
sobota, 8 stycznia 2011

African Journal of Biotechnology - 9 (51), 2010


Research Articles


Peter Twumasi, Jan Schel and Wim van Ieperen

Osmotic potential of Zinnia elegans plant material affects the yield and morphology of tracheary elements produced in vitro

Asadpour, L., Goudarzi, H., Keyvanfar, H., Shoushtari, A.H., Seyfi Abad Shapouri, M.R., Eshrat Abadi, F.

Molecular cloning of S1 glycoprotein gene of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) serotype 793/B in secretory Pichia pastoris vector

Changnian Song, Xue Cao, Korir Kibet Nicholas, Chen Wang, Xiaoying Li, Xicheng Wang and Jinggui Fang

Extraction of low molecular weight RNA from Citrus trifolita tissues for microRNA Northern blotting and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)


Zhiguo Liu, Yongli Cai, Yan Fang, Jun Jing, Kai Li

Induced response in Schima superba: Effects of early-season herbivory on leaf traits and subsequent insect attack

Ghulam Raza, Kazim Ali, Zahid Mukhtar, Shahid Mansoor, Muhammad Arshad and Shaheen Asad

The response of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L) genotypes to callus induction, regeneration and different concentrations of the selective agent (geneticin -418)

E. B. Okorogri, V. O. Adetimirin, G. Ssemakula, B. Odu and A. G. O. Dixon

Rate of re-infection of tissue culture-derived Latin American and East and Southern African cassava genotypes by mosaic disease

G. O. Asudi, F. K. Ombwara, F. K. Rimberia, A. B. Nyende, E. M. Ateka, L. S. Wamocho, D. Shitanda, and A. Onyango

Morphological diversity of Kenyan papaya germplasm


Maryam Mohammadi Roozbahani, Seyed Mohammad Bagher Nabavi, Parvin Farshchi and Abdolrahman Rasekh

Studies on the benthic macroinvertebrates diversity species as bio-indicators of environmental health in Bahrekan Bay (Northwest of Persian Gulf)

Daniela Labra Cardóna, Silvano Montes Villafán, Aída Rodríguez Tovar, Sandra Pérez Jiménez, L. Angélic Guerrero Zúniga, Myriam A. Amezcua Allieri , Néstor O. Pérez and Angélica Rodríguez Dorantes

Growth response and heavy metals tolerance of Axonopus affinis, inoculated with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria

P. J. Oberholster and A. M. Botha

Use of remote sensing and molecular markers to detect toxic cyanobacterial hyperscum crust: A case study on Lake Hartbeespoort, South Africa

H. Duygu Ozsoy

Biosorptive removal of Hg(II) ions by Rhizopus oligosporus produced from corn-processing wastewater

Tatiana V. Teles, Rangel R. Bonfim, Péricles B. Alves, Arie. F. Blank, Hugo C. R. Jesus, Lucindo J. Quintans-Jr, Mairim R. Serafini, Leonardo R. Bonjardim and Adriano A. S. Araújo

Composition and evaluation of the lethality of Lippia gracilis essential oil to adults of Biomphalaria glabrata and larvae of Artemia salina


Heidi Riedel, Zhenzhen Cai, Onur Kütük and Iryna Smetanska

Obtaining phenolic acids from cell cultures of various Artemisia species

Zuraida A. R., Rahiniza K., Nurul Hafiza M. R., Suri Roowi, Zamri Z. and Sreeramanan Subramaniam

Factors affecting delivery and transient expression of gusA gene in Malaysian indica rice MR 219 callus via biolistic gun system

Adenuga, W., Olaleye, O. N. and Adepoju, P. A.

Utilization of bitter vegetable leaves (Gongronema latifolium, Vernonia amygdalina) and Garcinia kola extracts as substitutes for hops in sorghum beer production


Tania Scheepers, Jan L du Plessis and Herculaas F Kotzé

Metabolic markers as possible diagnostic tools to distinguish between Gram positive and Gram negative septicaemia in baboons

Shaoli Zhang, Lugang Zhang, Mingke Zhang and Maixia Hui

Sequence analysis of ß-esterase isoenzymes related to fertility changeover in TsCMS7311 of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis)

C. Ahanhanzo, Ch. B. Gandonou, A. Agbidinoukoun, A. Dansi and C. Agbangla

Effect of two cytokinins in combination with acetic acid ?-naphthalene on yams (Dioscorea spp.) genotypes’ response to in vitro morphogenesis

Samuel E. Agarry, Bamidele O. Solomon and Stephen K. Layokun

Energetics of binary mixed culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescence growth on phenol in aerobic chemostat culture


Ahmet Mutlu Gozler, Ulgen Kopuz and Ertugrul Agirbas

Seasonal changes of invertebrate fauna associated with Cystoseira barbata facies of Southeastern Black Sea coast

Oronsaye, J. A. O., Wangboje, O. M. and Oguzie, F. A.

Trace metals in some benthic fishes of the Ikpoba river dam, Benin City, Nigeria


Ebrahimzadeh, M. A., Nabavi, S. F., Nabavi, S. M., Eslami, B. and Asgarirad, H.

In vitro antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity of Leonurus cardiaca subsp. Persicus, Grammosciadium platycarpum and Onosma demawendicum

Sini, J. M., Yaro, A. H., Ayanwuyi, L. O., Aiyelero, O. M., Mallum, S. M. and Gamaniel, K. S.

Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of the aqueous extract of the root bark of Combretum sericeum in rodents

U. Lawal, H. Ibrahim, A. Agunu and Y. Abdulahi

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of water extract from Ipomoea asarifolia Desr (Convolvulaceae)


Amira A. B. K., A. B. Z. Zuki, Y. M Goh, M. M. Noordin and M. Ebrahimi

Effects of varying levels of n-6:n-3 fatty acid ratio on plasma fatty acid composition and prostanoid synthesis in pregnant rats


plant - family - flower - genera - journal - articolo - plants - piante - botanique - rośliny - sinonim - famiglia - botany - nauka - sinonimo - botanica - wycieczka - travel - sinónimo - fruit - sinônimo - articolo - synoniem - czasopismo - synonym - synonyme - systematic - systematyka - szinonima - systematyka - rodzina - artykuł - article - flower - kwiaty - owoc - seeds - nasiona




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