
środa, 19 października 2011

African Journal of Biotechnology - 10 (35-38), 2011

Contents [10 (35), 2011]:

Khady Nani Dramé, Ines Sanchez, Glenn Gregorio and Marie Noëlle Ndjiondjop

Suitability of a selected set of simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers for multiplexing and rapid molecular characterization of African rice (Oryza glaberrima Steud.)

Ashok Kumar, Shivani Dobhal and Shruti Sharma

Assessment of genetic diversity in different clones of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. by RAPD markers

Xianglong Li, Jingjing Zhang, Rongyan Zhou, Lanhui Li and Guiru Zheng

Special variations within 11.7 kb fragment in goat polled intersex syndrome

Noor Izawati Alias, Nor Muhammad Mahadi, Abdul Munir Abdul Murad, Farah Diba Abu Bakar, Amir Rabu and Rosli M. Illias

Expression optimisation of recombinant ?-L-arabinofuranosidase from Aspergillus niger ATCC 120120 in Pichia pastoris and its biochemical characterisation

Zhao Zhichang, Hu guibing, Ouyang Ruo, Liu Yunchun, Chen Yeyuan and Luo Shirong

Studies of the genetic diversity of seven sweetsop (Annona squamosa L.) cultivars by amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis

Xingquan Xia, Ling Wang, Liuwang Nie, Zhengfeng Huang, Yuan Jiang, Wanxing Jing and Luo Liu

Interspecific hybridization between Mauremys reevesii and Mauremys sinensis: Evidence from morphology and DNA sequence data

Jinghui Gao, Jing Wang, Zengmiao Hou, Jishu Zhang and Shumin Liu

Cloning and mRNA expression pattern analysis under low temperature stress of EAAP gene in Dongmu-70 rye

Shaojun Wang and Honghua Ruan

Effects of soil mesofauna and microclimate on nitrogen dynamics in leaf litter decomposition along an elevation gradient

Iyyakkannu Sivanesan, Moon Sook Son, Chae Shin Lim and Byoung Ryong Jeong

Effect of soaking of seeds in potassium silicate and uniconazole on germination and seedling growth of tomato cultivars, Seogeon and Seokwang

H. Güner Seferoglu, F. Ekmel Tekintaş, Oguz Dolgun, Cengiz Özarslan and Nazif Şahin

Investigation of branch breaking resistances in “Sari Zeybek” fig cultivar

Huijun Zhang, Gao Peng and Luan Feishi

Efficient plant regeneration from cotyledonary node explants of Cucumis melo L.

Yang Ye, Wang Qiaolan, Geng Mingjian, Guo Zaihua and Zhao Zhuqing

Al-induced root cell wall chemical components differences of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) differing in Al tolerance

Chien-Hui Wu, Hong-Ting Lin, Guan-James Wu, Sheng-Hong Wang and Guo-Jane Tsai

In vitro investigation of the hypoglycemic activity of yeasts using models of rat epididymal adipocyte and differentiated mouse 3T3-L1 adipocyte

Yongliang Zhuang and Liping Sun

Antioxidant activity of maillard reaction products from lysine-glucose model system as related to optical property and copper (II) binding ability

Zong-Ming Zheng, Ti-Peng Wang, Yun-Zhen Xu, Chang-Qing Dong and De-Hua Liu

Inhibitory mechanism of 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde accumulation in 1,3-propanediol synthesis with Klebsiella pneumoniae

Mehrdad Lotfi, Sepideh Vosoughhosseini, Bahram Ranjkesh, Sajjad Khani, Mohammadali Saghiri and Vahid Zand

Antimicrobial efficacy of nanosilver, sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine gluconate against Enterococcus faecalis

Adebolu, T. T., Adeoye, O. O. and Oyetayo, V. O.

Effect of garlic (Allium sativum) on Salmonella typhi infection, gastrointestinal flora and hematological parameters of albino rats

Jiang Zhu, Huan Lan, Suling Hong, Guohua Hu, Qing Ai, Zhengmei Yang, Xia Ke, Fangzhou Song and Youquan Bu

Polo-like kinase 1 siRNA-607 induces mitotic arrest and apoptosis in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells

Dan Wang, Xueliang Bai, Qing Liu, Yerong Zhu, Yanling Bai and Yong Wang

Expression of human soluble tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand in transplastomic tobacco

Xun-Wei Leng and Yan Xu

Improvement of acid protease production by a mixed culture of Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae using solid-state fermentation technique


Contents [10 (36), 2011]:

Milad Nikkhoo, Hadi Sayyahzadeh, Ghodrat Rahimi-Mianji,Mozhdeh Nikkhoo, Farnaz Faezi, and Minoo Khamesian

Measurement of genetic parameters within and between breeder flocks of Arian broiler lines using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers

Jia Mi, Shuhua Zheng, Minyun Xu, Ding Huang and Kun Wang

Genetic structure of Potentilla acaulis (Rosaceae) populations based on randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) in habitat fragmented grassland of northern China

Hesham Mahmoud Saeed, Mohammad Saud Alanazi and Mohammad Daoud Bazzi

Molecular cloning and characterization of cDNA encoding Camelus dromedarius putative glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase

Ge Zhang, Yue-hui Ma, Yuan-yue Zhang, Wei-jun Guan, Qian-jun Zhao, Hui-jing Zhao and Jian-lin Han

Six SNPs and a TTG indel in sheep desmoglein 4 gene are in complete linkage disequilibrium

Hassan Momtaz, Shahin Nejat, Negar Souod, Monochehr Momeni and Sohrab Safari

Comparisons of competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and one step RT-PCR tests for the detection of Bluetongue virus in south west of Iran

Ahmed M. El-Shehawi, Mostafa A. Eldakak and Mohamed A. Seehy

Assessment of anticlastogenic activity of cinnamic acid: Anticlastogenic index (ACI) and model simulation

Yan-li Yin and Wenjun Wang

Optimization of overproducing S-adenosyl-L-methionine Saccharomyces cerevisiae S-W55 mutant utilizing unpolished rice from aging paddy by feeding L-methionine

Bihao Cao, Jianjun Lei, Guoju Chen, Panrong Cao, Xin Liu, Qinhua Chen and Xiaosan Wei

Testing of disease-resistance of pokeweed antiviral protein gene (PacPAP) in transgenic cucumber (Cucumis sativus)

Chen Hai-mei, Zhao Zhi-gang, Jiang Ling, Wan Xiang-yuan, Liu Ling-long, Wu Xiu-ju and Wan Jian-min

Molecular genetic analysis on percentage of grains with chalkiness in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Peng Guo, Xinli Xia and Wei Lun Yin

A role for stomata in regulating water use efficiency in Populus×euramericana and characterization of a related gene, PdERECTA

Jun Ni, Hanping Mao, Yongchao Tian, Xia Yao and Yan Zhu

Design and experimentation of sensitive element of piezoelectric crystal sensor array for grain cleaning loss

Jian-gen Liang, Rong-xiang Tao, Zhong-na Hao, Lian-ping Wang and Xin Zhang

Induction of resistance in cucumber against seedling damping-off by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) Bacillus megaterium strain L8

Harmanjit Kaur, Manju Anand and Dinesh Goyal

Establishment of an efficient protocol for micropropagation of stem explants of Tylophora indica, an important medicinal plant

Shehzad Shakoor, Sobia Chohan, Abid Riaz, Rashida Perveen, Safina Naz, Mirza Abid Mehmood, Muhammad Saleem Haider and Shakeel Ahmad

Screening of systemic fungicides and biochemicals against seed borne mycoflora associated with Momordica charantia

Xiaojue Peng, Xin Zeng, Xia Ding, Shaobo Li, Chao Yu and Youlin Zhu

Ectopic expression of a vesicle trafficking gene, OsRab7, from Oryza sativa, confers tolerance to several abiotic stresses in Escherichia coli

A. Mohana Priya , S. Karutha Pandian and M. Ramesh

Effect of NaCl on in vitro plant regeneration from embryogenic callus cultures of 'cv IR 64' indica rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Leka Mandic, Dragutin Djukić, Ilinka Beatovic, Zoran Jovovic, Marijana Pesakovic and Vladeta Stevovic

Effect of different fertilizers on the microbial activity and productivity of soil under potato cultivation

Aghabarati Ashraf and Maralian Habib

Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) seed quality in relation to seed deterioration under accelerated aging conditions

Xiaoli Xuan, Yongfei Wang, Sanmei Ma and Xiang Ye

Comparisons of stomatal parameters between normal and abnormal leaf of Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd

Baiyeri, K. P., Aba, S. C., Otitoju, G. T. and Mbah, O. B.

The effects of ripening and cooking method on mineral and proximate composition of plantain (Musa sp. AAB cv. ‘Agbagba’) fruit pulp

Yi Wen and Chao-Hai Wei

Heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification bacterium isolated from anaerobic/anoxic/oxic treatment system

A. K. Sharan, Mritunjay Kumar, Ragini Singh, Neha, A. Kishor, G. D. Sharma and Chandrawati Jee

Effect of vermicompost on manifestation of pesticide action on growth of Zinnia elegans

Mina Macki Aleagha and Abdol Ghaffar Ebadi

Study of heavy metals bioaccumulation in the process of vermicomposting

H. L. Lau, A. Ariff, K. K. Woo, T.C. Ling and S. L. Hii

Production and optimization of alkalostable lipase by alkalophilic Burkholderia cenocepacia ST8

Chin-Fa Hwang Jen-Ni Chen Yu-Ting Huang and Zhang-Yi Mao

Biomass production of Lactobacillus plantarum LP02 isolated from infant feces with potential cholesterol-lowering ability

Can Liu, Jing Liu, Yonghai Rong and Long Rong

Preparation of productive and highly purified mogrosides from Siraitia grosvenorii

Lequn Kang, Haifeng Shi, Nan Wang, Yukun Chen, Qin Yao, Yajing Zhou, Yong Wang, Huiqing Chen, Min Guo, Fenghua Wang and Keping Chen

Cloning, purification and characterization of recombinant silkworm arginine kinase expressed in Escherichia coli

Chuanwang Cao, Zhiying Wang, Shanchun Yan, Ling Ma and Chuanping Yang

Effects of Lymantria dispar feeding and mechanical wounding on defense-related enzymes in Populus simonii × Populus nigra

Chunhui Shou, Nanchuan Weng, Xiuchun Chang, Lei Feng, Hangping Yao and Nanping Wu

Effect of allicin on THP-1, MT-2 and WISH cell apoptosis induced by vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and the molecular mechanism involved

Ming-Yeou Lung and Yu-Cheng Chang

In vitro antioxidant properties of polysaccharides from Armillaria mellea in batch fermentation

Luseba, D., Letsoalo, M. E. and Katerere, D.

A comparative study of antibacterial activities of wild and cultivated plants used in ethnoveterinary medicine

Tülin Özsisli

Population densities of wheat thrips, Haplothrips tritici Kurdjumov (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae), on different wheat and barley cultivars in the province of Kahramanmaraş, Turkey

Muhammad Naeem, Abdus Salam, Muhammad Ashraf, Muhammad Khalid and Abir Ishtiaq

External morphometric study of hatchery reared mahseer (Tor putitora) in relation to body size and condition factor

Jiaying Xin, Yingxin Zhang, Jing Dong, Hao Song and Chungu Xia

An experimental study on molecular weight of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) accumulated in Methylosinus trichosporium IMV 3011

Vahid Zand, Hadi Mokhtari, Mehrdad Lotfi, Mohammad Forough Reyhani, Aydin Sohrabi, Pardis Tehranchi and Hamid Reza Mokhtari Zenouzi

Accuracy of working length determination with root ZX apex locator and radiography: An in vivo and ex vivo study

Manuela Ursache-Oprisan, Ecaterina Focanici, Dorina Creanga and Ovidiu Caltun

Sunflower chlorophyll levels after magnetic nanoparticle supply

Gokalp Ozmen Guler and Abdurrahman Aktumsek

Effect of feeding regime on fatty acid composition and conjugated linoleic acid content of perirenal, omental and tail fat in Akkaraman lambs

Amira Abdulbari Kassem, Zuki Abu Bakar, Goh Yong Meng and Noordin Mohamed Mustapha

Effect of n-3 and n-6 fatty acid supplementation on fetal, gestation and parturition in pregnant Sprague Dawley rats

Vlada Pantelić, Ljiljana Sretenović , Dušica Ostojić-Andrić , Snežana Trivunović, Milan M. Petrović, Stevica Aleksić and Dragana Ružić-Muslić

Heritability and genetic correlation of production and reproduction traits of Simmental cows


Contents [10 (37), 2011]:

Tian Shuangqi, Wang Zhenyu, Fan Ziluan, Zuo Lili and Wang Jichang

Determination methods of cellulase activity

Xinyou Zhang, Suoyi Han, Fengshou Tang, Jing Xu, Hua Liu, Mei Yan, Wenzhao Dong, Bingyan Huang and Shuijin Zhu

Genetic analysis of yield in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) using mixed model of major gene plus polygene

Mina Beigmohamadi and Fatima Rahmani

Genetic variation in hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) using RAPD markers

Guoyuan Lu, Yanping Shen, Wenjuan Qian, Lei Shen, Qing Qiao, Ming Li and Zhaoyue Wang

Endothelial protein C receptor in renal tubular epithelial cells and influencing factors

Yunyun Jiang, Jiali Dong, Rongjun Chen, Xiaoling Gao and Zhengjun Xu

Isolation of a novel PP2C gene from rice and its response to abiotic stresses

Huagang He, Shanying Zhu, Wenbing Wang, Tongde Bie and Peidu Chen

Cloning and expression analysis of a blue copper-binding protein gene from Dasypyrum Villosum

Li-Na Zhen, Kang Wang, Ying-Jun Zhang and He Zhou

A method for high-quality RNA extraction from tall fescue

Hashim A. El Atta, Ibrahim M. Aref and Sayeda A. Khalil

Increased gum arabic production after infestation of Acacia senegal with Aspergillus flavus and Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes transmitted by Agrilus nubeculosus

Gargi Chakravarty and M. C. Kalita

Comparative evaluation of organic formulations of Pseudomonas fluorescens based biopesticides and their application in the management of bacterial wilt of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)

Wang Zan, Yang Xi, Wang Xue-Min, and Gao Hong-Wen

Growth and physiological response of tall oat grass to salinity stress

Syed Zia-ul-Hussnain, M. I. Haque, S. M. Mughal, Kosar Nawaz Shah, Aiysha Irfan, Shahid Afghan, Aamir Shahazad, Akhtar Batool , Plosha Khanum, Khalid Hussain, Khalid Nawaz, Muhammad N. Hassan and Fauzia Y. Hafeez

Isolation and biochemical characterizations of the bacteria (Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae) associated with red stripe disease of sugarcane

Tong Bao, Tieheng Sun and Lina Sun

Effect of cadmium hyperaccumulation on antioxidative defense and proline accumulation of Solanum nigrum L.

Abdelnasser S. S. Ibrahim, Mohamed A. El-Tayeb, Yahya B. Elbadawi and Ali A. Al-Salamah

Bioreduction of Cr (VI) by potent novel chromate resistant alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. strain KSUCr5 isolated from hypersaline Soda lakes

Abhishek Dutt Tripathi and S. K. Srivastava

Novel approach for optimization of fermentative condition for polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) production by Alcaligenes sp. using Taguchi (DOE) methodology

Zhang Baoxin, Wang Xiangjing and Xiang Wensheng

Optimization of fermentation medium for enhanced production of milbemycin by a mutant of Streptomyces bingchenggensis BC-X-1 using response surface methodology

Hui Ni, Qi-he Chen, Feng Chen, Ming-liang Fu, Ya-chen Dong and Hui-nong Cai

Improved keratinase production for feather degradation by Bacillus licheniformis ZJUEL31410 in submerged cultivation

Dorota Cais-Sokolińska, Małgorzata Majcher, Jan Pikul, Sylwia Bielińska, Marian Czauderna and Jacek Wójtowski

The effect of Camelina sativa cake diet supplementation on sensory and volatile profiles of ewe’s milk

Lin-Qiang Li and Lin-Sen Zan

Distinct physicochemical characteristics of different beef from Qinchuan cattle carcass

Lu Ye, Zheng Xiao Jian, Xue Ren Yu, Cao Guang Li, Shen Wei De and Gong Cheng Liang

Antiproliferative activity of recombinant human interferon-?2 expressed in stably transformed BmN cells

Bakhtiari Sedighe, Baharvand Maryam, Anbari Fahimeh, Azimi Somayyeh, Taheri Jamileh Bigom

Effect of vitamin C on salivary superoxide dismutase activity in smokers

Ming Wu, Zhenzhen Xun, Gang Wang, Yang Sun and Guang Chen

Effects of recombinant human collagen VI from Escherichia coli on UVA-irradiated human skin fibroblasts cells

Selvi, S., Umadevi, P., Murugan, S. and Giftson Senapathy, J.

Anticancer potential evoked by Pleurotus florida and Calocybe indica using T24 urinary bladder cancer cell line

Shafaq Noori and Tabassum Mahboob

Effectiveness of carnosine on disturbed electrolytes homeostasis induced by cisplatin

Tomris Deniz Bök, Didem Goktürk and Abdullah Ekrem Kahraman

Bycatch in 36 and 40 mm PA Turkish twin rigged beam trawl codends

Jitendra Kumar, Gyan P. Mishra, Pradeep K. Naik, Ashutosh A. Murkute and Ravi B. Srivastava

Genomic DNA isolation from Artemisia species grown in cold desert high altitude of India

Filiz Akdag, Serhat Arslan, Alaattin Caynak and Bulent Teke

The relationships of phenotype, genotype and some environmental factors with birth weight in Jersey calves


Contents [10 (38), 2011]:

S. Datta, R. G. Choudhary, Md Shamim, R. K. Singh and Vishwa Dhar

Molecular diversity in Indian isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lentis inciting wilt disease in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik)

M. Nagervadze, A. Diasamidze, L. Akhvlediani, G. Dumbadze, R. Khukhunaishvili, M. Koridze and S. Tckvitinidze

Distribution of ABO and Rh-Hr blood group antigens, alleles and haplotypes in the mountain region of Ajara (Georgia)

Min Hu, Hong-bin Zhao, Jin-fang Meng, Zhi-peng Yu, Hong-hui Xu, Jian-nan Fan, De-jun Luo, Chuan-yun Qian, Wei Wei and Wei Tang

Pravastatin enchances the osteogenic process to the glucocorticoid-induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head

Lin Meng, Hong Xin Yang, Pei Chun Mao, Hong Wen Gao and Fu Ding Sun

Analysis of genetic diversity in Arrhenatherum elatius Germplasm using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers

Tahsin Sögüt and Ferhat Öztürk

Effects of harvesting time on some yield and quality traits of different maturing potato cultivars

Mousumi Debnath, Mukeshwar Pandey and Surendra K. Chikara

Physiological and molecular characterization of in vitro cultures of an endemic medicinal herb, Chlorophytum borivilianum, under abiotic stress

Muhammad Iqbal, Saghir Ahmad, Taj Muhammad, Mubshar Hussain, Abid Mehmood, Abdul Jabbar, Wajad Nazir, Hammad Hussnain and Nazim Hussain

Lowering virus attack with improved yield and fiber quality in different cotton genotypes by early sown cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

Gozde Celik and Ece Turhan

Genotypic variation in growth and physiological responses of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seedlings to flooding

Azeem Mehmood Butt, Ishaque Badshah Khan, Farhan Haq, Yigang Tong

De novo structural modeling and computational sequence analysis of a bacteriocin protein isolated from Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae strain LC-31

Wang Zan, Zhang Geng, Wang Xue-min and Gao Hong-wen

Growth, ion content and photosynthetic responses of two Elytrigia Desv. species seedlings to salinity stress

Issa Piri, Farshad Abrahimpour, Abolfazl Tavassoli, Ebrahim Amiri, Fatemeh Rastegaripour

Effect of fertilizer in controlling weeds under intercropping of pearl millet and red bean in Sistan region, Iran

Ikram-ul-Haq, Zara Arshad, Taseer, Ghulam Mustafa, Mukesh, Muhammad Umar Dahot, Sajid Ali and Munazza

Effects of different fruit juices used as carbon source on cucumber seedling under in-vitro cultures

Fatma Tajini, Porntip Suriyakup, Jan Jansa and Jean-Jacques Drevon

Assessing hydroaeroponic culture for the tripartite symbiosis of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobia

LI Jing, QI Peishi, MA Yun and ZHOU Hao

Phytoplankton community characteristics of the icebound season and its relationship to the environmental variables in the Zhalong Wetland, China

Salman Ahmady-Asbchin, Mehdi Mohammadi, Alimohamad Bahrami, Ali Louei monfared and Naser Jafari

Batch studies on the removal of Ni (II) from aqueous solution by Azolla filiculoides

Ayhan Gurbuz, Yasin Dursun Sari, Zehra Nur Yuksekdag and Berat Cinar

Cementation in a matrix of loose sandy soil using biological treatment method

Peifang Wang, Chao Wang, Ping Ouyang, Jin Qian and Ruijuan Shi

Physiological responses of Vallisneria spiraslis L. induced by different hydraulic conditions when exposed to copper and nitrogen

Mustafa Var, Muberra Pulatkan and Emrah Yalcinalp

The survival successes of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Cotoneaster franchetti Bois. under different climate and various growing media

Mahdi Shahriarinour, Mohd Noor Abdul Wahab, Rosfarizan Mohamad, Shuhaimi Mustafa and Arbakariya B. Ariff

Effect of medium composition and cultural condition on cellulase production by Aspergillus terreus

Mustafa Tahsin Yilmaz

Identifiability of Baranyi model and comparison with empirical models in predicting effect of essential oils on growth of Salmonella typhimurium in rainbow trout stored under aerobic, modified atmosphere and vacuum packed conditions

Panrong Cao, Chunyuan Liu and Dan Li

Effects of different autotoxins on antioxidant enzymes and chemical compounds in tea (Camellia sinensis L.) Kuntze

Iqbal Hussain, Riaz Ullah, Rooh Ullah , Muhammad Khurram, Naseem Ullah, Abdul Baseer, Farhat Ali Khan, Muneeb ur Rehman Khattak, Mohammad Zahoor, Jehangir Khan and Naeem khan

Phytochemical analysis of selected medicinal plants

Rong Li and Zhiling Dao

Molecular authentication of the traditional Tibetan medicinal plant, Meconopsis impedita

Jun Zhu, Yue Fu, Jun Jiang, Jia-Kang Liang and Zi-Tong Huang

Therapeutic hypothermia reduces intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injury after cardiac arrest in rats

Huaiping Shi, Wenye Li, Guoxia Geng, Qingwang Li and Junjie Gao

Effects of recombinant human nerve growth factor on cervical cancer

Sijian Pan, Bengeng Pei, Chen-Ran Zhang, Changyan Fan, Liu-Guan Bian and Qing-Fang Sun

Effect of hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1?) on proliferation and apoptosis of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-secreting pituitary adenoma cells

Tao Xiong, Xuhui Huang, Jinqing Huang, Suhua Song, Chao Feng and Mingyong Xie

High-density cultivation of Lactobacillus plantarum NCU116 in an ammonium and glucose fed-batch system

Akhavan-Salamat, H., Ghasemi, H. A., Khaltabadi-Farahani, A. H. and Kazemi-Bonchenari, M.

The effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on performance and nutrients digestibility in broilers fed with diet containing different levels of phosphorous

Eser Kemal Gurcan, Ozden Cobanoglu and Merve Kose

Erythrocyte potassium and glutathione polymorphism determination in Saanen x Malta crossbred goats

Fatemeh Shirmohammad and Morteza Mehri

Effects of dietary supplementation of multi-enzyme complex on the energy utilization in rooster and performance of broiler chicks


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