
niedziela, 9 października 2011

African Journal of Biotechnology - 10 (16), 2011


Njiruh Paul Nthakanio and Xue Qingzhong

Programmed cell death-like behavior in photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterile (PGMS) rice

Shahid Ali, Iqbal Munir, Muhammad Arif, Inamullah, Farhatullah, Ijaz Ali, Aqib Iqbal, Mushtaq Ahmad, M. Wisal Khan, S. Jaffar Abbas and Zahoor A. Swati

Characterization of Brassica napus Germplasm Based on Molecular Markers

Alieu Sartie and Asiedu Robert

Development of mapping populations for genetic analysis in yams (Dioscorea rotundata Poir. and Dioscorea alata L.)

Fida Hussain, M. Ashraf, Muhammad A. Hameed, Nisar Hussain and Riaz Ahmad Sial

Genetic studies in wheat for leaf rust resistance (Puccinia recondita)

Ahlam A. Abou Mossallam, Nevien M. Sabry, Eman R. Mahfouz, Mona A. Bibars and Soheir M. El Nahas

Characterization and sequence analysis of cysteine and glycine-rich protein 3 in Egyptian native cattle and river native buffalo cDNA sequences

Machua J., Muturi G., Omondi S. F. and Gicheru J.

Genetic diversity of Jatropha curcas L. populations in Kenya using RAPD molecular markers: Implication to plantation establishment

Peixi Liao, Wings TY Loo, Guangyue Li, Hao Liang, Min Wang, Mary NB Cheung and Ziyuan Luo

The effect of chronic periodontitis on serum levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1), interleukin-12 (IL-12) and granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)

Jean-Baptiste Noubissié Tchiagam, Joseph Martin Bell, Antoine M. Nassourou, Nicolas Y. Njintang and Emmanuel Youmbi

Genetic analysis of seed proteins contents in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.)

Faruk Bozkaya and Şükrü Gürler

Diversity of a microsatellite locus in the CSN1S1 gene in goat populations raised in the southeastern region of Turkey

Nihat Sami Cetin and Nilgul Ozmen

Acetylation of wood components and fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy studies

Sana Asghar, Touqeer Ahmad, Ishfaq Ahmad Hafiz and Mehwish Yaseen

In vitro propagation of orchid (Dendrobium nobile) var. Emma white

Oros Damir, Pavlečić Mladen, Šantek Božidar and Novak Srđan

Cultivation of the bacterium Azotobacter chroococcum for preparation of biofertilizers

Farzaneh Shafii, Ali Ebadi, Kamel Sajed golloje and Amir Eshghi-Gharib

Soybean response to nitrogen fertilizer under water deficit conditions

Yusuf Yanar, Durdane Yanar and Naif Gebologlu

Control of powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica) on tomato by foliar sprays of liquid potassium silicate (K2SiO3)

Dipakshi Sharma, Jatinder Kaur Katnoria and Adarsh Pal Vig

Chemical changes of spinach waste during composting and vermicomposting

Yusra Safa and Haq Nawaz Bhatti

Adsorptive removal of direct dyes by low cost rice husk: Effect of treatments and modifications

Zhi-Jiang Wang, Li-hua Teng, Jie-Zhang, Xu-Li Huang and Jian-Fen Zhang

Study on optimal biodegradation of terephthalic acid by an isolated Pseudomonas sp.

Javed Kamal

Quantification of alkaloids, phenols and flavonoids in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

Sanusi Kazeem Oladele and Hussein Kehinde Okoro

Investigation of corrosion effect of mild steel on orange juice

Njoku, V. O., Chikezie, P. C and Kaoje, A. M

Kinetic studies of alkaline phosphatase extracted from rabbit (Lepus townsendii) liver

Qing-lan Hu and Zhi-hong Deng

Protective effects of flavonoids from corn silk on oxidative stress induced by exhaustive exercise in mice

Yves M.E.L. Mbassi, Marie Solange Evehe B., Wilfred Mbacham and John P. Muluh

Heat stable peroxidases from Vigna species (V)

Ons Kesraoui, Mohamed Nejib Marzouki, Thierry Maugard and Ferid Limam

In vitro evaluation of antioxidant activities of free and bound phenolic compounds from Posidonia oceanica (l.) Delile leaves

Raimi, O. G., Elemo, B. O., Fatai, A. A., Bankole, H. A., Kazeem, M. I. and Banjoko, A. O.

Isolation and partial characterization of a protease enzyme from Thaumatococcus daniellii waste

G. C. Akuodor, M. Idris Usman, J. A. Ibrahim, K. C. Chilaka, J. L. Akpan, S. Dzarma, I. Muazzam and U. A. Osunkwo

Anti-nociceptive, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects of the methanolic extract of Bombax buonopozense leaves in rats and mice

Şengül Bilgin, Soner Çetinkaya and Yildiz Bolat

Changes on the nutritional compositions of the sand smelt (Atherina Boyeri Risso, 1810) marinade during storage

Ramazan Serezli Süleyman Akhan and Fatma Delihasan-Sonay

Acute effects of copper and lead on some blood parameters on Coruh trout (Salmo coruhensis)

Shang-lian Hu, Jian-ying Zhou, Ying Cao, Xue-qin Lu, Ning Duan, Peng Ren and Ke Chen

In vitro callus induction and plant regeneration from mature seed embryo and young shoots in a giant sympodial bamboo, Dendrocalamus farinosus (Keng et Keng f.) Chia et H.L. Fung

Aysun Cavusoglu, Zeliha Ipekci-Altas, Kasim Bajrovic, Nermin Gozukirmizi and Ahmet Zehir

Direct and indirect plant regeneration from various explants of eastern cottonwood clones (Populus deltoides Bartram ex Marsh.) with tissue culture

Kuen-Chang Hsieh, Hsueh-Kuan Lu, Chun-Hao Chen, Tsong-Rong Jang, Yu-Yawn Chen and Ming-Feng Kao

The validity and accuracy in foot-to-foot bioelectrical impedance analysis measuring models referenced by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in body composition in standing position

Hamid Reza Ebadi Azar, Kambiz Nazer Adl, Yahya Ebrahim Nezhad and Mohammad Moghaddam

Effect of different levels and particle sizes of perlite on serum biochemical factors of broiler chicks

H. Kermanshahi, E. Haji Agha Jani, H. Hashemipour and M. Pilevar

Efficacy of natural zeolite and pigments on yolk color and performance of laying hens

Ayse Er, Elmas Ulutas, Feray Altan, Gul Cetin, Aziz Bulbul, Muammer Elmas and Enver Yazar

Tulathromycin disturbs blood oxidative and coagulation status

Ender Makineci, Beyza Sat Gungor and Meric Kumbasli

Natural plant revegetation on reclaimed coal mine landscapes in Agacli-Istanbul


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