
czwartek, 4 sierpnia 2011

The Plant Journal - 65 (5), 2011


Expression of ER quality control-related genes in response to changes in BiP1 levels in developing rice endosperm
Wakasa, Yuhya; Yasuda, Hiroshi; Oono, Youko; Kawakatsu, Taiji; Hirose, Sakiko; Takahashi, Hideyuki; Hayashi, Shimpei; Yang, Lijun; Takaiwa, Fumio

`happy on norflurazon' (hon) mutations implicate perturbance of plastid homeostasis with activating stress acclimatization and changing nuclear gene expression in norflurazon-treated seedlings
Saini, Geetanjali; Meskauskiene, Rasa; Pijacka, Wioletta; Roszak, Pawel; Sjögren, Lars L. E.; Clarke, Adrian K.; Straus, Marco; Apel, Klaus

Arabidopsis nucleoside hydrolases involved in intracellular and extracellular degradation of purines
Jung, Benjamin; Hoffmann, Christiane; Möhlmann, Torsten

Light exposure of Arabidopsis seedlings causes rapid de-stabilization as well as selective post-translational inactivation of the repressor of photomorphogenesis SPA2
Balcerowicz, Martin; Fittinghoff, Kirsten; Wirthmueller, Lennart; Maier, Alexander; Fackendahl, Petra; Fiene, Gabriele; Koncz, Csaba; Hoecker, Ute

Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development
Horiguchi, Gorou; Mollá-Morales, Almudena; Pérez-Pérez, José Manuel; Kojima, Kouji; Robles, Pedro; Ponce, María Rosa; Micol, José Luis; Tsukaya, Hirokazu

A RESTORER OF FERTILITY-like PPR gene is required for 5'-end processing of the nad4 mRNA in mitochondria of Arabidopsis thaliana
Hölzle, Angela; Jonietz, Christian; Törjek, Ottó; Altmann, Thomas; Binder, Stefan; Forner, Joachim

Cross-genome map based dissection of a nitrogen use efficiency ortho-metaQTL in bread wheat unravels concerted cereal genome evolution
Quraishi, Umar Masood; Abrouk, Michael; Murat, Florent; Pont, Caroline; Foucrier, Séverine; Desmaizieres, Gregory; Confolent, Carole; Riviere, Nathalie; Charmet, Gilles; Paux, Etienne; Murigneux, Alain; Guerreiro, Laurent; Lafarge, Stéphane; Le Gouis, Jacques; Feuillet, Catherine; Salse, Jerome

The sucrose transporter family in Populus: the importance of a tonoplast PtaSUT4 to biomass and carbon partitioning
Payyavula, Raja S.; Tay, Kate H.C.; Tsai, Chung-Jui; Harding, Scott A.

Members of an R2R3-MYB transcription factor family in Petunia are developmentally and environmentally regulated to control complex floral and vegetative pigmentation patterning
Albert, Nick W.; Lewis, David H.; Zhang, Huaibi; Schwinn, Kathy E.; Jameson, Paula E.; Davies, Kevin M.

GhMYB25-like: a key factor in early cotton fibre development
Walford, Sally-Ann; Wu, Yingru; Llewellyn, Danny J.; Dennis, Elizabeth S.

Rice interspecies hybrids show precocious or delayed developmental transitions in the endosperm without change to the rate of syncytial nuclear division
Ishikawa, Ryo; Ohnishi, Takayuki; Kinoshita, Yuki; Eiguchi, Mitsugu; Kurata, Nori; Kinoshita, Tetsu

AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana
Rodor, Julie; Jobet, Edouard; Bizarro, Jonathan; Vignols, Florence; Carles, Cristel; Suzuki, Takamasa; Nakamura, Kenzo; Echeverría, Manuel

Small RNAs from MITE-derived stem-loop precursors regulate abscisic acid signaling and abiotic stress responses in rice
Yan, Yongsheng; Zhang, Yuman; Yang, Kun; Sun, Zongxiu; Fu, Yaping; Chen, Xiaoying; Fang, Rongxiang

BAC-recombineering for studying plant gene regulation: developmental control and cellular localization of SnRK1 kinase subunits
Bitrián, Marta; Roodbarkelari, Farshad; Horváth, Mihály; Koncz, Csaba

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