóna and László Láng

Genetic protection of wheat from rusts and development of resistant varieties in Russia and Ukraine

A. Morgounov, I. Ablova, O. Babayants, L. Babayants and L. Bespalova, et al.

Molecular tagging of a stripe rust resistance gene in Aegilops tauschii

Lin Huang, Lian-Quan Zhang, Bao-Long Liu, Ze-Hong Yan and Bo Zhang, et al.

Impact of seasonal changes on spikelets per panicle, panicle length and plant height in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Mallikarjuna Rao Kovi, Xufeng Bai, Donghai Mao and Yongzhong Xing

Comparative molecular marker-based genetic mapping of flavanone 3-hydroxylase genes in wheat, rye and barley

E. K. Khlestkina, E. A. Salina, I. E. Matthies, I. N. Leonova and A. Börner, et al.

Rich allelic variations of Viviparous-1A and their associations with seed dormancy/pre-harvest sprouting of common wheat

Cheng Chang, Hai-Ping Zhang, Qiu-Xia Zhao, Ji-Ming Feng and Hong-Qi Si, et al.

Improving cooking and eating quality of Xieyou57, an elite indica hybrid rice, by marker-assisted selection of the Wx locus

Dahu Ni, Shilu Zhang, Sheng Chen, Yong Xu and Li Li, et al.


Euphytica - 179 (3), 2011



Breeding options for improving common bean for resistance against bean fly (Ophiomyia spp.): a review of research in eastern and southern Africa

Pascal P. Okwiri Ojwang’, Rob Melis, Mwangi Githiri and Josephine M. Songa

Dominant gene for common bean resistance to common bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonasaxonopodis pv. phaseoli

Mildred Zapata, James S. Beaver and Timothy G. Porch

Mapping and use of seed protein loci for marker-assisted selection of growth habit and photoperiod response in Nuna bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Ana Campa, Astrid Paneda, Elena Pérez-Vega, Ramón Giraldez and Juan José Ferreira

Characterizing the molecular and morphophysiological diversity of Italian red clover

Mario A. Pagnotta, Paolo Annicchiarico, Anna Farina and Sandro Proietti

An intraspecific genetic map of water yam (Dioscorea alata L.) based on AFLP markers and QTL analysis for anthracnose resistance

D. Petro, T. J. Onyeka, S. Etienne and S. Rubens

Determination of responses of different bean cultivars against races of Pseudomonas syringae pv phaseolicola, causal agent of halo blight of bean

Imam Adem Bozkurt and Soner Soylu

Identification and mapping of quantitative resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in Solanum habrochaites LA1777

Junming Li, Lei Liu, Yuling Bai, Richard Finkers and Feng Wang, et al.

Development of simple PCR-based markers linked to the Ms locus, a restorer-of-fertility gene in onion (Allium cepa L.)

Haejeen Bang, Dong Youn Cho, Kil-Sun Yoo, Moo-Kyoung Yoon and Bhimanagouda S. Patil, et al.

Identification and validation of a major QTL for salt tolerance in soybean

A. Hamwieh, D. D. Tuyen, H. Cong, E. R. Benitez and R. Takahashi, et al.

Screening of wild crucifers for resistance to mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) and attempt at introgression of resistance gene(s) from Brassica fruticulosa to Brassica juncea

Sarwan Kumar, Chhaya Atri, Manjeet K. Sangha and S. S. Banga

Mapping QTL for seed yield and canning quality following processing of black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

E. M. Wright and J. D. Kelly

Quantitative trait loci analysis of stem strength and related traits in soybean

Haifeng Chen, Zhihui Shan, Aihua Sha, Baoduo Wu and Zhonglu Yang, et al.

Soybean oil content QTL mapping and integrating with meta-analysis method for mining genes

Zhao-ming Qi, Qiong Wu, Xue Han, Ya-nan Sun and Xiang-yu Du, et al.

A segregation distortion locus located on linkage group 4 of the chickpea genetic map

P. Castro, J. Rubio, A. Cabrera, T. Millán and J. Gil


Erratum to: A segregation distortion locus located on linkage group 4 of the chickpea genetic map

P. Castro, J. Rubio, A. Cabrera, T. Millán and J. Gil


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