
wtorek, 29 listopada 2011

Australian Journal of Botany - 59 (1-6), 2011


Australian Journal of Botany - 59 (1), 2011


Genomic constitution and phylogenetic position of several New Zealand Triticeae species revealed by two single copy nuclear genes

Aimee G. Oliver, Kara Harnish and Genlou Sun

Validating putatively cross-dated Callitris tree-ring chronologies using bomb-pulse radiocarbon analysis

Stuart Pearson, Quan Hua, Kathryn Allen and David M. J. S. Bowman

Female-biased nectar production in the protandrous, hermaphroditic shrub Salvia hierosolymitana (Lamiaceae)

Yehoram Leshem, Tamar Keasar and Avi Shmida

Contribution of autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration to soil CO2 efflux in Chinese fir plantations

Dalun Tian, Guangjun Wang, Yuanying Peng, Wende Yan, Xi Fang, Fan Zhu and Xiaoyong Chen

Changes in light and nutrient availabilities do not alter the duration of use of seed reserves in Araucaria angustifolia seedlings

T. R. Löwe and L. R. Dillenburg

Development and utilisation of conserved-intron scanning marker in sugarcane

M. Suhail Khan, Sonia Yadav, Sangeeta Srivastava, M. Swapna, A. Chandra and Ram K. Singh

Histochemistry and ultrastructure of Campuloclinium chlorolepis (Asteraceae) tuberous roots accumulating fructan: evidences of functions other than reserve carbohydrate

Divina A. A. Vilhalva, Angelo L. Cortelazzo, A. L. Maria Angela M. Carvalho and Rita de Cássia L. Figueiredo-Ribeiro

Late-acting self-incompatibility in Acca sellowiana (Myrtaceae)

Taciane Finatto, Karine L. Dos Santos, Neusa Steiner, Leon Bizzocchi, Daniel F. Holderbaum, Jean P. H. J. Ducroquet, Miguel P. Guerra and Rubens O. Nodari

Insects facilitate wind pollination in pollen-limited Crateva adansonii (Capparaceae)

Yash Mangla and Rajesh Tandon

Fungi and fire in Australian ecosystems: a review of current knowledge, management implications and future directions

Sapphire J. M. McMullan-Fisher, Tom W. May, Richard M. Robinson, Tina L. Bell, Teresa Lebel, Pam Catcheside and Alan York

Calycinal trichomes in Ipomoea cairica (Convolvulaceae): ontogenesis, structure and functional aspects

Elder Antônio Sousa Paiva and Luiza Coutinho Martins


Australian Journal of Botany - 59 (2), 2011


Phylogenetic relationships in Pterostylidinae (Cranichideae: Orchidaceae): combined evidence from nuclear ribomsomal and plastid DNA sequences

Mark A. Clements, J. Tupac Otero and Joseph T. Miller

Autochthonous Streptomyces regulate the metabolism of seedlings of Araucaria angustifolia (Coniferales) during root colonisation

F. R. Dalmas, T. C. B. Pereira, M. R. Bogo and L. V. Astarita

Fire-patterned vegetation and the development of organic soils in the lowland vegetation mosaics of south-west Tasmania

S. W. Wood, Q. Hua and D. M. J. S. Bowman

Defining entities in the Acacia saligna (Fabaceae) species complex using a population genetics approach

M. A. Millar, M. Byrne and W. O'Sullivan

First karyotype, DNA C-value and AT/GC base composition of macaw palm (Acrocomia aculeata, Arecaceae) – a promising plant for biodiesel production

Isabella Santiago Abreu, Carlos Roberto Carvalho, Guilherme Mendes Almeida Carvalho and Sérgio Yoshimitsu Motoike

New records of leaf galls and arthropod oviposition scars in Permian–Triassic Gondwanan gymnosperms

Stephen McLoughlin

The genetic variation in the timing of heteroblastic transition in Eucalyptus globulus is stable across environments

M. G. Hamilton, P. A. Tilyard, D. R. Williams, R. E. Vaillancourt, T. J. Wardlaw and B. M. Potts

Frequency of visits and efficiency of pollination by diurnal and nocturnal lepidopterans for the dioecious tree Randia itatiaiae (Rubiaceae)

Rubem Samuel de Avila and Leandro Freitas

Acacia seedling morphology: phyllotaxy and its relationship to seed mass

Joseph T. Miller and Cathy Miller


Australian Journal of Botany - 59 (3), 2011


Life history and morphological variation in intraspecific seeder and resprouter populations of two species from rock outcrop vegetation in north-east New South Wales

Andrew Benwell and Bruce McCorkell

Identification of key environmental variables associated with the presence of Toothed Leionema (Leionema bilobum serrulatum) in the Strzelecki Ranges, Victoria, Australia

Wendy Wright, Xuan Zhu and Mateusz Okurowski

Demographic structure, genetic diversity and habitat distribution of the endangered, Australian rainforest tree Macadamia jansenii help facilitate an introduction program

Alison Shapcott and Michael Powell

Molecular genetic variation in a widespread forest tree species Eucalyptus obliqua (Myrtaceae) on the island of Tasmania

Justin A. Bloomfield, Paul Nevill, Brad M. Potts, René E. Vaillancourt and Dorothy A. Steane

Triploidy causes sexual infertility in Cyrtanthus breviflorus (Amaryllidaceae)

Mike Ramsey, Glenda Vaughton, Glendon D. Ascough and Steven D. Johnson

Origins of a morphological cline between Eucalyptus melanophloia and Eucalyptus whitei

James E. Holman, Jane M. Hughes and Roderick J. Fensham

Evaluation of different methods for assessing the reproductive mode of weeping lovegrass plants, Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees

Mauro Meier, Diego Zappacosta, Juan Pablo Selva, Silvina Pessino and Viviana Echenique

Diversification history and hybridisation of Dacrydium (Podocarpaceae) in remote Oceania

Gunnar Keppel, Peter Prentis, Ed Biffin, Paul Hodgskiss, Susana Tuisese, Marika V. Tuiwawa and Andrew J. Lowe

Abiotic factors modulate phenotypic plasticity in an apomictic shrub [Miconia albicans (SW.) Triana] along a soil fertility gradient in a Neotropical savanna

Cibele S. Bedetti, Débora B. Aguiar, Maria C. Jannuzzi, Maria Z. D. Moura and Fernando A. O. Silveira

Ophiostoma species (Ophiostomatales, Ascomycota), including two new taxa on eucalypts in Australia

G. Kamgan Nkuekam, Z. Wilhelm de Beer, Michael J. Wingfield, Caroline Mohammed, Angus J. Carnegie, Geoff S. Pegg and Jolanda Roux

Australian Journal of Botany - 59 (4), 2011


Multiple Pleistocene refugia in the widespread Patagonian tree Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae)

Romina Vidal-Russell, Cintia P. Souto and Andrea C. Premoli

The influences of climate, habitat and fire on the distribution of cockatoo grass (Alloteropsis semialata) (Poaceae) in the Wet Tropics of northern Australia

Brooke L. Bateman and Christopher N. Johnson

Variation in morphological traits among and within populations of Austrodanthonia caespitosa (Gaudich.) H.P. Linder and four related species

C. Waters, G. Melville, D. Coates, J. Virgona, A. Young and R. Hacker

Assessing rarity and threat in an arid-zone flora

J. L. Silcock, R. J. Fensham and T. G. Martin

Consequences of long- and short-term fragmentation on the genetic diversity and differentiation of a late successional rainforest conifer

Rohan Mellick, Andrew Lowe and Maurizio Rossetto

Bacterial endophyte in Macropidia fuliginosa: its localisation and eradication from in vitro cultured basal-stem callus

Junji Miyazaki, Beng H. Tan, Stephen G. Errington and John J. S. Kuo

After the fence: vegetation and topsoil condition in grazed, fenced and benchmark eucalypt woodlands of fragmented agricultural landscapes

Suzanne M. Prober, Rachel J. Standish and Georg Wiehl

A successful application of the embryo rescue technique as a model for studying crosses between Salix viminalis and Populus species

Agnieszka Bagniewska-Zadworna, Maciej Zenkteler, Elżbieta Zenkteler, Maria K. Wojciechowicz, Abdelali Barakat and John E. Carlson

Phosphite does not stimulate a wounding response in Eucalyptus marginata seedlings

Roslyn A. Pilbeam, Kay Howard, Bryan L. Shearer and Giles E. St J. Hardy


Australian Journal of Botany - 59 (5), 2011


Silcrete plant fossils from Lightning Ridge, New South Wales: new evidence for climate change and monsoon elements in the Australian Cenozoic

Raymond J. Carpenter, Matthew P. Goodwin, Robert S. Hill and Karola Kanold

Inter- and intra-specific variation in phyllode size and growth form among closely related Mimosaceae Acacia species across a semiarid landscape gradient

Gerald F. M. Page, Louise E. Cullen, Stephen van Leeuwen and Pauline F. Grierson

The potential impacts of climate change on Australian subtropical rainforest

M. J. Laidlaw, W. J. F. McDonald, R. John Hunter, D. A. Putland and R. L. Kitching

Genetic variation and phylogeography of Psammosilene tunicoides (Caryophyllaceae), a narrowly distributed and endemic species in south-western China

Qing-Ying Zhang, Yu-Juan Zhao and Xun Gong

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) status and seedling growth response to indigenous AM colonisation of Euryodendron excelsum in China: implications for restoring an endemic and critically endangered tree

Shi-Kang Shen and Yue-Hua Wang

Densely regenerating coolibah (Eucalyptus coolabah) woodlands are more species-rich than surrounding derived grasslands in floodplains of eastern Australia

Megan K. Good, Jodi N. Price, Peter Clarke and Nick Reid

Codiversification of orchids (Pterostylidinae) and their associated mycorrhizal fungi

J. Tupac Otero, Peter H. Thrall, Mark Clements, Jeremy J. Burdon and Joseph T. Miller

Inflorescence and floral ontogeny in Jasminum fruticans (Oleaceae)

Mohammad Reza Dadpour, Somayeh Naghiloo and Somayeh Faridi Neycharan

Corrigendum to: Defining entities in the Acacia saligna (Fabaceae) species complex using a population genetics approach

M. A. Millar, M. Byrne and W. O'Sullivan

Australian Journal of Botany - 59 (6), 2011


Protein content and electrophoretic profile of insect galls on susceptible and resistant host plants of Bauhinia brevipes Vogel (Fabaceae)

Michelle de Lima Detoni, Eveline Gomes Vasconcelos, Ana Carolina Ribeiro Gomes Maia, Michélia Antônia do Nascimento Gusmao, Rosy Mary dos Santos Isaias, Geraldo Luiz Gonçalves Soares, Jean Carlos Santos and G. Wilson Fernandes

Habitat differentiation between estuarine and inland Hibiscus tiliaceus L. (Malvaceae) as revealed by retrotransposon-based SSAP marker

Tian Tang, Lian He, Feng Peng and Suhua Shi

Contrasting demographic patterns of Ceriops tagal (Rhizophoraceae) populations in the South China Sea

Fire responses and survival strategies of mistletoes (Loranthaceae) in an arid environment in Western Australia

A. N. Start

New insights into the polyploid complex Cenchrus ciliaris L. (Poaceae) show its capacity for gene flow and recombination processes despite its apomictic nature

Amina Kharrat-Souissi, Alex Baumel, Franck Torre, Marianick Juin, Sonja Siljak-Yakovlev, Anne Roig and Mohamed Chaieb

Bundle sheath ontogeny in Kranz and non-Kranz species of Cyperaceae (Poales)

Shirley Martins and Vera Lucia Scatena

Histo- and cytopathology of trunk phloem necrosis, a form of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.) tapping panel dryness

Elisabeth de Fay

The tortoise and the hare? Post-fire regeneration in mixed Eucalyptus–Callitris forest

Ian D. Lunt, Heidi C. Zimmer and David C. Cheal

Floral phenology and morphology of colchicine-induced tetraploid Acacia mangium compared with diploid A. mangium and A. auriculiformis: implications for interploidy pollination

C. Q. Nghiem, C. E. Harwood, J. L. Harbard, A. R. Griffin, T. H. Ha and A. Koutoulis

Nectar collected with microcapillary tubes is less concentrated than total nectar in flowers with small nectar volumes

Sophie Petit, Nadia Rubbo and Russell Schumann


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