
czwartek, 10 lutego 2011

Taxon - 59 (6), 2010


IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 10
Grabiele, Mauro; Honfi, Ana I.; Davina, Julio R.

Paraphyletic groups as natural units of biological classification
Hörandl, Elvira; Stuessy, Tod F.

Generic delineation, phylogeny and subtribal affinities of Phagnalon and Aliella (Compositae, Gnaphalieae) based on nuclear and chloroplast sequences
Montes-Moreno, Noemí; Sáez, Llorenç; Benedí, Carles; Susanna, Alfonso; Garcia-Jacas, Núria

How many of Cassini anagrams should there be? Molecular systematics and phylogenetic relationships in the Filago group (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae), with special focus on the genus Filago
Galbany-Casals, Merce; Andrés-Sánchez, Santiago; Garcia-Jacas, Núria; Susanna, Alfonso; Rico, Enrique; Martínez-Ortega, M. Montserrat

A molecular phylogeny and a new classification of Pyrola (Pyroleae, Ericaceae)
Liu, Zhen-Wen; Zhou, Jing; Liu, En-De; Peng, Hua

Phylogeny of subtribe Gentianinae (Gentianaceae): Biogeographic inferences despite limitations in temporal calibration points
Favre, Adrien; Yuan, Yong-Ming; Küpfer, Philippe; Alvarez, Nadir

Phylogenetic placements of Calathodes and Megaleranthis (Ranunculaceae): Evidence from molecular and morphological data
Wang, Wei; Hu, Hao; Xiang, Xiao-Guo; Yu, Sheng-Xiang; Chen, Zhi-Duan

Generic delimitation and historical biogeography in the early-divergent 'ambavioid' lineage of Annonaceae: Cananga, Cyathocalyx and Drepananthus
Surveswaran, Siddharthan; Wang, Rui Jiang; Su, Yvonne C.F.; Saunders, Richard M.K.

Just what is a genus? Comparing levels of postzygotic isolation to test alternative taxonomic hypotheses in Orchidaceae subtribe Orchidinae
Scopece, Giovanni; Cozzolino, Salvatore; Bateman, Richard M.

Species delimitation in the Sporobolus aeneus complex (Zoysieae, Chloridoideae, Poaceae) using the phylogenetic species concept
Denham, Silvia S.; Aliscioni, Sandra S.

Evolutionary history and taxonomy of the Cuscuta umbellata complex (Convolvulaceae): Evidence of extensive hybridization from discordant nuclear and plastid phylogenies
Costea, Mihai; Stefanović, Saša

Generic delimitation in the Antillean Adelieae (Euphorbiaceae) with description of the Hispaniolan endemic genus Garciadelia
Jestrow, Brett; Rodríguez, Francisco Jiménez; Francisco-Ortega, Javier

A new herbaceous genus endemic to Madagascar: Phialiphora (Spermacoceae, Rubiaceae)
Groeninckx, Inge; Briggs, Marie; Davis, Aaron; De Block, Petra; Robbrecht, Elmar; Smets, Erik; Dessein, Steven

Semi-automated workflows for acquiring specimen data from label images in herbarium collections
Granzow-de la Cerda, Ínigo; Beach, James H.

The application of cophylogenic tools to gene sets
Baum, Bernard R.; Johnson, Douglas A.

Report of the Special Committee on Electronic Publication
Chapman, Arthur D.; Turland, Nicholas J.; Watson, Mark F.

Report on the Special Committee on the Nomenclature of Fungi with a Pleomorphic Life Cycle
Redhead, Scott A.

Edinburgh 2010: The 9th International Mycological Congress Nomenclature Sessions
Norvell, Lorelei L.; Hawksworth, David L.; Petersen, Ronald H.; Redhead, Scott A.

Viola montana and V. persicifolia (Violaceae): Two names to be rejected
Danihelka, Jiří; van den Hof, Kevin; Marcussen, Thomas; Jonsell, Bengt

Lecto- and epitypification of Ficus racemosa L. (Moraceae)
Upadhyay, Gautam Kumar; Srivastava, Sunil Kumar

Nomenclature and typification of names of genera and subdivisions of genera in Cypereae (Cyperaceae): 1. Names of genera in the Cyperus clade
Huygh, Wim; Larridon, Isabel; Reynders, Marc; Muasya, A. Muthama; Govaerts, Rafaël; Simpson, David A.; Goetghebeur, Paul

(1973) Proposal to conserve the name Sphacelaria (Sphacelariales, Phaeophyceae) with a conserved type
Draisma, Stefano G.A.; Prud'homme van Reine, Willem F.

(1974) Proposal to conserve the name Dasya, nom. cons., against Rhodonema (Dasyaceae, Rhodophyta)
Pena-Martín, Carolina; Gómez-Garreta, Amelia; Crespo, Manuel B.

(1975) Proposal to conserve the name Onychium japonicum (Thunb.) Kunze (Pteridaceae) against O. japonicum Blume (Orchidaceae)
Reveal, James L.; Gandhi, Kanchi N.; Peters, Melinda D.; Fraser-Jenkins, Christopher R.

(1976) Proposal to conserve the name Lockhartia oerstedii against Oncidium mirabile (L. mirabilis) (Orchidaceae)
Blanco, Mario A.; Williams, Norris H.

(1977) Proposal to reject the name Maxillaria ramosa (Orchidaceae)
Blanco, Mario A.

(1978) Proposal to reject the name Corispermum orientale (Amaranthaceae)
Sukhorukov, Alexander P.

(1979) Proposal to conserve the name Odontarrhena obovata (Alyssum obovatum) against O. microphylla (A. microphyllum) (Cruciferae)
German, Dmitry A.

(1980-1981) Proposals to conserve the name Croton arboreus Millsp. against C. arboreus Shecut and to reject the name C. citrifolius (Euphorbiaceae)
van Ee, Benjamin

(1982) Proposal to conserve the name Euphrasia kaliformis (Odontites kaliformis) (Orobanchaceae, Rhinanthoideae) with a conserved type
Crespo, Manuel B.

(1983-1984) Proposals to reject the names Viola montana and V. persicifolia (Violaceae)
van den Hof, Kevin; Danihelka, Jiří; Marcussen, Thomas; Jonsell, Bengt; van den Berg, Ronald G.; Gravendeel, Barbara

(1985) Proposal to conserve the name Viola elatior against V. hornemanniana and V. stipulacea (Violaceae)
Danihelka, Jií; van den Hof, Kevin; Jonsell, Bengt; Marcussen, Thomas

(1986) Proposal to conserve the name Viscum serotinum (Phoradendron serotinum) against V. leucarpum (Viscaceae)
Nickrent, Daniel L.; Boufford, David E.; Kuijt, Job

(1987-1988) Proposals to conserve the name Danaeopsis Heer ex Schimp. (fossil Pteridophyta) against Marantoidea (fossil Pteridophyta) and Danaeopsis C. Presl (recent Pteridophyta) and the name Taeniopteris marantacea (fossil Pteridophyta) with a conserved type
Zijlstra, Gea; Kustatscher, Evelyn; van Konijnenburg-van Cittert, Han

(203-213) Proposals to permit electronic publications to be effectively published under specified conditions
McNeill, John; Turland, Nicholas J.

(214) Proposal to amend the wording of Article 7 Example 7
Perry, Gillian

(215-222) Proposals on original material
Perry, Gillian

(223-232) Proposals to amend articles regulating the typification of names in sanctioning works
Redhead, Scott A.; Norvell, Lorelei L.; Pennycook, Shaun R.

(233-237) Five "housekeeping" proposals to amend the Vienna Code
Turland, Nicholas J.

(238) Proposal to remove a superfluous rule that is followed when generic names are typified
Proćków, Jarosław; Jakubska-Busse, Anna

(239-242) Proposals to protect the entries in Appendix IIB (or in Appendices II-IV)
Turland, Nicholas J.

(243-245) Proposals to permit the conservation of the name of an infraspecific taxon and of a subdivision of a genus when that name is the basionym of the name of a species or genus proposed for conservation
Perry, Gillian

(246) Proposal to amend Article 16 to provide for automatic typification in the absence of a family name
Redhead, Scott A.

(247-261) Fifteen proposals for the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature dealing with suprageneric names
Reveal, James L.; Gandhi, Kanchi N.

(262-275) Proposals on Article 33 and other Articles concerning new combinations, status novi, and nomina nova
Turland, Nicholas J.

(276-287) Proposals concerning the validation and author citation of names published with more than one potential descriptive statement
Perry, Gillian

(288-289) Two conditional proposals
van Rijckevorsel, Paul

(290) A proposal on illustrations with analysis
Brummitt, R.K.

(291) A proposal to amend the wording of Article 48.1 and insert a new Article 48.2
Perry, Gillian

(292) Acacia: a solution that should be acceptable to everybody
Brummitt, R.K.

(293) Proposal to add an example to Article 52
Perry, Gillian

(294-306) Proposals to define the new term 'teleotype', to rename Chapter VI, and to modify Article 59 to limit dual nomenclature and to remove conflicting examples and recommendations
Redhead, Scott A.

(307-313) Proposals to modify Article 59 in order to harmonize it with present practice
Gams, Walter; Jaklitsch, Walter; Kirschner, Roland

(314-337) Twenty-four proposals to amend the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
Gandhi, Kanchi N.; Reveal, James L.

(338) Proposal for Division III.2 (3): Committee for Bryophyta
Stotler, Raymond; Isoviita, Pekka

IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 10
Marhold ed., Karol; Breitwieser, Ilse

New names and combinations appearing in Taxon 59 (6)

Free Content Errata to taxon 59(5)

Free Content Plant Systematics World

Reviews and Notices of Publications

New names and combinations appearing in Taxon 59 (6):

Cuscuta legitima Costea & Stefanović, sp. nov.
Cyathocalyx harmandii (Finet & Gagnep.) R.J. Wang & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. et stat. nov.
Drepananthus acuminatus (C.B. Rob.) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus angustipetalus (R.J. Wang & R.M.K. Saunders) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus biovulatus (Boerl.) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus cauliflorus (Lauterb. & K. Schum.) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus crassipetalus (R.J. Wang & R.M.K. Saunders) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus deltoideus (Airy Shaw) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus filiformis (Ast) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus havilandii (Boerl.) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus hexagynus (Miq.) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus kingii (Boerl. ex Koord.) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus lucidus (Diels) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus magnificus (Diels) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus minahassae (Boerl. ex Koord.) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus obtusifolius (Becc. & Scheff.) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus olivaceus (King) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus petiolatus (Diels) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus polycarpus (C.T. White & W.D. Francis) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus pubescens (Scheff.) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus ridleyi (King) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus samarensis (R.J. Wang & R.M.K. Saunders) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Drepananthus vitiensis (A.C. Sm.) Surveswaran & R.M.K. Saunders, comb. nov.
Emodomelanelia Divakar & A. Crespo, gen. nov.
Emodomelanelia masonii (Essl. & Poelt) Divakar & A. Crespo, comb. nov.
Filago subg. Crocidion Andrés-Sánchez & Galbany, subg. nov.
Filago subg. Pseudevax (DC.) Andrés-Sánchez & Galbany, comb. et stat. nov.
Filago discolor (DC.) Andrés-Sánchez & Galbany, comb. nov.
Filago gaditana (Pau) Andrés-Sánchez & Galbany, comb. et stat. nov.
Filago griffithii (A. Gray) Andrés-Sánchez & Galbany, comb. nov.
Flavoparmelia citrinescens (Gyelnik) O. Blanco, A. Crespo & Elix, comb. nov.
Flavoparmelia subambigua (Hale) O. Blanco, A. Crespo & Elix, comb. nov.
Garciadelia Jestrow & Jiménez Rodr., gen. nov.
Garciadelia abbottii Jestrow & Jiménez Rodr., sp. nov.
Garciadelia castilloae Jestrow & Jiménez Rodr., sp. nov. .
Garciadelia leprosa (Willd.) Jestrow & Jiménez Rodr., comb. nov.
Garciadelia mejiae Jestrow & Jiménez Rodr., sp. nov.
Lasiocroton gutierrezii Jestrow, sp. nov.
Lasiocroton microphyllus (A. Rich.) Jestrow, comb. nov.
Melanelixia calva (Essl.) A. Crespo, Divakar & Elix, comb. nov.
Melanelixia glabratuloides (Essl.) A. Crespo, Divakar & Elix, comb. nov.
Melanelixia piliferella (Essl.) A. Crespo, Divakar & Elix, comb. nov.
Melanelixia subglabra (Räsänen) A. Crespo, Divakar & Elix, comb. nov.
Myelochroa radiculata (Kurok.) Divakar & A. Crespo, comb. nov.
Nipponoparmelia (Kurok.) K.H. Moon, Y. Ohmura & Kashiw. ex A. Crespo & al., stat. nov.
Nipponoparmelia isidioclada (Vain.) K.H. Moon, Y. Ohmura & Kashiw. ex A. Crespo & al., comb. nov.
Nipponoparmelia laevior (Nyl.) K.H. Moon, Y. Ohmura & Kashiw. ex A. Crespo & al., comb. nov.
Nipponoparmelia pseudolaevior (Asahina) K.H. Moon, Y. Ohmura & Kashiw. ex A. Crespo & al., comb. nov.
Nipponoparmelia ricasolioides (Nyl.) A. Crespo & Divakar, comb. nov.
Parmotrema norsticticatum (G.N. Stevens) A. Crespo, Divakar & Elix, comb. nov.
Parmotrema subthomsonii (D.D. Awasthi) A. Crespo, Divakar & Elix, comb. nov.
Parmotrema thomsonii (Stirt.) A. Crespo, Divakar & Elix, comb. nov.
Phialiphora Groeninckx, gen. nov.
Phialiphora bevazahensis Groeninckx, sp. nov.
Phialiphora capitulata Groeninckx, sp. nov.
Pyrola ser. Rugosae (Andres) Zhen W. Liu & H. Peng, ser. nov.
Pyrola ser. Scotophyllae (Nutt.) Zhen W. Liu & H. Peng, stat. nov.
Sporobolus aeneus (Trin.) Kunth var. angustifolia (Döll) S. Denham & Aliscioni, comb. nov.
Sporobolus aeneus (Trin.) Kunth var. eximius (Nees ex Trin.) S. Denham & Aliscioni, comb. & stat. nov.


plant - family - flower - genera - journal - articolo - plants - piante - botanique - rośliny - sinonim - famiglia - botany - nauka - sinonimo - botanica - wycieczka - travel - sinónimo - fruit - sinônimo - articolo - synoniem - czasopismo - synonym - synonyme - systematic - systematyka - szinonima - systematyka - rodzina - artykuł - article - flower - kwiaty - owoc - seeds - nasiona




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