
poniedziałek, 8 sierpnia 2011

Taiwania - 55 (3), 2010


Delimitation of Species of the Astragalus rhizanthus Complex (Fabaceae) Using Molecular Markers RAPD, ISSR and DAMD
Kumar Kamal Anand, Ravi Kumar Srivastava, Lal Babu Chaudhary and Arun Kumar Singh

Arboreal Taxa Diversity of Tropical Forests of Gandhamardan Hill Range, Eastern Ghats, India: An Approach to Sustainable Biodiversity Conservation
S. C. Sahu, N. K. Dhal and A. K. Bhadra

Macrohabitat Characteristics and Distribution Hotspots of Endemic Bird Species in Taiwan
Chia-Ying Ko, Ruey-Shing Lin and Pei-Fen Lee

Diatoms in Liyu Lake, Eastern Taiwan
Liang-Chi Wang, Teh-Quei Lee, Su-Hwa Chen and Jiunn-Tzong Wu

Supplements to the Orchid Flora of Taiwan (IV): Four Additions to the Genus Gastrodia
Tian-Chuan Hsu and Chen-Meng Kuo

New and Less Known Fungi From Kerala, India
V. B. Hosagoudar and A. Sabeena

Genera of the Vernonieae (Asteraceae) of China with a Study of Their Pollen
Harold Robinson and John J. Skvarla

Revision of Genus Ranunculus L. (Ranunculaceae) in India
S. K. Srivastava

Zeuxine grandis Seidenf. (Orchidaceae) - an Addition to the Orchid Flora of India
Avishek Bhattacharjee and H. J. Chowdhery

Some Supplements on the Antidesma pleuricum Tul. (Euphorbiaceae), a Neglected Species in the Flora of Taiwan
Ming-Jer Jung and Ching-Long Yeh

Cynanchum mooreanum Hemsl. (Asclepiadaceae), a New Recorded Species in Taiwan
Chien-Ti Chao, Yu-Jung Hung and Yen-Hsueh Tseng

Newly Recorded Pseudombrophila (Pyronemataceae) Species in Taiwan
Yei-Zeng Wang and Jong-How Chang

Lactuca serriola (Asteraceae), a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan
Chiu-Mei Wang and Chih-Hsiung Chen

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