
niedziela, 6 marca 2011

Journal of Experimental Botany - 2, 2011

Using genetic mapping and genomics approaches in understanding and improving drought tolerance in pearl millet
Yadav, Rattan S.; Sehgal, Deepmala; Vadez, Vincent

Association mapping in durum wheat grown across a broad range of water regimes
Maccaferri, Marco; Sanguineti, Maria Corinna; Demontis, Andrea; El-Ahmed, Ahmed; Garcia del Moral, Luis; Maalouf, Fouad; Nachit, Miloudi; Nserallah, Nasserlehaq; Ouabbou, Hassan; Rhouma, Sayar; Royo, Conxita; Villegas, Dolors; Tuberosa, Roberto

Raising yield potential of wheat. I. Overview of a consortium approach and breeding strategies
Reynolds, Matthew; Bonnett, David; Chapman, Scott C.; Furbank, Robert T.; Mans, Yann; Mather, Diane E.; Parry, Martin A. J.

Raising yield potential of wheat. II. Increasing photosynthetic capacity and efficiency
Parry, Martin A. J.; Reynolds, Matthew; Salvucci, Michael E.; Raines, Christine; Andralojc, P. John; Zhu, Xin-Guang; Price, G. Dean; Condon, Anthony G.; Furbank, Robert T.

Raising yield potential of wheat. III. Optimizing partitioning to grain while maintaining lodging resistance
Foulkes, M. John; Slafer, Gustavo A.; Davies, William J.; Berry, Pete. M.; Sylvester-Bradley, Roger; Martre, Pierre; Calderini, Daniel F.; Griffiths, Simon; Reynolds, Matthew P.

Regulation of flowering time and floral patterning by miR172
Zhu, Qian-Hao; Helliwell, Chris A.

A TSPO-related protein localizes to the early secretory pathway in Arabidopsis, but is targeted to mitochondria when expressed in yeast
Vanhee, Celine; Guillon, Stphanie; Masquelier, Danile; Degand, Herv; Deleu, Magali; Morsomme, Pierre; Batoko, Henri

Impact of chlororespiration on non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence and on the regulation of the diadinoxanthin cycle in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana
Cruz, Sonia; Goss, Reimund; Wilhelm, Christian; Leegood, Richard; Horton, Peter; Jakob, Torsten

The olive DGAT2 gene is developmentally regulated and shares overlapping but distinct expression patterns with DGAT1
Banilas, Georgios; Karampelias, Michael; Makariti, Ifigenia; Kourti, Anna; Hatzopoulos, Polydefkis

Testing the IMEter on rice introns and other aspects of intron-mediated enhancement of gene expression
Morello, Laura; Gian, Silvia; Troina, Filippo; Breviario, Diego

Thioredoxin-regulated -amylase (BAM1) triggers diurnal starch degradation in guard cells, and in mesophyll cells under osmotic stress
Valerio, Concetta; Costa, Alex; Marri, Lucia; Issakidis-Bourguet, Emmanuelle; Pupillo, Paolo; Trost, Paolo; Sparla, Francesca

A novel chloroplast protein, CEST induces tolerance to multiple environmental stresses and reduces photooxidative damage in transgenic Arabidopsis
Yokotani, Naoki; Higuchi, Mieko; Kondou, Youichi; Ichikawa, Takanari; Iwabuchi, Masaki; Hirochika, Hirohiko; Matsui, Minami; Oda, Kenji

The N-glycan processing enzymes -mannosidase and -D-N-acetylhexosaminidase are involved in ripening-associated softening in the non-climacteric fruits of capsicum
Ghosh, Sumit; Meli, Vijaykumar S.; Kumar, Anil; Thakur, Archana; Chakraborty, Niranjan; Chakraborty, Subhra; Datta, Asis

Specification of reproductive meristems requires the combined function of SHOOT MERISTEMLESS and floral integrators FLOWERING LOCUS T and FD during Arabidopsis inflorescence development
Smith, Harley M. S.; Ung, Nolan; Lal, Shruti; Courtier, Jennifer

Comparative analysis of defence responses induced by the endophytic plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium Burkholderia phytofirmans strain PsJN and the non-host bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi in grapevine cell suspensions
Bordiec, Sophie; Paquis, Sandra; Lacroix, Hlne; Dhondt, Sandrine; Ait Barka, Essad; Kauffmann, Serge; Jeandet, Philippe; Mazeyrat-Gourbeyre, Florence; Clment, Christophe; Baillieul, Fabienne; Dorey, Stphan

Nitrogen metabolism responses to water deficit act through both abscisic acid (ABA)-dependent and independent pathways in Medicago truncatula during post-germination
Planchet, Elisabeth; Rannou, Olivier; Ricoult, Claudie; Boutet-Mercey, Stphanie; Maia-Grondard, Alessandra; Limami, Anis M.

The Solanum lycopersicum AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 7 (SlARF7) mediates cross-talk between auxin and gibberellin signalling during tomato fruit set and development
de Jong, Maaike; Wolters-Arts, Mieke; Garca-Martnez, Jos L.; Mariani, Celestina; Vriezen, Wim H.

Role of relative humidity, temperature, and water status in dormancy alleviation of sunflower seeds during dry after-ripening
Bazin, J.; Batlla, D.; Dussert, S.; El-Maarouf-Bouteau, H.; Bailly, C.

BAK1 regulates the accumulation of jasmonic acid and the levels of trypsin proteinase inhibitors in Nicotiana attenuata's responses to herbivory
Yang, Da-Hai; Hettenhausen, Christian; Baldwin, Ian T.; Wu, Jianqiang

Rubisco activity in Mediterranean species is regulated by the chloroplastic CO2 concentration under water stress
Galms, Jeroni; Ribas-Carb, Miquel; Medrano, Hiplito; Flexas, Jaume

Ethylene is involved in the regulation of iron homeostasis by regulating the expression of iron-acquisition-related genes in Oryza sativa
Wu, Jiaojiao; Wang, Chuang; Zheng, Luqing; Wang, Lu; Chen, Yunlong; Whelan, James; Shou, Huixia

Sex-related differences in morphological, physiological, and ultrastructural responses of Populus cathayana to chilling
Zhang, Sheng; Jiang, Hao; Peng, Shuming; Korpelainen, Helena; Li, Chunyang

Dorsoventral variations in dark chilling effects on photosynthesis and stomatal function in Paspalum dilatatum leaves
Soares-Cordeiro, Ana Sofia; Driscoll, Simon P.; Arrabaa, Maria Celeste; Foyer, Christine H.

Genetic association mapping identifies single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes that affect abscisic acid levels in maize floral tissues during drought
Setter, Tim L.; Yan, Jianbing; Warburton, Marilyn; Ribaut, Jean-Marcel; Xu, Yunbi; Sawkins, Mark; Buckler, Edward S.; Zhang, Zhiwu; Gore, Michael A.

Water uptake by seminal and adventitious roots in relation to whole-plant water flow in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Knipfer, Thorsten; Fricke, Wieland

Endosperm development in Brachypodium distachyon
Opanowicz, Magdalena; Hands, Philip; Betts, Donna; Parker, Mary L.; Toole, Geraldine A.; Mills, E. N. Clare; Doonan, John H.; Drea, Sinad

The lipoxygenase-dependent oxygenation of lipid body membranes is promoted by a patatin-type phospholipase in cucumber cotyledons
Rudolph, Maike; Schlereth, Armin; Krner, Martina; Feussner, Kirstin; Berndt, Ekkehardt; Melzer, Michael; Hornung, Ellen; Feussner, Ivo

miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis
Wang, Li; Gu, Xiaolu; Xu, Deyang; Wang, Wei; Wang, Hua; Zeng, Minhuan; Chang, Zhaoyang; Huang, Hai; Cui, Xiaofeng

C-terminal armadillo repeats are essential and sufficient for association of the plant U-box armadillo E3 ubiquitin ligase SAUL1 with the plasma membrane
Drechsel, Gabriele; Bergler, Johannes; Wippel, Kathrin; Sauer, Norbert; Vogelmann, Katja; Hoth, Stefan

In planta function of compatible solute transporters of the AtProT family
Lehmann, Silke; Gumy, Christophe; Blatter, Eva; Boeffel, Silke; Fricke, Wieland; Rentsch, Doris

Sugar signalling is involved in the sex expression response of monoecious cucumber to low temperature
Minmin; Yang, Xiaguang; Han, Xiaoshuang; Wang, Kuishan

Compensatory expression and substrate inducibility of -glutamyl transferase GGT2 isoform in Arabidopsis thaliana
Destro, Tiziana; Prasad, Dinesh; Martignago, Damiano; Lliso Bernet, Ignacio; Trentin, Anna Rita; Renu, Indu Kumari; Ferretti, Massimo; Masi, Antonio

Cloning, characterization, and expression of xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase and expansin genes associated with petal growth and development during carnation flower opening
Harada, Taro; Torii, Yuka; Morita, Shigeto; Onodera, Reiko; Hara, Yoshinao; Yokoyama, Ryusuke; Nishitani, Kazuhiko; Satoh, Shigeru

Identification and expression analysis of ERF transcription factor genes in petunia during flower senescence and in response to hormone treatments
Liu, Juanxu; Li, Jingyu; Wang, Huinan; Fu, Zhaodi; Liu, Juan; Yu, Yixun


plant - family - flower - genera - journal - articolo - plants - piante - botanique - rośliny - sinonim - famiglia - botany - nauka - sinonimo - botanica - wycieczka - travel - sinónimo - fruit - sinônimo - articolo - synoniem - czasopismo - synonym - synonyme - systematic - systematyka - szinonima - systematyka - rodzina - artykuł - article - flower - kwiaty - owoc - seeds - nasiona




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