
piątek, 29 lipca 2011

South African Journal of Botany - 77 (1), 2011


Editorial Board

Publisher's note

The ethnobotany of South African medicinal orchids
M. Chinsamy, J.F. Finnie, J. Van Staden

Phytoliths of pteridophytes
J. Mazumdar

Impacts of urbanization in a biodiversity hotspot: Conservation challenges in Metropolitan Cape Town
A.G. Rebelo, P.M. Holmes, C. Dorse, J. Wood

Cadmium-induced oxidative damage in mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. & Coss.] plants can be alleviated by salicylic acid
P. Ahmad, G. Nabi, M. Ashraf

Revision of Arctotis sect. Anomalae (Asteraceae: Arctotideae), including the description of a new species from Northern Cape Province, South Africa
R.J. McKenzie, P.P.J. Herman, O. Korniyenko, N.P. Barker

Isolepis namaquana (Cypereae, Cyperaceae), a new endemic species from the winter rainfall area of South Africa
A.M. Muasya, J. Viljoen, C.H. Stirton

Effect of explant source and auxins on somatic embryogenesis of selected cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivars
C.B. Rossin, M.E.C. Rey

Pteronia divaricata (Asteraceae): A newly recorded Cape herbal medicine
I.M. Hulley, A.M. Viljoen, P.M. Tilney, S.F. Van Vuuren, G.P.P. Kamatou, B.-E. Van Wyk

In vitro antibacterial, antioxidant, total phenolic contents and anti-HIV-1 reverse transcriptase activities of extracts of seven Phyllanthus sp
I.M.S. Eldeen, E-M. Seow, R. Abdullah, S.F. Sulaiman

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) inhibits microbial biofilms in vitro
M. Sandasi, C.M. Leonard, S.F. Van Vuuren, A.M. Viljoen

Gazania lanata and G. splendidissima: Two new species of Asteraceae (tribe Arctotideae) from the Greater Capensis, with an updated key for the genus
A.R. Magee, J.S. Boatwright, L. Mucina

The Boschberg (Somerset East, Eastern Cape) — A floristic cross-roads of the southern Great Escarpment
V.R. Clark, N.P. Barker, C. McMaster, L. Mucina

A new species of Combretum section Ciliatipetala (Combretaceae) from southern Africa, with a key to the regional members of the section
O. Maurin, A.E. van Wyk, M. Jordaan, M. van der Bank

The Roggeveldberge — Notes on a botanically hot area on a cold corner of the southern Great Escarpment, South Africa
V.R. Clark, N.P. Barker, L. Mucina

Vegetation trends following fire in the Roggeveld, Mountain Renosterveld, South Africa
H. van der Merwe, M.W. van Rooyen

Ecological niche modelling of an invasive alien plant and its potential biological control agents
P.D. Trethowan, M.P. Robertson, A.J. McConnachie

A phytogeographic assessment of the Nuweveldberge, South Africa
V.R. Clark, N.P. Barker, L. Mucina

Overexpression of Na+/H+ antiporter gene AtNHX1 from Arabidopsis thaliana improves the salt tolerance of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa)
N. Tian, J. Wang, Z.Q. Xu

Flavonoids of Helichrysum chasmolycicum and its antioxidant and antimicrobial activities
S. Süzgeç-Selçuk, A.S. Birteksöz

Phylogenetic selection of target species in Amaryllidaceae tribe Haemantheae for acetylcholinesterase inhibition and affinity to the serotonin reuptake transport protein
M.G.K. Bay-Smidt, A.K. Jäger, K. Krydsfeldt, A.W. Meerow, G.I. Stafford, J. Van Staden, N. Ronsted

Above ground woody community attributes, biomass and carbon stocks along a rainfall gradient in the savannas of the central lowveld, South Africa
C.M. Shackleton, R.J. Scholes

Effects of partial dehydration of recalcitrant Haemanthus montanus zygotic embryos on vigour of recovered seedlings
Sershen, N.W. Pammenter, P. Berjak

The genus Bolandia (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) expanded to include three discoid taxa previously treated as Senecio scapiflorus, and a note on the typification of Brachyrrhynchos
J.C. Manning, G.V. Cron

Micropropagation of Romulea minutiflora, Sisyrinchium laxum and Tritonia gladiolaris — Iridaceae with ornamental potential
G.D. Ascough, P.A. Swart, J.F. Finnie, J. Van Staden

Quantification of free and conjugated abscisic acid in five genotypes of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under water stress conditions
A. Thameur, A. Ferchichi, M. López-Carbonell

Antimicrobial activity and in vitro cytotoxicity of selected South African Helichrysum species
A.C.U. Lourens, S.F. Van Vuuren, A.M. Viljoen, H. Davids, F.R. Van Heerden

A preliminary assessment of rain throughfall beneath Portulacaria afra canopy in subtropical thicket and its implications for soil carbon stocks
R.M. Cowling, A.J. Mills

Pelargonium elandsmontanum (Geraniaceae: section Hoarea), a new species from the Western Cape Province, South Africa
J.C. Manning, P. Goldblatt

Annesorhiza asparagoides (Apiaceae), a new species from the Cederberg Mountains, Western Cape Province, South Africa
B.-E. Van Wyk, P.M. Tilney

The systematic position of Sophora inhambanensis (Fabaceae: Sophoreae)
J.S. Boatwright, B.-E. Van Wyk

The identity of the type of Tanacetum burchellii DC. (Asteraceae, Anthemideae), and the correct author citation for Pentzia punctata Harv. ex Hutch.
A.R. Magee

Le Roux and Müller's Field Guide to the Trees & Shrubs of Namibia (revised and expanded by Coleen Mannheimer and Barbara Curtis), Macmillan Education, Namibia (2010) ISBN 978-99916-0-970-6 Price: R350.00, Soft cover with flaps, 526 pages.
Şerban Procheş

Acknowledgements – 2010

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