
piątek, 14 października 2011

African Journal of Biotechnology - 10 (21), 2011


Jia-He Wang, Hui-Yan Niu, Meng Zhang, Ping He, Yi Zhang and Liang Kan

Apoptosis induced by Staphylococcus aureus in human monocytic U937 cells involves Akt and mitogen-activated protein (MAPK) phosphorylation

Li-wei Sun, Peng-tao Ma, Dong-ni Li, Xiu-juan Lei, Rui Ma and Chao Qi

Protein extraction from the stem of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer: A tissue of lower protein extraction efficiency for proteomic analysis

Faruk Aşicioglu, Fatih Akyüz, Kursat Ozdilli, Fatma Oguz and Mahmut Çarin

X-Chromosomal short tandem repeat loci in the Turkish population

Wei Lei, Jidong Zhang, Ruixia Yao and Aimin Qiao

Bioinformatic data mining on UDP-glucose:flavonoid 7-O-glucosyltransferase (UBGAT) genes and their encoding proteins in two plants of genus Scutellaria

Meral Incesu, Önder Tuzcu, Turgut Yeşiloglu, Yildiz Aka Kaçar, Bilge Yildirim, Melda Boncuk and Berken Çimen

Molecular diversification and preliminary evaluations of some satsuma selections’ performance under mediterranean conditions

S. M. Sadeghi, H. Samizadeh, E. Amiri and M. Ashouri

Additive main effects and multiplicative interactions (AMMI) analysis of dry leaf yield in tobacco hybrids across environments

F. S. Murungu

Effects of seed priming and water potential on seed germination and emergence of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties in laboratory assays and in the field

Zerihun Belay and Fassil Assefa

Symbiotic and phenotypic diversity of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae from Northern Gondar, Ethiopia

Xingwang Liu, Lei Wang, Liying Liu, Yangdong Guo and Huazhong Ren

Alleviating effect of exogenous nitric oxide in cucumber seedling against chilling stress

Ikram-ul-Haq, Madiha Fatima, Hina Shaikh, Muhammad Umar Dahot, Muhammad Tahir Rajput, Furqan Memon, Ali Muhammad Dahri, Shah Nawaz and Abdul Latif

Characteristics of micro-propagated banana (Musa spp.) cultures stressed with NaCl and polyethylene glycol

Cevdet Sogutlu and Abdullah Togay

The effect of the process parameters in the planing processes on the surface roughness of cherry and pear woods

Bnejdi Fethi, Rassaa Neila, Saadoun Mourad, Mouna Nouari and El Gazzeh Mohamed

Genetic adaptability of durum wheat to salinity level at germination stage

Li Shengrong, Du Fengqin, Yan Lina, Cao Ye, Luo Junyan, Gao Yonghua, Yang Liangfeng and Tong Jinggui

The genetic mineralogical characteristics of fish otoliths and their environmental typomorphism

Yasar Ayranci and Kadir Ersin Temizel

Volume equalization method for land grading design: Uniform sloped grading in one direction in rectangular fields

Xiaolong Ren, Zhikuan Jia, Sumei Wan, Qingfang Han and Xiaoli Chen

The long-term effects of alfalfa on soil water content in the Loess Plateau of northwest China

Jahromi M.F., J.B. Liang, M. Rosfarizan, Y.M. Goh, P. Shokryazdan and Y.W. Ho

Efficiency of rice straw lignocelluloses degradability by Aspergillus terreus ATCC 74135 in solid state fermentation

N. M. Xazela, M. Chimonyo, V. Muchenje and U. Marume

Consumer sensory evaluation of meat from South African goat genotypes fed on a dietary supplement

Songul Cakmakci, Mustafa Gurses and Engin Gundogdu

The effect of different packaging materials on proteolysis, sensory scores and gross composition of tulum cheese

Petr Konvalina, Ivana Capouchová, Zdeněk Stehno, Jan Moudrý, Jan Moudrý jr. and László Márton

Variation for carbon isotope ratio in a set of emmer (Triticum dicoccum Schrank) and bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) accessions

A. A. Sobowale, M. O. Efuntoye and O. O. Adesetan

Energy sources of yoghurt bacteria and enhancement of their galactose uptake

Levent Izci, Şengül Bilgin and Ali Günlü

Production of fish finger from sand smelt (Atherina boyeri, RISSO 1810) and determination of quality changes

Zhan-Wu Sheng, Wei-Hong Ma, Jin-He Gao, Yang Bi, Wei-Min Zhang, Hua-Ting Dou, Zhi-Qiang Jin

Antioxidant properties of banana flower of two cultivars in China using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH,) reducing power, 2,2’-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonate (ABTS) and inhibition of lipid peroxidation assays

L. Angaji, M. Souri and M. M. Moeini

Deactivation of tannins in raisin stalk by polyethylene glycol-600: Effect on degradation and gas production in vitro

M. S. Kamarudin, S. Otoi and C. R. Saad

Changes in growth, survival and digestive enzyme activities of Asian redtail catfish, Mystus nemurus, larvae fed on different diets

H. Radnezhad, N. Satei, M. Kaboli, M. Karami, N. Khorasani, R. Prodon, M. Foroughi Abari and S. Cheraghi

Breeding ecology of the Iranian ground jay (Podoces pleskei)

Hamed A. Ghramh and Ali A. Shati

Description of a new species of Megastigmus Dalman (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Torymidae) from Saudi Arabia

Mubarak M. Abdelrahman, Ehab A. Frah, Dianah Katiti, Enock Matovu and Intisar E. Elrayah

Application of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) of the random insertion mobile element (RIME - LAMP) to diagnose camel Trypanosomiasis in Sudan

Xi-Hong Ding and Guang-Yong Zhao

Effects of mixed volatile fatty acid sodium salt on insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) in plasma and rumen tissue, and rumen epithelium development in lambs


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