
czwartek, 3 marca 2011

Journal of Experimental Botany - 14, 2010


Border cells versus border-like cells: are they alike?
Driouich, Azeddine; Durand, Caroline; Cannesan, Marc-Antoine; Percoco, Giuseppe; Vicr-Gibouin, Mait

High-throughput degradome sequencing can be used to gain insights into microRNA precursor metabolism
Meng, Yijun; Gou, Lingfeng; Chen, Dijun; Wu, Ping; Chen, Ming

NSP-interacting kinase, NIK: a transducer of plant defence signalling
Santos, Ansia A.; Lopes, Knia V. G.; Apfata, Jorge A. C.; Fontes, Elizabeth P. B.

Subgroup 4 R2R3-MYBs in conifer trees: gene family expansion and contribution to the isoprenoid- and flavonoid-oriented responses
Bedon, Frank; Bomal, Claude; Caron, Sbastien; Levasseur, Caroline; Boyle, Brian; Mansfield, Shawn D.; Schmidt, Axel; Gershenzon, Jonathan; Grima-Pettenati, Jacqueline; Sguin, Armand; MacKay, John

pH-dependent permeation of amino acids through isolated ivy cuticles is affected by cuticular water sorption and hydration shell size of the solute
Arand, Katja; Stock, David; Burghardt, Markus; Riederer, Markus

Changes in gravitational forces induce the modification of Arabidopsis thaliana silique pedicel positioning
Wei, Ning; Tan, Chao; Qi, Bin; Zhang, Yue; Xu, Guoxin; Zheng, Huiqiong

Ethylene and nitric oxide involvement in the up-regulation of key genes related to iron acquisition and homeostasis in Arabidopsis
Garca, Mara J.; Lucena, Carlos; Romera, Francisco J.; Alcntara, Esteban; Prez-Vicente, Rafael

Male gametophyte-specific WRKY34 transcription factor mediates cold sensitivity of mature pollen in Arabidopsis
Zou, Changsong; Jiang, Wenbo; Yu, Diqiu

Characterization of volatile production during storage of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seed
Mira, Sara; Gonzlez-Benito, M. Elena; Hill, Lisa M.; Walters, Christina

AHAS herbicide resistance endowing mutations: effect on AHAS functionality and plant growth
Yu, Qin; Han, Heping; Vila-Aiub, Martin M.; Powles, Stephen B.

Cloning, functional characterization, and co-expression studies of a novel aquaporin (FaPIP2;1) of strawberry fruit
Alleva, Karina; Marquez, Mercedes; Villarreal, Natalia; Mut, Paula; Bustamante, Claudia; Bellati, Jorge; Martnez, Gustavo; Civello, Marcos; Amodeo, Gabriela

The RAV1 transcription factor positively regulates leaf senescence in Arabidopsis
Woo, Hye Ryun; Kim, Jin Hee; Kim, Junyoung; Kim, Jeongsik; Lee, Ung; Song, In-Ja; Kim, Jin-Hong; Lee, Hyo-Yeon; Nam, Hong Gil; Lim, Pyung Ok

Effects of elevated root zone CO2 and air temperature on photosynthetic gas exchange, nitrate uptake, and total reduced nitrogen content in aeroponically grown lettuce plants
He, Jie; Austin, Paul T.; Lee, Sing Kong

Functional analysis of the structural domain of ARF proteins in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Shen, ChenJia; Wang, SuiKang; Bai, YouHuang; Wu, YunRong; Zhang, SaiNa; Chen, Ming; Guilfoyle, Tom J.; Wu, Ping; Qi, YanHua

Duplicate polyphenol oxidase genes on barley chromosome 2H and their functional differentiation in the phenol reaction of spikes and grains
Taketa, Shin; Matsuki, Kanako; Amano, Satoko; Saisho, Daisuke; Himi, Eiko; Shitsukawa, Naoki; Yuo, Takahisa; Noda, Kazuhiko; Takeda, Kazuyoshi

Caesium and strontium accumulation in shoots of Arabidopsis thaliana: genetic and physiological aspects
Kanter, Ulrike; Hauser, Andreas; Michalke, Bernhard; Drxl, Stephan; Schffner, Anton R.

The salt- and drought-inducible poplar GRAS protein SCL7 confers salt and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana
Ma, Hong-Shuang; Liang, Dan; Shuai, Peng; Xia, Xin-Li; Yin, Wei-Lun

The cytoskeleton enhances gene expression in the response to the Harpin elicitor in grapevine
Qiao, Fei; Chang, Xiao-Li; Nick, Peter

NMR metabolomics of esca disease-affected Vitis vinifera cv. Alvarinho leaves
Lima, Marta R. M.; Felgueiras, Mafalda L.; Graa, Gonalo; Rodrigues, Joo E. A.; Barros, Antnio; Gil, Ana M.; Dias, Alberto C. P.

Functional analysis of the pathways for 2-Cys peroxiredoxin reduction in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts
Pulido, Pablo; Spnola, Mara Cristina; Kirchsteiger, Kerstin; Guinea, Manuel; Pascual, Mara Beln; Sahrawy, Mariam; Sandalio, Luisa Mara; Dietz, Karl-Josef; Gonzlez, Maricruz; Cejudo, Francisco Javier

Class I KNOX genes are associated with organogenesis during bulbil formation in Agave tequilana
Abraham-Jurez, Mara Jazmn; Martnez-Hernndez, Ada; Leyva-Gonzlez, Marco Antonio; Herrera-Estrella, Luis; Simpson, June

Modulation of embryo-forming capacity in culture through the expression of Brassica genes involved in the regulation of the shoot apical meristem
Elhiti, Mohamed; Tahir, Muhammad; Gulden, Robert H.; Khamiss, Khalil; Stasolla, Claudio

Acclimation of photosystem II to high temperature in two Wedelia species from different geographical origins: implications for biological invasions upon global warming
Song, Liying; Chow, Wah Soon; Sun, Lanlan; Li, Changhan; Peng, Changlian

Changes in growth and cell wall extensibility of maize silks following pollination
Sella Kapu, Nuwan U.; Cosgrove, Daniel J.

Growth of the C4 dicot Flaveria bidentis: photosynthetic acclimation to low light through shifts in leaf anatomy and biochemistry
Pengelly, Jasper J. L.; Sirault, Xavier R. R.; Tazoe, Youshi; Evans, John R.; Furbank, Robert T.; von Caemmerer, Susanne


plant - family - flower - genera - journal - articolo - plants - piante - botanique - rośliny - sinonim - famiglia - botany - nauka - sinonimo - botanica - wycieczka - travel - sinónimo - fruit - sinônimo - articolo - synoniem - czasopismo - synonym - synonyme - systematic - systematyka - szinonima - systematyka - rodzina - artykuł - article - flower - kwiaty - owoc - seeds - nasiona




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