
piątek, 12 sierpnia 2011

Turczaninowia - 13 (1), 2010

Vaganov A.V., Kuznetsov A.A., Shmakov A.I.
Taxonomic revision of the genus Anopteris (Prantl) Diels (Cryptogrammaceae)

Kuznetsov A.A., Gureeva I.I.
Spore morphology of type specimens of Woodsia asplenioides and W. glabella f. rotundata (Woodsiaceae) from the collection of V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS (LE)

Kosachev P.A.
Synopsis of the families Scrophulariaceae Juss. and Pediculariaceae Juss. of Altai Mountain Country

Nikiforova O.D.
New taxa of the genus Myosotis (Boraginaceae) from Altai

Antonova L.A.
New alien plant species in the flora of Khabarovsk region

Lashchinskiy N.N., Korolyuk A.Ju., Lashchinskaya N.V., Korolyuk E.A.
New records of rare and invasive vascular plant species from Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tumen and Altai areas

Savinov I.A.
Typology of arils in seed plants

Uvarova O.V., Shmakov A.I.
Detection of hybrid origin of Asplenium species with RAPD-PCR method


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