
sobota, 18 grudnia 2010

Plant Pathology - 59 (6), 2010



Editorial (pages 1003–1004)

Richard Shattock

Original Articles

Analysis of the natural infection of European horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) by Pseudomonas syringae pv. aesculi (pages 1005–1013)

H Steele, B. E Laue, G. A MacAskill, S. J Hendry and S Green

Identification of a genetic lineage within Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis as the causal agent of vertical oozing canker of Persian (English) walnut in France (pages 1014–1022)

A. Hajri, D. Meyer, F. Delort, J. Guillaumes, C. Brin and C. Manceau

Inhibitory effect of ACC deaminase-producing bacteria on crown gall formation in tomato plants infected by Agrobacterium tumefaciens or A. vitis (pages 1023–1030)

N. Toklikishvili, N. Dandurishvili, A. Vainstein, M. Tediashvili, N. Giorgobiani, S. Lurie, E. Szegedi, B. R. Glick and L. Chernin

Annual and polyetic progression of citrus canker on trees protected with copper sprays (pages 1031–1036)

F. Behlau, L. Amorim, J. Belasque Jr, A. Bergamin Filho, R. P. Leite Jr, J. H. Graham and T. R. Gottwald

Changes in carbohydrate metabolism in Citrus sinensis infected with ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (pages 1037–1043)

J. Fan, C. Chen, R. H. Brlansky, F. G. Gmitter Jr. and Z.-G. Li

Liberibacters associated with orange jasmine in Brazil: incidence in urban areas and relatedness to citrus liberibacters (pages 1044–1053)

S. A. Lopes, G. F. Frare, L. E. A. Camargo, N. A. Wulff, D. C. Teixeira, R. B. Bassanezi, G. A. C. Beattie and A. J. Ayres

Genetic diversity of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii and development of a SCAR marker for this guava-damaging species (pages 1054–1061)

M. Tigano, K. De Siqueira, P. Castagnone-Sereno, K. Mulet, P. Queiroz, M. Dos Santos, C. Teixeira, M. Almeida, J. Silva and R. Carneiro

Effects of host and pathogen genotypes on inducibility of resistance in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) to Phytophthora infestans (pages 1062–1071)

K. Sharma, A. F. Butz and M. R. Finckh

Aggressiveness of eight Venturia inaequalis isolates virulent or avirulent to the major resistance gene Rvi6 on a non-Rvi6 apple cultivar (pages 1072–1080)

V. Caffier, F. Didelot, B. Pumo, D. Causeur, C. E. Durel and L. Parisi

Genetic differentiation between hosts and locations in populations of latent Botrytis cinerea in southern England (pages 1081–1090)

B. A. P. Rajaguru and M. W. Shaw

Pyraclostrobin reduces germ tube growth of QoI-resistant Mycosphaerella graminicola pycnidiospores and the severity of septoria tritici blotch on winter wheat (pages 1091–1098)

S. Kildea, B. Dunne, E. Mullins, L. R. Cooke, P. C. Mercer and E. O’Sullivan

Relationships of immature and adult thrips with silk-cut, fusarium ear rot and fumonisin B1 contamination of maize in California and Hawaii (pages 1099–1106)

M. W. Parsons and G. P. Munkvold

Quantifying cropping practices in relation to inoculum levels of Fusarium graminearum on crop stubble (pages 1107–1113)

X. W. Guo, W. G. D. Fernando, P. Bullock and H. Sapirstein

Fusarium graminearum as a dry rot pathogen of potato in the USA: prevalence, comparison of host isolate aggressiveness and factors affecting aetiology (pages 1114–1120)

R. Estrada Jr, N. C. Gudmestad, V. V. Rivera and G. A. Secor

Aggressive and mild Potato virus Y isolates trigger different specific responses in susceptible potato plants (pages 1121–1132)

P. Kogovšek, M. Pompe-Novak, Š. Baebler, A. Rotter, L. Gow, K. Gruden, G. D. Foster, N. Boonham and M. Ravnikar

Biological characterization of French Potato virus Y (PVY) isolates collected from PVY-susceptible or -resistant tobacco plants possessing the recessive resistance gene va (pages 1133–1143)

C. Lacroix, L. Glais, C. Kerlan, J.-L. Verrier and E. Jacquot

Partial resistance to Wheat dwarf virus in winter wheat cultivars (pages 1144–1151)

A. H. Benkovics, G. Vida, D. Nelson, O. Veisz, I. Bedford, D. Silhavy and M. I. Boulton

Plant community diversity influences vector behaviour and Barley yellow dwarf virus population structure (pages 1152–1158)

G. S. Hall, J. S. Peters, D. P. Little and A. G. Power

New Disease Reports

Detection of Citrus exocortis viroid on Solanum jasminoides plantlets from an Austrian nursery (page 1159)

R. A. Gottsberger and B. Suárez-Mahecha

Chrysanthemum stunt viroid newly reported in Slovenia (page 1159)

N. Mehle, G. Seljak, J. T. J. Verhoeven, C. C. C. Jansen, N. Prezelj and M. Ravnikar

Tobacco mild green mosaic virus in Impatiens and Osteospermum: new hosts and first report in the UK (page 1160)

A. Skelton, T. Nixon, W. Monger, S. Bennett, M. Daly, E. Hobden and V. Harju

Identification of Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus and Lettuce big-vein associated virus infecting Lactuca sativa with symptoms of lettuce big-vein disease in Argentina (pages 1160–1161)

A. E. Barcala Tabarrozzi, E. J. Pena, E. Dal Bo, G. Robles Luna, C. A. Reyes and M. L. Garcia

First report of a new subgroup 16SrIX-E (‘Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicium’-related) phytoplasma associated with juniper witches’ broom disease in Oregon, USA (page 1161)

R. E. Davis, E. L. Dally, Y. Zhao, I.-M. Lee, R. Jomantiene, A. J. Detweiler and M. L. Putnam

First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma fraxini’ (group 16SrVII phytoplasma) associated with a peach disease in Canada (page 1162)

S. Zunnoon-Khan, Y. Arocha-Rosete, J. Scott, W. Crosby, A. Bertaccini and R. Michelutti

Bacterial leaf spot of coffee caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci in Brazil (pages 1162–1163)

S. A. L. Destéfano, L. M. R. Rodrigues, L. O. S. Beriam, F. R. A. Patrício, R. A. Thomaziello and J. Rodrigues-Neto

First report of Pseudomonas mediterranea causing tomato pith necrosis in Argentina (page 1163)

A. M. Alippi and A. C. López

New host plants for Ralstonia solanacearum from India (page 1164)

K. N. Chandrashekara and M. K. Prasannakumar

First report of Phytophthora inundata associated with a latent infection of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) in Virginia (page 1164)

V. Parkunan, C. S. Johnson, B. C. Bowman and C. X. Hong

An unnamed Hyaloperonospora sp. causing downy mildew on arugula (rocket) in Korea (page 1165)

Y. J. Choi, M. J. Park, J. Y. Kim and H. D. Shin

First confirmed report of downy mildew caused by Hyaloperonospora parasitica on broccoli, cauliflower and Romanesco-type cauliflower heads in France (page 1165)

C. Monot, D. Penguilly and D. Silué

First report of downy mildew caused by Peronospora verbenae on verbena in the Czech Republic (page 1166)

Y. J. Choi, A. Lebeda, M. Sedlarova and H. D. Shin

A new species of Phytophthora reported to cause root and collar rot of common boxwood, Nordmann fir and Port Orford cedar in Hungary (pages 1166–1167)

A. Józsa, J. Bakonyi, L. Belbahri, Z. Á. Nagy, A. Szigethy, G. Bohár and S. Woodward

Outbreak of powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe heraclei on Pleurospermum kamtschaticum in Korea (page 1167)

M. J. Park, J. K. Choi, J. H. Kim and H. D. Shin

First record of Oidium anamorph of Podosphaera xanthii on Medusagyne oppositifolia (page 1168)

T. Pettitt, B. Henricot, D. Matatiken and R. T. A. Cook

First report of Phyllactinia fraxini causing powdery mildew on ash in Turkey (page 1168)

I. Erper, G. H. Karaca and M. Türkkan

Pestalotiopsis guepinii newly reported to cause dieback on Pistacia lentiscus var. chia in Turkey (page 1169)

M. E. Göre, S. Parlak and M. H. Aydin

Cylindrocladium buxicola causes common box blight in Croatia (page 1169)

T. Cech, D. Diminic and K. Heungens

First report of anthracnose and fruit mummification of olive fruit (Olea europaea) caused by Colletotrichum acutatum in Brazil (page 1170)

H. S. S. Duarte, P. G. C. Cabral, O. L. Pereira, L. Zambolim, E. D. Gonçalves, J. Vieira Neto, E. M. Zambolim and V. Sergeeva

Botryosphaeria dothidea causing canker of grapevine newly reported in China (page 1170)

X. Li, J. Yan, F. Kong, G. Qiao, Z. Zhang and Z. Wang

Gnomoniopsis associated with necrosis of leaves and chestnut galls induced by Dryocosmus kuriphilus (page 1171)

P. Magro, S. Speranza, M. Stacchiotti, D. Martignoni and B. Paparatti

First report of Pilidium concavum causing tan-brown rot in strawberry fruits in Brazil (pages 1171–1172)

U. P. Lopes, L. Zambolim, U. N. Lopes, O. L. Pereira and H. Costa

First report of peanut foot rot caused by Neocosmospora vasinfecta in mainland China (page 1172)

R. Pan, Q. Deng, M. Deng, M. Guan, D. Xu, Y. Gai, W. Chen and Y. Yang

First report of Sclerotinia subarctica nom. prov. (Sclerotinia species 1) in the UK on Ranunculus acris (page 1173)

J. P. Clarkson, H. E. Carter and E. Coventry

First report of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum on cucumbers in Turkey (pages 1173–1174)

G. Karaca and E. Kahveci

First report of Penicillium ulaiense as a postharvest pathogen of orange fruit in Egypt (page 1174)

K. Youssef, Y. Ahmed, A. Ligorio, A. M. D’Onghia, F. Nigro and A. Ippolito

Melampsora allii-fragilis f. sp. galanthi-fragilis reported for first time to cause rust on Galanthus plicatus in Latvia (page 1175)

I. Apine, V. Nikolajeva, E. Vimba, M. Smona and S. Tomsone

First report of Puccinia bornmuelleri on Levisticum officinale (lovage) in Austria (page 1175)

A. Plenk and G. Bedlan

First report of Puccinia bornmuelleri causing rust disease of lovage in Poland (page 1176)

A. Wołczańska and H. Wójciak

Book Review

Phytoplasmas: Genomes, Plant Hosts and Vectors (pages 1177–1178)

Simon Eden-Green


plant - family - flower - genera - journal - articolo - plants - piante - botanique - rośliny - sinonim - famiglia - botany - nauka - sinonimo - botanica - wycieczka - travel - sinónimo - fruit - sinônimo - articolo - synoniem - czasopismo - synonym - synonyme - systematic - systematyka - szinonima - systematyka - rodzina - artykuł - article - flower - kwiaty - owoc - seeds - nasiona




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