
piątek, 16 grudnia 2011

Botany - 89 (1-3), 2011


Botany - 89 (1), 2011


The ecology of Canada Yew (Taxus canadensis Marsh.): A review
Windels, Steve K.; Flaspohler, David J.

Variation in floral morphology and ploidy among populations of Collinsia parviflora and Collinsia grandiflora
Tunbridge, Nicole D.; Sears, Chris; Elle, Elizabeth

Simulated mammal browsing and host gender effects on dual mycorrhizal Salix repens
Saravesi, Karita; Markkola, Annamari; Rautio, Pasi; Tuomi, Juha

Spatial patterns in defoliation and the expression of clonal traits in grazed meadows
Benot, Marie-Lise; Bonis, Anne; Rossignol, Nicolas; Mony, Cendrine

Genetic and morphological variability in populations of the wild diploid potato species Solanum maglia and Solanum kurtzianum from Argentina
Marfil, Carlos F.; Pigni, Natalia B.; Camadro, Elsa L.; Masuelli, Ricardo W.

Rapid juvenile development in old forest lichens
Larsson, Per; Gauslaa, Yngvar

Erratum: A new conifer-inhabiting species of Ceratocystis from Norway
Reid, J.; Iranpour, M.; Rudski, S. M.; Loewen, P. C.; Hausner, G.


Botany - 89 (2), 2011


Genetic monitoring in natural perennial plant populations
Aravanopoulos, F. A.

Canada frostweed (Helianthemum canadense (L.) Michx.; Cistaceae) at the northeastern limit of its range: implications for conservation
Yorke, Alana F.; Mockford, Stephen; Evans, Rodger C.

Do power line rights-of-way facilitate the spread of non-peatland and invasive plants in bogs and fens?
Dubé, Caroline; Pellerin, Stéphanie; Poulin, Monique

Post-disturbance dynamics of plant communities in a Mediterranean temporary pool (Western Morocco): Effects of disturbance size
Sahib, Nargis; Rhazi, Laila; Grillas, Patrick

Spatial and temporal deposition of suberin during maturation of the onion root exodermis
Meyer, Chris J.; Peterson, Carol A.; Bernards, Mark A.

Clonal and nonclonal genetic structure of subarctic black spruce (Picea mariana) populations in Yukon territory
Viktora, Marios; Savidge, Rodney A.; Rajora, Om P.

The effect of invasive Lythrum salicaria pollen deposition on seed set in the native species Decodon verticillatus
Da Silva, Elizabeth M.; Sargent, Risa D.


Botany - 89 (3), 2011


Phenotypic and genotypic differentiation of Vaccinium vitis-idaea between coastal barrens and forests in Nova Scotia, Canada
Balsdon, Jennifer L.; Smith, Tyler W.; Lundholm, Jeremy T.

Bromus inermis invasion of a native grassland: diversity and resource reduction
Fink, Krista A.; Wilson, Scott D.

Hybridization among foundation tree species influences the structure of associated understory plant communities
Lamit, L. J.; Wojtowicz, T.; Kovacs, Z.; Wooley, S. C.; Zinkgraf, M.; Whitham, T. G.; Lindroth, R. L.; Gehring, C. A.

Arabidopsis At2g40730 encodes a cytoplasmic protein involved in nuclear tRNA export
Johnstone, Aaron D.; Mullen, Robert T.; Mangroo, Dev

Hybridization between the threatened herb Boltonia decurrens (Asteraceae) and its widespread congener, B. asteroides
DeWoody, Jennifer; Nason, John D.; Smith, Marian

Diversity of macromycetes determined by tree species, vegetation structure, and microenvironment in tropical cloud forests in Veracruz, Mexico
Gómez-Hernández, Marko; Williams-Linera, Guadalupe


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