
piątek, 17 grudnia 2010

Plant Breeding - 129 (1), 2010



Linear variance models for plant breeding trials (pages 1–8)

H. P. Piepho and E. R. Williams

Molecular mapping of a fertility restorer gene for cytoplasmic male sterility in soybean (pages 9–12)

Y. Wang, L. Zhao, X. Wang and H. Sun

Stability of the cleistogamous trait during the flowering period of oilseed rape (pages 13–18)

M. Leflon, A. Hüsken, C. Njontie, S. Kightley, D. Pendergrast, J. Pierre, M. Renard and X. Pinochet

Morphological and cytological study in a new type of cytoplasmic male-sterile line CMS-GIG2 in sunflower (Helianthus annuus) (pages 19–23)

J. Zhang, L. Wang, A. Zhao, H. Liu, C.-C. Jan, D. Qi and G. Liu

Genetic mapping for the Rf1 (fertility restoration) gene in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) by SSR and TRAP markers (pages 24–28)

B. Yue, B. A. Vick, X. Cai and J. Hu

Identification of quantitative trait loci for seed traits and floral morphology in a field-grown Lolium perenne × Lolium multiflorum mapping population (pages 29–34)

R. N. Brown, R. E. Barker, S. E. Warnke, L. D. Cooper, L. A. Brilman, M. A. Rouf Mian, G. Jung and S.-C. Sim

A codominant SCAR marker linked to the genic male sterility gene (ms1) in chili pepper (Capsicum annuum) (pages 35–38)

J. Lee, J. B. Yoon, J.-H. Han, W. P. Lee, J. W. Do, H. Ryu, S. H. Kim and H. G. Park

Improvement of Sclerotinia resistance of a Polima CMS restorer line of rapeseed via phenotypic selection, marker-assisted background selection and microspore culture (pages 39–44)

B. Yu, P. Liu, D. Hong, Q. He and G. Yang

Screening the Spanish Barley Core Collection for disease resistance (pages 45–52)

C. Silvar, A. M. Casas, D. Kopahnke, A. Habekuß, G. Schweizer, M. P. Gracia, J. M. Lasa, F. J. Ciudad, J. L. Molina-Cano, E. Igartua and F. Ordon

Identification and molecular tagging of a stripe rust resistance gene in wheat line P81 (pages 53–57)

Z. J. Pu, G. Y. Chen, Y. M. Wei, W. Y. Yang, Z. H. Yan and Y. L. Zheng

Genetic variation of winter rye cultivars for their ergot (Claviceps purpurea) reaction tested in a field design with minimized interplot interference (pages 58–62)

T. Miedaner, V. Mirdita, B. Rodemann, T. Drobeck and D. Rentel

QTL analysis for the resistance to small brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus Fallén) in rice using backcross inbred lines (pages 63–67)

C. X. Duan, N. Su, Z. J. Cheng, C. L. Lei, J. L. Wang, H. Q. Zhai and J. M. Wan

Molecular diversity and association of SSR markers to rust and late leaf spot resistance in cultivated groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) (pages 68–71)

S. Mondal and A. M. Badigannavar

Inheritance of resistance to races 1, 2 and 5 of powdery mildew in the melon TGR-1551 (pages 72–75)

F. J. Yuste-Lisbona, A. I. López-Sesé and M. L. Gómez-Guillamón

Transfer of tolerance to different Potato virus Y (PVY) isolates from Nicotiana africana Merxm. to Nicotiana tabacum L. (pages 76–81)

T. Doroszewska

Genetic variation for saturated fatty acid content in a collection of European winter oilseed rape material (Brassica napus) (pages 82–86)

Z. Dimov and C. Möllers

Gibberellin-induced mesocotyl elongation in deep-sowing tolerant maize inbred line 3681-4 (pages 87–91)

G. Zhao, J. Fu, G. Wang, P. Ma, L. Wu and J. Wang

Genotypic effects on field performance of maize plants carrying the allele sugary1 (pages 92–95)

P. Revilla, R. A. Malvar, B. Ordás, V. M. Rodríguez and A. Ordás

Tissue culture-induced morphological somaclonal variation in St. Augustinegrass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze] (pages 96–99)

R. Li, A. H. Bruneau and R. Qu

Carotenoid composition and changes in expression of carotenoid biosynthetic genes in tepals of Asiatic hybrid lily (pages 100–107)

M. Yamagishi, S. Kishimoto and M. Nakayama


Prediction of heterosis for grain yield in rice using ‘key’ informative EST-SSR markers (pages 108–111)

I. Jaikishan, P. Rajendrakumar, M. S. Ramesha, B. C. Viraktamath, S. M. Balachandran, C. N. Neeraja, K. Sujatha, K. Srinivasa Rao, P. Natarajkumar, Y. Hari, K. Sakthivel, A. S. Ramaprasad and R. M. Sundaram

Genetic linkage map of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) based on AFLP and SSR markers (pages 112–115)

S. Kunkeaw, S. Tangphatsornruang, D. R. Smith and K. Triwitayakorn

Mutagenic induction of double-podding trait in different genotypes of chickpea and their characterization by STMS marker (pages 116–119)

H. Ali, T. M. Shah, N. Iqbal, B. M. Atta and M. A. Haq

Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers from guineagrass (Panicum maximum) for genetic diversity estimate and cross-species amplification (pages 120–124)

A. Chandra and K. K. Tiwari


family - flower - genera - plants - piante - rośliny - sinonim - sinonimo - sinónimo - sinônimo - synoniem - synonym - synonyme - systematic - szinonima - systematyka - rodzina - artykuł - article - flower - kwiaty - owoc - seeds - nasiona




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