
środa, 23 lutego 2011

In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant - 46 (3), 2010


Site-specific gene integration technologies for crop improvement

Vibha Srivastava and David Gidoni

Elicitation with methyl-jasmonate stimulates peruvoside production in cell suspension cultures of Thevetia peruviana

Mario Arias Zabala, Mónica Angarita, Juan M. Restrepo, Luis A. Caicedo and Margarita Perea

Induction and in vitro alkaloid yield of calluses and protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) from Pinellia ternata
Alkaloid yield of in vitro tissues from Pinellia ternata

Yonghong Liu, Zongsuo Liang and Yuejin Zhang

Genetic stability of cryopreserved shoot tips of Rubus germplasm

Nina Rosa F. Castillo, Nahla V. Bassil, Sugae Wada and Barbara M. Reed

Nitrogen compounds in embryogenic and non-embryogenic calluses of Medicago arborea L.

Elena Gutierrez, Piedad Gallego, Angel Alonso, Antonio Blazquez and Luisa Martin, et al.

Regeneration of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) through direct somatic embryogenesis from the immature embryonic shoot tip

Murugan Loganathan, Subbiyan Maruthasalam, Ling Yin Shiu, Wei Ching Lien and Wen Hwei Hsu, et al.

Globular embryo-like structures and highly efficient thidiazuron-induced multiple shoot formation in saffron (Crocus sativus L.)

Golandam Sharifi, Hassan Ebrahimzadeh, Behzad Ghareyazie and Mansour Karimi

Axillary bud development in pineapple nodal segments correlates with changes on cell cycle gene expression, hormone level, and sucrose and glutamate contents

Beatriz M. Souza, Jeanne B. Molfetta-Machado, Luciano Freschi, Antonio Figueira and Eduardo Purgatto, et al.

Dehydroascorbate and glutathione regulate the cellular development of Nicotiana tabacum L. SR-1 protoplasts

Geert Potters, Marcel A. K. Jansen, Nele Horemans, Yves Guisez and Taras Pasternak

Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in two wild cotton species belong to G genome

Shu-Feng Yan, Qiao Zhang, Jing-Er Wang, Yu-Qiang Sun and M. K. Daud, et al.

Shoot development and plant regeneration from protocorm-like bodies of Zygopetalum mackayi

Pou-Ieng Hong, Jen-Tsung Chen and Wei-Chin Chang

CO2-enriched microenvironment affects sucrose and macronutrients absorption and promotes autotrophy in the in vitro culture of kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa Chev. Liang and Ferguson)

Luis Arigita, Ma Jesús Canal, Ricardo Sánchez Tamés and Aida González

Germination of mature seeds of Calanthe tricarinata Lindl., an endangered terrestrial orchid, by asymbiotic culture in vitro

Toshinari Godo, Miho Komori, Emi Nakaoki, Tomohisa Yukawa and Kazumitsu Miyoshi


plant - family - flower - genera - journal - articolo - plants - piante - botanique - rośliny - sinonim - famiglia - botany - nauka - sinonimo - botanica - wycieczka - travel - sinónimo - fruit - sinônimo - articolo - synoniem - czasopismo - synonym - synonyme - systematic - systematyka - szinonima - systematyka - rodzina - artykuł - article - flower - kwiaty - owoc - seeds - nasiona




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