
czwartek, 28 lipca 2011

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - 58 (4), 2011



Transfer of Bt Corn Byproducts from Terrestrial to Stream Ecosystems
A. G. Viktorov

Research Papers

Functional Plasticity of Photosynthetic Apparatus and Its Resistance to Photoinhibition in Plantago media
T. K. Golovko, I. V. Dalke, I. G. Zakhozhiy, O. V. Dymova, and G. N. Tabalenkova

Genotypic Differences in the Responses of Gas Exchange, Chlorophyll Fluorescence, and Antioxidant Enzymes to Aluminum Stress in Festuca arundinacea
S. H. Jin, X. Q. Li, and X. L. Jia

Involvement of the Energy-Dissipating Systems in Modulating the Efficiency of Respiration in Mitochondria from Etiolated Winter Wheat Seedlings
Y. R. Abdrakhimova, I. M. Andreev, and A. G. Shugaev

Phosphorylation/Dephosphorylation of Maize Mitochondrial Proteins with Different Localization
I. Yu. Subota, A. Sh. Arziev, and Yu. M. Konstantinov

Effects of Salicylic Acid on Protein Content and 14C-Amino Acid Incorporation into Proteins of Pea Roots
I. A. Tarchevsky, V. G. Yakovleva, and A. M. Egorova

Sodium Fluoride Inhibits HSP Synthesis in Heat-Stressed Cultured Cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
M. A. Pulyaevskaya, N. N. Varakina, K. Z. Gamburg, T. M. Rusaleva, A. V. Stepanov, V. K. Voinikov, and E. G. Rikhvanov

Ascorbate–Glutathione Metabolism during PEG-Induced Water Deficit in Trifolium repens
C. Q. Wang, T. Liu, and H. J. Xu

Effect of UV-C Irradiation on Stilbene Synthase Localization in Young Grape Plants
K. Tang, F. Fang, H. R. Yang, and W. D. Huang

The Behavior of Bupleurum scorzonerifolium as a Parent of Somatic Hybrid Introgressed Lines Is Associated with UV Resistance of Its Chromosomes
M. Q. Wang, Z. Y. Peng, M. C. Wang, W. Guo, J. S. Zhao, D. Y. Zhi, and G. M. Xia

Exogenous Spermidine and Spermine Enhance Cadmium Tolerance of Potamogeton malaianus
H. Y. Yang, G. X. Shi, X. Q. Qiao, and X. L. Tian

Effect of Nitric Oxide on Leaf Non-Photochemical Quenching of Fluorescence under Heat-Stress Conditions
K. K. Hossain, T. Nakamura, and H. Yamasaki

Phytoremediation Potential of Amaranthus Hybrids: Antagonism between Nickel and Iron and Chelating Role of Polyamines
N. I. Shevyakova, A. I. Cheremisina, and Vl. V. Kuznetsov

Regulation of Gene Expression Governing Proline Metabolism in Thellungiella salsuginea by NaCl and Paraquat
N. L. Radyukina, Yu. V. Ivanov, A. V. Kartashov, P. P. Pashkovskiy, N. I. Shevyakova, and Vl. V. Kuznetsov

Protein Carbonylation in Barley Seedling Roots Caused by Aluminum and Proton Toxicity Is Suppressed by Salicylic Acid
H. Song, X. Xu, H. Wang, and Y. Tao

Integration of the Cyanobacterial DesA Gene for 12-Acyl-Lipid Desaturase Improves Potato Tolerance to Paraquat-Induced Oxidative Stress
I. N. Demin, N. V. Naraikina, V. D. Tsedendambaev, I. E. Moshkov, and T. I. Trunova

Effects of Paraquat on Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Enzymes in Aquatic Fern Azolla microphylla
A. Sood, S. Pabbi , and P. L. Uniyal

Physiological Role of Anthocyanin Accumulation in Common Hazel Juvenile Leaves
A. E. Solovchenko and O. B. Chivkunova

Quantitative Analysis of Chitinase Gene Expression in Chickpea
Hamideh Sepehri Zarandi, A. Bagheri, A. Baghizadeh, and N. Moshtaghi

Differences in Protein Expression and Ultrastructure between Two Wheat Near-Isogenic Lines Affected by Powdery Mildew
Q. Li, X. M. Chen, D. Li, W. D. Zhang, and J. C. Tian

The Role of Ionic Calcium in the Gravitropic Response of a Creeping Chrysanthemum Cultivar
Sh. Zhang, S. Chen, F. Chen, and B. Jiang

Comparison of Proteomes between Wheat-Rye Translocations and Their Recurrent Parents
T. G. Lee, J. W. Johnson, and Y. W. Seo

Applied Aspects

Antioxidant Activity of Extracts from Thalictrum minus Suspension Culture
T. B. Karyagina, E. A. Gukasova, and D. I. Bairamashvili


Histochemical Methods for Detection of Heavy Metals and Strontium in the Tissues of Higher Plants
I. V. Seregin and A. D. Kozhevnikova

Effects of Different Conservation Methods on the Genetic Stability of Potato Germplasm
J. M. Bai, X. L. Chen, X. X. Lu, X. Xin, Z. E. Zhang, X.-C. Liu, B. Sh. Sun, J. M. Zhang, G. K. Yin, and Q. J. Sui


Protein Quantification
N. S. Stepanchenko, G. V. Novikova, and I. E. Moshkov

Science History

The Discovery of Cytokinin Receptors and Biosynthesis of Cytokinins: A True Story
G. A. Romanov

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