
sobota, 5 listopada 2011

African Journal of Ecology - 48 (2-3), 2010

Contents [48 (2), 2010]:

Medicinal plants of Erute county, Lira district, Uganda with particular reference to their conservation
Oryema, Christine; Ziraba, Remigius Bukenya; Omagor, Nelson; Opio, Alfonse

Diet composition of Xenopus borealis in Taita Hills: effects of habitat and predator size
Bwong, Beryl A.; John Measey, G.

Effects of plant structure on butterfly diversity in Mt. Marsabit Forest - northern Kenya
Humpden, Nyamweya N.; Nathan, Gichuki N.

Species diversity and population dynamics of rodents in a farm-fallow field mosaic system in Central Tanzania
Makundi, Rhodes H.; Massawe, Apia W.; Mulungu, Loth S.; Katakweba, Abdul

Impact of habitat disturbance in the wetland forests of East Usambara, Tanzania
Senzota, Ramadhani; Mbago, Frank

Influence of temperature and salinity on the germination of Lotus creticus (L.) from the arid land of Tunisia
Rejili, Mokhtar; Vadel, Ahmedou M.; Guetet, Arbi; Mahdhi, Mosbah; Lachiheb, Belgacem; Ferchichi, Ali; Mars, Mohamed

Impact of cocoa farming on vegetation in an agricultural landscape in Ghana
Asase, Alex; Ofori-Frimpong, Kwasi; Ekpe, Patrick K.

Does designation of protected areas ensure conservation of tree diversity in the Sudanian dry forest of Burkina Faso?
Paré, Souleymane; Tigabu, Mulualem; Savadogo, Patrice; Odén, Per Christer; Ouadba, Jean Marie

Response of Faidherbia albida (Del.) A. Chev., Acacia nigrescens Oliver. and Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd ex Del. seedlings to simulated cotyledon and shoot herbivory in a semi-arid savanna in Zimbabwe
Dube, Sijabulile; Mlambo, Donald; Sebata, Allan

Roadside conditions as predictor for wildlife crossing probability in a Central African rainforest
van der Hoeven, Christiaan A.; de Boer, Willem F.; Prins, Herbert H. T.

Differences in stable isotope composition within and among zooplanktivorous Utaka cichlid populations from Lake Malawi
Anseeuw, Dieter; Guelinckx, Jef; Snoeks, Jos

The ranging patterns of elephants in Marsabit protected area, Kenya: the use of satellite-linked GPS collars
Ngene, Shadrack M.; Van Gils, Hein; Van Wieren, Sipke E.; Rasmussen, Henrik; Skidmore, Andrew K.; Prins, Herbert H. T.; Toxopeus, Albertus G.; Omondi, Patrick; Douglas-Hamilton, Iain

Competition between domestic dogs and Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis) in the Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia
Atickem, A.; Bekele, A.; Williams, S. D.

Exclusion of livestock grazing and wood collection in dryland savannah: an effect on long-term vegetation succession
Hejcmanová, Pavla; Hejcman, Michal; Camara, Abdoul Aziz; Antonínová, Markéta

Spider family composition and species richness patterns in two savannah habitats along the eastern coastal plain of Africa
Haddad, Charles R.; Russell-Smith, Anthony

Forest eternal? Endemic butterflies of the Bamenda highlands, Cameroon, avoid close-canopy forest
Tropek, Robert; Konvicka, Martin

Seasonal variation in forages utilized by the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in the succulent thicket of South Africa
Tshabalala, Thulani; Dube, Sikhalazo; Lent, Peter C.

Spiders as potential indicators of elephant-induced habitat changes in endemic sand forest, Maputaland, South Africa
Haddad, Charles R.; Honiball, Allet S.; Dippenaar-Schoeman, Anna S.; Slotow, Rob; van Rensburg, Berndt J.

Postdispersal seed predation and seed viability in forest soils: implications for the regeneration of tree species in Ethiopian church forests
Wassie, Alemayehu; Bekele, Tesfaye; Sterck, Frank; Teketay, Demel; Bongers, Frans

An ecological study of the relationship between two living fossils in Malawi: the Mulanje Tiger Moth (Callioratis grandis) and the Mulanje Cycad (Encephalartos gratus)
Bayliss, Julian; Burrow, Camilla; Martell, Sara; Staude, Hermann

Age, growth and reproduction of Marcusenius pongolensis, Oreochromis mossambicus and Schilbe intermedius in an oligotrophic impoundment in Swaziland
Booth, Anthony J.; Khumalo, Nokuthula

Impacts of traditional land uses on biodiversity outside conservation areas: effects on dung beetle communities of Vaalbos National Park
Simelane, Thokozani S.

Population status, structure and activity patterns of the Bohor reedbuck Redunca redunca in the north of the Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia
Afework, Bezawork; Bekele, Afework; Balakrishnan, Mundanthra

Observations on the breeding behaviour of the Stripe-breasted tit (Parus fasciiventer) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda
Yatuha, Jane; Dranzoa, Christine

Dietary specialization and climatic-linked variations in extant populations of Ethiopian wolves
Marino, Jorgelina; Mitchell, Rebecca; Johnson, Paul J.

The importance of post-fire regrowth for sable antelope in a Southern African savanna
Parrini, Francesca; Owen-Smith, Norman

Reproductive life history of Thornicroft's giraffe in Zambia
Bercovitch, Fred B.; Berry, Philip S. M.

Integrating indigenous knowledge, active conservation and wild food plant use with reference to Dioscorea species in Bwindi forest, south-western Uganda
Byarugaba, Dominic

New photographic evidence of the African golden cat (Profelis aurata Temminck) at Mainaro, Kibale National Park, Uganda
Aronsen, Gary P.

Assessment of forest patches' extents and land cover changes in the Tana River Primate National Reserve, 1994-2004
Owino, Alfred O.; Oyugi, Joseph O.

Dung decay and its implication for population estimates of duikers (Cephalophus and Philantoba spp.) and red river hogs (Potamochaerus porcus) in the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, Republic of Congo
Breuer, Thomas; Mavinga, Franck Barrell; Breuer-Ndoundou Hockemba, Mireille

Colobus monkey parasite infections in wet and dry habitats: implications for climate change
Chapman, Colin A.; Speirs, Michaela L.; Hodder, Stacey A.M.; Rothman, Jessica M.

Seasonal variation in the diet of the Amur kestrel (Falco amurensis) in its winter quarter in Lesotho
Kopij, Grzegorz

Cercopithecus nictitans prey on air-borne termites in Gabon, Central Africa
Jeffery, Kathryn; Maisels, Fiona; Barbry, Thomas

Photographic evidence of Jentink's duiker in the Gola Forest Reserves, Sierra Leone
Ganas, Jessica; Lindsell, Jeremy A.

Contents [48 (3), 2010]:

Impacts of selective logging on population structure and dynamics of a canopy tree (Olea capensis) in Kakamega forest
Tsingalia, Mugatsia

Inbreeding and inbreeding depression in a threatened endemic plant, the African violet (Saintpaulia ionantha ssp. grotei), of the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania
Kolehmainen, Johanna; Korpelainen, Helena; Mutikainen, Pia

Censusing the mountain gorillas in the Virunga Volcanoes: complete sweep method versus monitoring
Gray, Maryke; McNeilage, Alastair; Fawcett, Katie; Robbins, Martha M.; Ssebide, Benard; Mbula, Deo; Uwingeli, Prosper

Diversity, dynamics and reproduction in a community of small mammals in Upper Guinea, with emphasis on pygmy mice ecology
Fichet-Calvet, Elisabeth; Audenaert, Leen; Barriere, Patrick; Verheyen, Erik

Breeding requirements of Nahan's Francolin, Francolinus nahan, in Budongo forest reserve, Uganda
Sande, Eric; Dranzoa, Christine; Wegge, Per; Carroll, John P.

Sharing natural resources: mountain gorillas and people in the Parc National des Volcans, Rwanda
van Gils, Hein; Kayijamahe, Eugene

Prediction of Prosopis species invasion in Kenya using geographical information system techniques
Muturi, Gabriel M.; Mohren, Godefridus M. J.; Kimani, Jacob N.

Response of waterbird species to fluctuating water levels in tropical coastal wetlands
Gbogbo, Francis; Oduro, William; Oppong, Samuel Kingsley

Structure of Anogeissus leiocarpa Guill., Perr. natural stands in relation to anthropogenic pressure within Wari-Maro Forest Reserve in Benin
Assogbadjo, Achille Ephrem; Kakai, Romain Lucas Glele; Sinsin, Brice; Pelz, Dieter

Acoustic estimation of wildlife abundance: methodology for vocal mammals in forested habitats
Thompson, Mya E.; Schwager, Steven J.; Payne, Katharine B.; Turkalo, Andrea K.

Assessment of Rhodamine B for labelling the plague reservoir Rattus rattus in Madagascar
Rahelinirina, Soanandrasana; Duplantier, Jean-Marc; Ratsimba, Mamy; Ratovonjato, Jocelyn; Ramilijaona, Olga; Papillon, Yves; Rahalison, Lila

Intra-lake stable isotope ratio variation in selected fish species and their possible carbon sources in Lake Kyoga (Uganda): implications for aquatic food web studies
Mbabazi, Dismas; Makanga, B.; Orach-Meza, F.; Hecky, R. E.; Balirwa, J.S.; Ogutu-Ohwayo, R.; Verburg, P.; Chapman, L.; Muhumuza, E.

The influence of geographic and morphometric factors on the distribution of water bird species in small high altitude tropical man made reservoirs, Central Rift Valley, Kenya
Mwaura, Francis

Diversity and abundance of insect visitors to flowers of trees and shrubs in a South African savannah
Mawdsley, Jonathan R.; Sithole, Hendrik

Disturbance indicators and population decline of logged species in Mt. Elgon Forest, Kenya
Hitimana, Joseph; Kiyiapi, James; Njunge, Joseph; Bargerei, Rosemary

Conservation planning and viability: problems associated with identifying priority sites in Swaziland using species list data
Smith, Robert J.; Monadjem, Ara; Magagula, Cebisile N.; Mahlaba, Themba A.M.

Indications of higher diversity and abundance of small rodents in human-influenced Sudanian savannah than in the Niokolo Koba National Park (Senegal)
Konečný, Adam; Koubek, Petr; Bryja, Josef

Participatory wildlife surveys in communal lands: a case study from Simanjiro, Tanzania
Msoffe, Fortunata U.; Ogutu, Joseph O.; Kaaya, John; Bedelian, Claire; Said, Mohammed Y.; Kifugo, Shem C.; Reid, Robin S.; Neselle, Moses; van Gardingen, Paul; Thirgood, Simon

Preliminary investigations into a potential ant invader in Kruger National Park, South Africa
Sithole, Hendrik; Smit, Izak P.J.; Parr, Catherine L.

Variability in survival and mortality of Acacia drepanolobium Sjostedt following prescribed burning at Olpejeta Conservancy, Kenya
Wahungu, Geoffrey M.; Mureu, Lucy K.; Macharia, Paul G.

Range expansion of the globally Vulnerable Karamoja apalis Apalis karamojae in the Serengeti ecosystem
Shaw, Philip; Sinclair, A.R.E.; Metzger, Kristine; Nkwabi, Ally; Mduma, Simon A.R.; Baker, Neil

Floristic inventory and diversity assessment of a lowland African Montane Rainforest at Korup, Cameroon and implications for conservation
Mbue, Innocent Ndoh; Ge, Jiwen; Kanyamanda, Kasereka; Nowel Njamnsi, Yinkfu; Samake, Mamadou

Do Meyer's Parrots Poicephalus meyeri benefit pollination and seed dispersal of plants in the Okavango Delta, Botswana?
Boyes, Rutledge S.; Perrin, Michael R.

Seedling survival in Manilkara butugi Chiov. along a dispersal gradient in Kakamega forest, Kenya
Wahungu, Geoffery M.; Mureu, Lucy K.; Wato, Yussuf A.; Mureithi, Sarah N.; Karanja, Geoffery G.

Density dependence and population dynamics of black rhinos (Diceros bicornis michaeli) in Kenya's rhino sanctuaries
Okita-Ouma, Benson; Amin, Rajan; van Langevelde, Frank; Leader-Williams, Nigel

The use of breeding sites of Tilapia congica (Thys & van Audenaerde 1960) to delineate conservation sites in the Lake Tumba, Democratic Republic of Congo: toward the conservation of the lake ecosystem
Inogwabini, Bila-Isia; Dianda, Mputu; Lingopa, Zanga

Moist lower montane rainforest classification: a case study from Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda
Chaigneau, Tomas; Ahrends, Antje; Argent, Jennifer; Riddhiraska, Naboon; Marchant, Rob

A note on the thermal ecology and foraging behaviour of the Egyptian fruit bat, Rousettus aegyptiacus, at Mt. Elgon, Kenya
McFarlane, Donald A.; Lundberg, Joyce

Utilization of forest plant resources by the local people around Kalinzu Forest Reserve, South-Western Uganda
Aine-omucunguzi, Adalbert; Kagoro-Rugunda, Grace; Byarugaba, Dominic

When savannah encroaches on the forest: thresholds in bird-habitat associations in the Bamenda Highlands, Cameroon
Hořák, David; Sedláček, Ondřej; Reif, Jiří; Riegert, Jan; Pešata, Michal

Catch composition and seasonal distribution of the genera Penaeus and Macrobranchium in Badagry Creek, Nigeria
Akintola, Shehu L.; Olusoji-Bello, Oluayo A.; Anetekhai, Martins A.; Clarke, Edwin O.; Ajibade, Mathew A.; Kumolu-Johnson, Christopher A.

Genetic differentiation in an arboreal rodent from African savannas
Meyer, Jork; Kohnen, Annette; Brandl, Roland

The population status of the Kafue Lechwe in the Kafue Flats, Zambia
Chansa, Wilbroad; Kampamba, George

Structuring of genetic diversity in Albizia gummifera C.A.Sm. among some East African and Madagascan populations
Nantongo, Judith Ssali; Lamoris Okullo, John Bosco; Eilu, Gerald; Ratsimiala Ramonta, Isabelle; Odee, David; Cavers, Stephen

Survey of fungi on some red and white mangrove forest trees in Rivers State, Nigeria
Ukoima, N.H.; Amakiri, M.A.; Adeniji, M.O.; Daniel-Kalio, L.A.

Single black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) kills adult impala (Aepyceros melampus)
Kamler, Jan F.; Foght, James L.; Collins, Kai

New observations of the terrestrial holoparasite Chlamydophytum aphyllum Mildbr. and its consumption by bonobos at Kokolopori, Democratic Republic of Congo
Georgiev, Alexander V.; Lokasola, Albert L.; Nkanga, Leonard; Lokondja, Antoine; Nsala, Jean; Likenge, Jacques; Ilanga-Bomanga, Antoine; Likenge, Jean-Pierre


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