
poniedziałek, 14 listopada 2011

Annals of Botany - 107 (2-4), 2011

Contents [107 (2), 2011]:


Nigel Chaffey
Plant Cuttings

Wolfram Adlassnig, Marianne Peroutka, and Thomas Lendl
Traps of carnivorous pitcher plants as a habitat: composition of the fluid, biodiversity and mutualistic activities

O. Leroux, A. Bagniewska-Zadworna, S. K. Rambe, J. P. Knox, S. E. Marcus, E. Bellefroid, D. Stubbe, B. Chabbert, A. Habrant, M. Claeys, and R. L. L. Viane
Non-lignified helical cell wall thickenings in root cortical cells of Aspleniaceae (Polypodiales): histology and taxonomical significance

Cloé Paul-Victor and Nick Rowe
Effect of mechanical perturbation on the biomechanics, primary growth and secondary tissue development of inflorescence stems of Arabidopsis thaliana

Michael A. Forster, Brenton Ladd, and Stephen P. Bonser
Optimal allocation of resources in response to shading and neighbours in the heteroblastic species, Acacia implexa

Lev Jardón-Barbolla, Patricia Delgado-Valerio, Gretel Geada-López, Alejandra Vázquez-Lobo, and Daniel Pinero
Phylogeography of Pinus subsection Australes in the Caribbean Basin

Stephen L. Byrne, Alexandre Foito, Pete E. Hedley, Jenny A. Morris, Derek Stewart, and Susanne Barth
Early response mechanisms of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) to phosphorus deficiency

Kateřina Ambrožová, Terezie Mandáková, Petr Bureš, Pavel Neumann, Ilia J. Leitch, Andrea Koblížková, Jiří Macas, and Martin A. Lysak
Diverse retrotransposon families and an AT-rich satellite DNA revealed in giant genomes of Fritillaria lilies

Nuria K. Koteyeva, Elena V. Voznesenskaya, Eric H. Roalson, and Gerald E. Edwards
Diversity in forms of C4 in the genus Cleome (Cleomaceae)

Alexander Lux, Marek Vaculík, Michal Martinka, Desana Lišková, Manoj G. Kulkarni, Wendy A. Stirk, and Johannes Van Staden
Cadmium induces hypodermal periderm formation in the roots of the monocotyledonous medicinal plant Merwilla plumbea

Maaike De Ridder, Jan Van den Bulcke, Dries Vansteenkiste, Denis Van Loo, Manuel Dierick, Bert Masschaele, Yoni De Witte, David Mannes, Eberhard Lehmann, Hans Beeckman, Luc Van Hoorebeke, and Joris Van Acker
High-resolution proxies for wood density variations in Terminalia superba

A. D. Crawford, J. A. Plummer, R. J. Probert, and K. J. Steadman
The influence of cone age on the relative longevity of Banksia seeds

Marie Genet, Mingcai Li, Tianxiang Luo, Thierry Fourcaud, Anne Clément-Vidal, and Alexia Stokes
Linking carbon supply to root cell-wall chemistry and mechanics at high altitudes in Abies georgei

Amanda L. Ingram, Pascal-Antoine Christin, and Colin P. Osborne
Molecular phylogenies disprove a hypothesized C4 reversion in Eragrostis walteri (Poaceae)


Contents [107 (3), 2011]:


Nigel Chaffey
Plant Cuttings

Małgorzata Stopiczyńska, Kevin L. Davies, and Magdalena Kamińska
Comparative anatomy of the nectary spur in selected species of Aeridinae (Orchidaceae)

Hans Jacquemyn, Rein Brys, Bruno P. A. Cammue, Olivier Honnay, and Bart Lievens
Mycorrhizal associations and reproductive isolation in three closely related Orchis species

Mitchell E. McGlaughlin and Elizabeth A. Friar
Evolutionary diversification and geographical isolation in Dubautia laxa (Asteraceae), a widespread member of the Hawaiian silversword alliance

Jian Li Yang, Xiao Fang Zhu, Cheng Zheng, Yue Jiao Zhang, and Shao Jian Zheng
Genotypic differences in Al resistance and the role of cell-wall pectin in Al exclusion from the root apex in Fagopyrum tataricum

Zivanai Tsvuura, Megan E. Griffiths, Richard M. Gunton, and Michael J. Lawes
Predator satiation and recruitment in a mast fruiting monocarpic forest herb

John C. Ferguson, Julie M. Tarara, Lynn J. Mills, Gary G. Grove, and Markus Keller
Dynamic thermal time model of cold hardiness for dormant grapevine buds

Wilmer Tezara, Rita Colombo, Ilsa Coronel, and Oranys Marín
Water relations and photosynthetic capacity of two species of Calotropis in a tropical semi-arid ecosystem

Qian Zhang, Lu Zhang, Jacob Weiner, Jianjun Tang, and Xin Chen
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alter plant allometry and biomass–density relationships

Arne Saatkamp, Laurence Affre, Thierry Dutoit, and Peter Poschlod
Germination traits explain soil seed persistence across species: the case of Mediterranean annual plants in cereal fields

Valentina Tranchida-Lombardo, Donata Cafasso, Antonia Cristaudo, and Salvatore Cozzolino
Phylogeographic patterns, genetic affinities and morphological differentiation between Epipactis helleborine and related lineages in a Mediterranean glacial refugium

Shiting Zhang, Chuan Zhao, and Eric G. Lamb
Cotyledon damage affects seed number through final plant size in the annual grassland species Medicago lupulina

Pavel Trávníček, Zuzana Dočkalová, Radka Rosenbaumová, Barbora Kubátová, Zbigniew Szeląg, and Jindřich Chrtek
Bridging global and microregional scales: ploidy distribution in Pilosella echioides (Asteraceae) in central Europe

Rubén Milla and Peter B. Reich
Multi-trait interactions, not phylogeny, fine-tune leaf size reduction with increasing altitude

M. D. Bennett and I. J. Leitch
Nuclear DNA amounts in angiosperms: targets, trends and tomorrow


Contents [107 (4), 2011]:


Nigel Chaffey
Plant Cuttings

Anja Geitmann
Petunia. Evolutionary, developmental and physiological genetics

Stephen Byrne and Toni Wendt
Plant genomics. Methods and protocols

David Lawlor
Abiotic Stress Adaptation in Plants. Physiological, Molecular and Genomic Foundation

Chris J. Meyer and Carol A. Peterson
Casparian bands occur in the periderm of Pelargonium hortorum stem and root

Xin-Ding Wang, Kim E. Nolan, Rina R. Irwanto, Michael B. Sheahan, and Ray J. Rose
Ontogeny of embryogenic callus in Medicago truncatula: the fate of the pluripotent and totipotent stem cells

Aline Oriani and Vera Lucia Scatena
Reproductive biology of Abolboda pulchella and A. poarchon (Xyridaceae: Poales)

Bo Zhang, Regine Claßen-Bockhoff, Zhi-Qiang Zhang, Shan Sun, Yan-Jiang Luo, and Qing-Jun Li
Functional implications of the staminal lever mechanism in Salvia cyclostegia (Lamiaceae)

Clara de Vega, Montserrat Arista, Pedro L. Ortiz, Carlos M. Herrera, and Salvador Talavera
Endozoochory by beetles: a novel seed dispersal mechanism

Laura Bourque and Christian Lacroix
Lobe-generating centres in the simple leaves of Myriophyllum aquaticum: evidence for KN1-like activity

Magali Willaume and Loic Pages
Correlated responses of root growth and sugar concentrations to various defoliation treatments and rhythmic shoot growth in oak tree seedlings (Quercus pubescens)

Gemma E. Beatty and Jim Provan
High clonal diversity in threatened peripheral populations of the yellow bird's nest (Hypopitys monotropa; syn. Monotropa hypopitys)

J. Scott MacIvor, Melissa A. Ranalli, and Jeremy T. Lundholm
Performance of dryland and wetland plant species on extensive green roofs

Nithya K. Subramanian, Philip J. White, Martin R. Broadley, and Gavin Ramsay
The three-dimensional distribution of minerals in potato tubers

Yuan Sui, Weiming He, Xu Pan, and Ming Dong
Partial mechanical stimulation facilitates the growth of the rhizomatous plant Leymus secalinus: modulation by clonal integration

Juerg Schulze, Peter Stoll, Alex Widmer, and Andreas Erhardt
Searching for gene flow from cultivated to wild strawberries in Central Europe

Karel Novák
Determination of symbiotic nodule occupancy in the model Vicia tetrasperma using a fluorescence scanner

Roberto Ligrone, Kevin C. Vaughn, and Nicoletta Rascio
A cytochemical and immunocytochemical analysis of the wall labyrinth apparatus in leaf transfer cells in Elodea canadensis


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