
wtorek, 21 grudnia 2010

The Plant Journal - 63 (6), 2010



CLAVATA2 forms a distinct CLE-binding receptor complex regulating Arabidopsis stem cell specification (pages 889–900)

Yongfeng Guo, Linqu Han, Matthew Hymes, Robert Denver and Steven E. Clark

A missense mutation in the vacuolar protein GOLD36 causes organizational defects in the ER and aberrant protein trafficking in the plant secretory pathway (pages 901–913)

Lucia Marti, Giovanni Stefano, Kentaro Tamura, Chris Hawes, Luciana Renna, Michael A. Held and Federica Brandizzi

GORDITA (AGL63) is a young paralog of the Arabidopsis thaliana Bsister MADS box gene ABS (TT16) that has undergone neofunctionalization (pages 914–924)

Robert Erdmann, Lydia Gramzow, Rainer Melzer, Günter Theißen and Annette Becker

Two duplicate CYP704B1-homologous genes BnMs1 and BnMs2 are required for pollen exine formation and tapetal development in Brassica napus (pages 925–938)

Bin Yi, Fangqin Zeng, Shaolin Lei, Yunin Chen, Xueqin Yao, Yun Zhu, Jing Wen, Jinxiong Shen, Chaozhi Ma, Jinxing Tu and Tingdong Fu

The male sterile 8 mutation of maize disrupts the temporal progression of the transcriptome and results in the mis-regulation of metabolic functions (pages 939–951)

Dongxue Wang, Juan A. Oses-Prieto, Kathy H. Li, John F. Fernandes, Alma L. Burlingame and Virginia Walbot

Parallel structural evolution of auxin response factors in the angiosperms (pages 952–959)

Cédric Finet, Chloé Fourquin, Marion Vinauger, Annick Berne-Dedieu, Pierre Chambrier, Sandrine Paindavoine and Charles P. Scutt

FORKED1 encodes a PH domain protein that is required for PIN1 localization in developing leaf veins (pages 960–973)

Hongwei Hou, Jessica Erickson, James Meservy and Elizabeth A. Schultz

Arabidopsis BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 and 2 promote floral meristem fate and determinacy in a previously undefined pathway targeting APETALA1 and AGAMOUS-LIKE24 (pages 974–989)

Mingli Xu, Tieqiang Hu, Sarah M. McKim, Jhadeswar Murmu, George W. Haughn and Shelley R. Hepworth

Rice structural variation: a comparative analysis of structural variation between rice and three of its closest relatives in the genus Oryza (pages 990–1003)

Bonnie L. Hurwitz, Dave Kudrna, Yeisoo Yu, Aswathy Sebastian, Andrea Zuccolo, Scott A. Jackson, Doreen Ware, Rod A. Wing and Lincoln Stein

Non-invasive quantification of endogenous root auxin transport using an integrated flux microsensor technique (pages 1004–1016)

Eric S. McLamore, Alfred Diggs, Percy Calvo Marzal, Jin Shi, Joshua J. Blakeslee, Wendy A. Peer, Angus S. Murphy and D. Marshall Porterfield

MAPK phosphatase MKP2 mediates disease responses in Arabidopsis and functionally interacts with MPK3 and MPK6 (pages 1017–1030)

Victoria Lumbreras, Belmiro Vilela, Sami Irar, Montserrat Solé, Montserrat Capellades, Marc Valls, Maria Coca and Montserrat Pages

Malonylation is a key reaction in the metabolism of xenobiotic phenolic glucosides in Arabidopsis and tobacco (pages 1031–1041)

Goro Taguchi, Takahisa Ubukata, Hatsumi Nozue, Yuki Kobayashi, Maki Takahi, Hirobumi Yamamoto and Nobuaki Hayashida

Spermidine oxidase-derived H2O2 regulates pollen plasma membrane hyperpolarization-activated Ca2+-permeable channels and pollen tube growth (pages 1042–1053)

Juyou Wu, Zhonglin Shang, Jun Wu, Xueting Jiang, Panagiotis N. Moschou, Wending Sun, Kalliopi A. Roubelakis-Angelakis and Shaoling Zhang

AtALMT12 represents an R-type anion channel required for stomatal movement in Arabidopsis guard cells (pages 1054–1062)

Stefan Meyer, Patrick Mumm, Dennis Imes, Anne Endler, Barbara Weder, Khaled A.S. Al-Rasheid, Dietmar Geiger, Irene Marten, Enrico Martinoia and Rainer Hedrich

A global analysis of QTLs for expression variations in rice shoots at the early seedling stage (pages 1063–1074)

Jia Wang, Huihui Yu, Weibo Xie, Yongzhong Xing, Sibin Yu, Caiguo Xu, Xianghua Li, Jinghua Xiao and Qifa Zhang


plant - family - flower - genera - journal - articolo - plants - piante - botanique - rośliny - sinonim - famiglia - botany - nauka - sinonimo - botanica - wycieczka - travel - sinónimo - fruit - sinônimo - articolo - synoniem - czasopismo - synonym - synonyme - systematic - systematyka - szinonima - systematyka - rodzina - artykuł - article - flower - kwiaty - owoc - seeds - nasiona




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