
środa, 3 sierpnia 2011

The Plant Journal - 65 (1), 2011


CalS7 encodes a callose synthase responsible for callose deposition in the phloem
Xie, Bo; Wang, Xiaomin; Zhu, Maosheng; Zhang, Zhongming; Hong, Zonglie

The chloroplastic 2-oxoglutarate/malate transporter has dual function as the malate valve and in carbon/nitrogen metabolism
Kinoshita, Hiromu; Nagasaki, Junko; Yoshikawa, Nanako; Yamamoto, Aya; Takito, Shizuka; Kawasaki, Michio; Sugiyama, Tatsuo; Miyake, Hiroshi; Weber, Andreas P. M.; Taniguchi, Mitsutaka

Two putatively homoeologous wheat genes mediate recognition of SnTox3 to confer effector-triggered susceptibility to Stagonospora nodorum
Zhang, Zengcui; Friesen, Timothy L.; Xu, Steven S.; Shi, Gongjun; Liu, Zhaohui; Rasmussen, Jack B.; Faris, Justin D.

Nodulation factor receptor kinase 1? controls nodule organ number in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr)
Indrasumunar, Arief; Searle, Iain; Lin, Meng-Han; Kereszt, Attila; Men, Artem; Carroll, Bernard J.; Gresshoff, Peter M.

Involvement of Elongin C in the spread of repressive histone modifications
Yamasaki, Tomohito; Ohama, Takeshi

AGAMOUS-LIKE 6 is a floral promoter that negatively regulates the FLC/MAF clade genes and positively regulates FT in Arabidopsis
Yoo, Seung Kwan; Wu, Xuelin; Lee, Jong Seob; Ahn, Ji Hoon

Temporal and spatial regulation of DROOPING LEAF gene expression that promotes midrib formation in rice
Ohmori, Yoshihiro; Toriba, Taiyo; Nakamura, Hidemitsu; Ichikawa, Hiroaki; Hirano, Hiro-Yuki

CYP99A3: functional identification of a diterpene oxidase from the momilactone biosynthetic gene cluster in rice
Wang, Qiang; Hillwig, Matthew L.; Peters, Reuben J.

Control of sulfur partitioning between primary and secondary metabolism
Mugford, Sarah G.; Lee, Bok-Rye; Koprivova, Anna; Matthewman, Colette; Kopriva, Stanislav

Identification and characterisation of F3GT1 and F3GGT1, two glycosyltransferases responsible for anthocyanin biosynthesis in red-fleshed kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis)
Montefiori, Mirco; Espley, Richard V.; Stevenson, David; Cooney, Janine; Datson, Paul M.; Saiz, Anna; Atkinson, Ross G.; Hellens, Roger P.; Allan, Andrew C.

Protein arginine methylation modulates light-harvesting antenna translation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Blifernez, Olga; Wobbe, Lutz; Niehaus, Karsten; Kruse, Olaf

Dynamic changes of transcript profiles after fertilization are associated with de?novo transcription and maternal elimination in tobacco zygote, and mark the onset of the maternal-to-zygotic transition
Zhao, Jing; Xin, Haiping; Qu, Lianghuan; Ning, Jue; Peng, Xiongbo; Yan, Tingting; Ma, Ligang; Li, Shisheng; Sun, Meng-Xiang

Temperature controls nuclear import of Tam3 transposase in Antirrhinum
Fujino, Kaien; Hashida, Shin-nosuke; Ogawa, Takashi; Natsume, Tomoko; Uchiyama, Takako; Mikami, Tetsuo; Kishima, Yuji

Virus-mediated efficient induction of epigenetic modifications of endogenous genes with phenotypic changes in plants
Kanazawa, Akira; Inaba, Jun-ichi; Shimura, Hanako; Otagaki, Shungo; Tsukahara, Sayuri; Matsuzawa, Akihiko; Kim, Bo Min; Goto, Kazunori; Masuta, Chikara

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