
czwartek, 4 sierpnia 2011

The Plant Journal - 66 (3), 2011


The DUF579 domain containing proteins IRX15 and IRX15-L affect xylan synthesis in Arabidopsis
Jensen, Jacob K.; Kim, Hoon; Cocuron, Jean-Christophe; Orler, Robert; Ralph, John; Wilkerson, Curtis G.

Arabidopsis genes IRREGULAR XYLEM (IRX15) and IRX15L encode DUF579-containing proteins that are essential for normal xylan deposition in the secondary cell wall
Brown, David; Wightman, Raymond; Zhang, Zhinong; Gomez, Leonardo D.; Atanassov, Ivan; Bukowski, John-Paul; Tryfona, Theodora; McQueen-Mason, Simon J.; Dupree, Paul; Turner, Simon

Enhanced levels of vitamin B6 increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis
Raschke, Maja; Boycheva, Svetlana; Crevecoeur, Michele; Nunes-Nesi, Adriano; Witt, Sandra; Fernie, Alisdair R.; Amrhein, Nikolaus; Fitzpatrick, Teresa B.

Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) photolyase repairs ultraviolet-B-induced CPDs in rice chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA
Takahashi, Masaaki; Teranishi, Mika; Ishida, Hiroyuki; Kawasaki, Junji; Takeuchi, Atsuko; Yamaya, Tomoyuki; Watanabe, Masao; Makino, Amane; Hidema, Jun

Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development
Zhu, Yan; Weng, Minjie; Yang, Yue; Zhang, Chi; Li, Ziyu; Shen, Wen-Hui; Dong, Aiwu

Metabolomics data reveal a crucial role of cytosolic glutamine synthetase 1;1 in coordinating metabolic balance in rice
Kusano, Miyako; Tabuchi, Mayumi; Fukushima, Atsushi; Funayama, Kazuhiro; Diaz, Céline; Kobayashi, Makoto; Hayashi, Naomi; Tsuchiya, Yumiko N.; Takahashi, Hideki; Kamata, Atsuko; Yamaya, Tomoyuki; Saito, Kazuki

A multifaceted genomics approach allows the isolation of the rice Pia-blast resistance gene consisting of two adjacent NBS-LRR protein genes
Okuyama, Yudai; Kanzaki, Hiroyuki; Abe, Akira; Yoshida, Kentaro; Tamiru, Muluneh; Saitoh, Hiromasa; Fujibe, Takahiro; Matsumura, Hideo; Shenton, Matt; Galam, Dominique Clark; Undan, Jerwin; Ito, Akiko; Sone, Teruo; Terauchi, Ryohei

Light inputs shape the Arabidopsis circadian system
Wenden, Bénédicte; Kozma-Bognár, László; Edwards, Kieron D.; Hall, Anthony J.W.; Locke, James C.W.; Millar, Andrew J.

Nicotiana benthamiana resistance to non-adapted Melon necrotic spot virus results from an incompatible interaction between virus RNA and translation initiation factor 4E
Nieto, Cristina; Rodríguez-Moreno, Luis; Rodríguez-Hernández, Ana M.; Aranda, Miguel A.; Truniger, Verónica

The Arabidopsis Myb genes MYR1 and MYR2 are redundant negative regulators of flowering time under decreased light intensity
Zhao, Chengsong; Hanada, Atsushi; Yamaguchi, Shinjiro; Kamiya, Yuji; Beers, Eric P.

Functional characterization of the CKRC1/TAA1 gene and dissection of hormonal actions in the Arabidopsis root
Zhou, Zhao-Yang; Zhang, Chun-Guang; Wu, Lei; Zhang, Cai-Guo; Chai, Juan; Wang, Ming; Jha, Ajay; Jia, Peng-Fei; Cui, Su-Juan; Yang, Ming; Chen, Rujin; Guo, Guang-Qin

A fast brassinolide-regulated response pathway in the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis thaliana
Caesar, Katharina; Elgass, Kirstin; Chen, Zhonghua; Huppenberger, Peter; Witthöft, Janika; Schleifenbaum, Frank; Blatt, Michael R.; Oecking, Claudia; Harter, Klaus

A soybean ß-expansin gene GmEXPB2 intrinsically involved in root system architecture responses to abiotic stresses
Guo, Wenbing; Zhao, Jing; Li, Xinxin; Qin, Lu; Yan, Xiaolong; Liao, Hong

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