
poniedziałek, 17 października 2011

African Journal of Biotechnology - 10 (23), 2011


Consolidating Experiences from IRMA I and II: Achievements, Lessons and Prospects”, IRMA Project End-of-Phase II Conference, 28-30 Oct 2008, Nairobi, Kenya
Special Issue

Santie M. DeVilliers and David A. Hoisington

The trends and future of biotechnology crops for insect pest control

Stephen Mugo, Simon Gichuki, Murenga Mwimali, CatherineTaracha, and Harrison Macharia

Experiences with the biosafety regulatory system in Kenya during the introduction, testing and development of Bt maize

A. Wangalachi, D. Poland, S. Mugo, S. T. Gichuki, D. Ouya, G. Kimani and J. Rabar

Experiences in effective communication on transgenic technology in Africa – the case of the insect resistant maize for Africa (IRMA) project

Hugo De Groote, Michael D. Hall, David J. Spielman, Stephen N. Mugo, Kwaw Andam, Bernard G. Munyua, and Marianne Banziger

Options for pro-poor maize seed market segmentation in Kenya

Stephen N. Mugo, Murenga Mwimali, Catherine O. Taracha, Josephine M. Songa, Simon T. Gichuki, Regina Tende, Haron Karaya, David J. Bergvinson, Allesandro Pellegrineschi, and David A. Hoisington

Testing public Bt maize events for control of stem borers in the first confined field trials in Kenya

Stephen Mugo, Mwimali G. Murenga, Haron Karaya, Regina Tende, Catherine Taracha, Simon Gichuki, Jane Ininda, Kinyua M’bijjewe, and Andrew Chavangi

Control of Busseola fusca and Chilo partellus stem borers by Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)-?-endotoxins from Cry1Ab gene Event MON810 in greenhouse containment trials

Mwimali G. Murenga, Stephen M. Githiri, Stephen N. Mugo and Florence M. Olubayo

Levels of control of Chilo partellus stem borer in segregating tropical Bt maize populations in Kenya

Margaret M. Mulaa, David J. Bergvinson, Stephen N. Mugo, Japhether M. Wanyama, Regina M. Tende, Hugo De Groote and Tadele M. Tefera

Evaluation of stem borer resistance management strategies for Bt maize in Kenya based on alternative host refugia

Hugo De Groote, William A. Overholt, James O. Ouma, and J. Wanyama

Assessing the potential economic impact of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) maize in Kenya

Yoseph Beyene, Stephen Mugo, Charles Mutinda, Tadele Tefera, Haron Karaya, Sammy Ajanga, Jackson Shuma, Regina Tende and Vincent Kega

Genotype by environment interactions and yield stability of stem borer resistant maize hybrids in Kenya

Yoseph Beyene, Stephen Mugo, John Gakunga, Haron Karaya, Charles Mutinda, Tadele Tefera, Stephen Njoka, Dorcas Chepkesis, Jackson M. Shuma and Regina Tende

Combining ability of maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines resistant to stem borers

Simon C. Kimenju, Hugo De Groote, Charles Bett, and Japhether Wanyama

Farmers, consumers and gatekeepers and their attitudes towards biotechnology

Tadele Tefera, Stephen Mugo, Yoseph Beyene, Haron Karaya and Regina Tende

Grain yield, stem borer and disease resistance of new maize hybrids in Kenya

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