
niedziela, 7 sierpnia 2011

Willdenowia - Annals of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem - 41 (1), 2011


Phylogenetics of the neotropical liana genus Pedersenia (Amaranthaceae: Gomphrenoideae) and discovery of a new species from Bolivia based on molecules and morphology
Borsch, Thomas; Ortuno Limarino, Teresa; Nee, Michael H.

The contribution of Johann Friedrich Klotzsch to the taxonomy of Croton (Euphorbiaceae) and associated genera
Ee, Benjamin W. van

The taxonomy and conservation of Campanula primulifolia (Campanulaceae), a critically endangered species in the Iberian Peninsula
Trias-Blasi, Anna; Eddie, William M.M.; Hedge, Ian C.; Möller, Michael; Sales, Fátima

Verbena incompta (Verbenaceae), an overlooked xenophyte in Europe
Verloove, Filip

Striga barthlottii (Orobanchaceae), a new parasitic species from Morocco
Fischer, Eberhard; Lobin, Wolfram; Mutke, Jens

Four new species of Culcasia and Stylochaeton (Araceae) from tropical Africa
Bogner, Josef

Survey of the genus Diplotaenia (Umbelliferae), with description of two new species from Turkey
Pimenov, Michael; Kljuykov, Eugene; Degtjareva, Galina

Axyris (Chenopodiaceae s.str. or Amaranthaceae s.l.) in the Himalayas and Tibet
Sukhorukov, Alexander P.

The genus Saussurea (Compositae, Cardueae) in China: taxonomic and nomenclatural notes
Raab-Straube, Eckhard von

New combinations in Hoya for the species of Clemensiella (Marsdenieae, Apocynaceae)
Wanntorp, Livia; Meve, Ulrich

A new endemic species of Schismatoglottis (Araceae) from the Philippines
Wong, Sin Yeng; Bogner, Josef; Boyce, Peter C.

A new natural hybrid, Bletia ×ekmanii (Orchidaceae), from Cuba
Serguera Nino, Maité; Sánchez Losada, Margarita

Two new combinations in Morella (Myricaceae) for species of the Cuban flora
Berazaín Iturralde, Rosalina; Falcón Hidalgo, Banessa

A new name for a Brazilian species of Anthurium (Araceae)
Gonçalves, Eduardo G.

A new section and a new species of Philodendron (Araceae) from Ecuador
Köster, Nils; Croat, Thomas B.

A new dwarf Spathiphyllum species (Araceae) from Ecuador
Bogner, Josef

Euro+Med Notulae, 5
Greuter, Werner; Raab-Straube, Eckhard von

Contributions to the flora of Albania, 2
Barina, Zoltán; Pifkó, Dániel

Vascular plant diversity of Mt Pendelikon (Sterea Ellas, Greece): a recent inventory reflecting contemporary dynamics
Baliousis, Evagelos; Yannitsaros, Artemios

New floristic records, confirmations and other phytogeographical notes from Crete (Greece)
Bergmeier, Erwin

An inventory of the vascular plants and bryophytes of Gavdopoula island (S Aegean, Greece) and its phytogeographical significance
Bergmeier, Erwin; Blockeel, Thomas; Böhling, Niels; Fournaraki, Christina; Gotsiou, Panagiota; Jahn, Ralf; Lansdown, Richard; Turland, Nicholas

Two new species of Lichenostigma (Lichenotheliaceae, lichenicolous fungi) from Iran
Valadbeigi, Tahereh; Brackel, Wolfgang von

Buchbesprechungen / Book reviews

Open Access Index to new names and combinations appearing in Willdenowia 41(1)

Open Access Index to typifications of names in Willdenowia 41(1)


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