
niedziela, 18 września 2011

African Journal of Biotechnology - 10 (6), 2011


Chenyao Yang, Yubi Huang, Zongxiang Tang, Liming Lu and Lei Liu

Analysis of DNA methylation variation in sibling tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cultivars

Kian Pahlevan Afshar, Arash Javanmard, Nader Asadzadeh, Hassan Sadeghipanah, Hassan Masomi and Ade Sabrivand

Association between GH encoding gene polymorphism and semen characteristics in Iranian Holstein bulls

Wakil, Sherifah M. and Onilude, Abiodun A.

Time related total lactic acid bacteria population diversity and dominance in cowpea-fortified fermented cereal-weaning food

Ali Ouji, Mustapha Rouaissi, Raoudha Abdellaoui and Mohamed El Gazzah

The use of reproductive vigor descriptors in studying genetic variability in nine Tunisian faba bean (Vicia faba L.) populations

Emira Noumi, Mejdi Snoussi, Hajer Hentati, Rafael Sentandreu, Lucas del Castillo, Amina Bakhrouf and Eulogio Valentin

Virulence properties and random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting of Candida albicans isolates obtained from Monastir dental hospital, Tunisia

W. Eric Acquah, D. Marian Quain and Peter Twumasi,

Genetic relationships between some released and elite Ghanaian cassava cultivars based on distance matrices

Funda Arslanoglu, Selim Aytac and Emel Karaca Oner

Morphological characterization of the local potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes collected from the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey

K. Sahayaraj, S. Karthick Raja Namasivayam and J. Martin Rathi

Compatibility of entomopathogenic fungi with extracts of plants and commercial botanicals

Xun Wu,Yinghong Liu,Mengliang Tian, Rongjun Chen, Zuping Zheng, Chuan He, Yubi Huang,Junjie Zhang,Hanmei Liu,and Zhong Li

Genomics analysis of genes expressed reveals differential responses to low chronic nitrogen stress in maize

Niu Wen-Quan, Guo Chao, Shao Hongbo,and Wu Pute

Effects of different rhizosphere ventilation treatment on water and nutrients absorption of maize

Bamidele A. Salau, Emmanuel O. Ajani, Michael O. Soladoye and Bisuga Nurudeen A.

Evaluation of iodine content of some selected fruits and vegetables in Nigeria

Segenet Kelemu, Paola Fory, Carolina Zuleta, Jaumer Ricaurte, Idupulapati Rao and Carlos Lascano

Detecting bacterial endophytes in tropical grasses of the Brachiaria genus and determining their role in improving plant growth

Noumi Emira, Snoussi Mejdi, Kammoun Dorra, Bakhrouf Amina and Valentin Eulogio

Comparison of the adhesion ability of Candida albicans strains to biotic and abiotic surfaces

Büşra Elibol, Tülay Ezer, Recep Kara, Gökçen Yuv?li Çelik and Emel Çolak

Antifungal and antibacterial effects of some acrocarpic mosses

Sobia Nisa, Yamin Bibi, Abdul Waheed, Muhammad Zia, Sadia Sarwar, Sabbir Ahmed and M. Fayyaz Chaudhary

Evaluation of anticancer activity of Debregeasia Salicifolia extract against estrogen receptor positive cell line

Muhammad Akram, H.M.Asif, Khan Usmanghani, Naveed Akhtar, Qaiser Jabeen, Asadullah Madni, Tariq saeed, Riazur Rehman, Khalil Ahmed and S.M. Ali Shahg

Obesity and the risk of hyperuricemia in Gadap Town, Karachi

Cen Qian, Chaoliang Liu, Baojian Zhu, Yan Meng and Guoqing Wei

Identification and expression analysis of vitellogenin from silk-producing insect, Actias selene Hubner ?

Javad Najafgholian, Abbas Pakdel, Gholamhosein Thahmasbi and Gholamali Nehzati

Assessing hygienic behavior and attraction to Varroa mite (Acari: Varroidae) in Iranian honey bee (Apis. mellifera meda)

Shuxia Chen, Xiaowu Wang and Zhihui Cheng

Construction of PVX virus-expression vector to express enterotoxin fusion gene LTB-ST and transformation into tobacco

El Enshasy, H., Then, C., Othman, N. Z., Al Homosany, H., Sabry, M., Sarmidi, M. R. and Aziz, R. A.

Enhanced xanthan production process in shake flasks and pilot scale bioreactors using industrial semi-defined medium

S. O. Olagbende-Dada, S. O. Ogbonnia, H. A. B. Coker and G. E. Ukpo

Blood glucose lowering effect of aqueous extract of Graptophyllum pictum (Linn) Griff. on alloxan-induced diabetic rats and its acute toxicity in mice

Eser Kemal Gurcan

Association between milk protein polymorphism and milk production traits in Black and White dairy cattle in Turkey

genetics,biology,agricultural technology,biotechology,microbiology,food,medical,pharmaceutical,entomology,biotechnika,biotechniques,

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