
poniedziałek, 13 grudnia 2010

Plant Biotechnology Journal - 7 (9), 2009


Reverse breeding: a novel breeding approach based on engineered meiosis (pages 837–845)

Rob Dirks, Kees Van Dun, C. Bastiaan De Snoo, Mark Van Den Berg, Cilia L. C. Lelivelt, William Voermans, Leo Woudenberg, Jack P. C. De Wit, Kees Reinink, Johan W. Schut, Eveline Van Der Zeeuw, Aat Vogelaar, Gerald Freymark, Evert W. Gutteling, Marina N. Keppel, Paul Van Drongelen, Matthieu Kieny, Philippe Ellul, Alisher Touraev, Hong Ma, Hans De Jong and Erik Wijnker

Production and characterization of an orally immunogenic Plasmodium antigen in plants using a virus-based expression system (pages 846–855)

Diane E. Webster, Lina Wang, Mark Mulcair, Charles Ma, Luca Santi, Hugh S. Mason, Steve L. Wesselingh and Ross L. Coppel

Intron-mediated enhancement as a method for increasing transgene expression levels in barley (pages 856–866)

Joanne G. Bartlett, John W. Snape and Wendy A. Harwood

The LP2 leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase gene promoter directs organ-specific, light-responsive expression in transgenic rice (pages 867–882)

Roger Thilmony, Mara Guttman, James G. Thomson and Ann E. Blechl

Tuber-specific cphA expression to enhance cyanophycin production in potatoes (pages 883–898)

Maja Hühns, Katrin Neumann, Tina Hausmann, Friederike Klemke, Wolfgang Lockau, Uwe Kahmann, Lilya Kopertekh, Dorothee Staiger, Elfriede K. Pistorius, Jens Reuther, Eva Waldvogel, Wolfgang Wohlleben, Martin Effmert, Holger Junghans, Katja Neubauer, Udo Kragl, Kerstin Schmidt, Jörg Schmidtke and Inge Broer

Influence of elastin-like peptide fusions on the quantity and quality of a tobacco-derived human immunodeficiency virus-neutralizing antibody (pages 899–913)

Doreen M. Floss, Markus Sack, Elsa Arcalis, Johannes Stadlmann, Heribert Quendler, Thomas Rademacher, Eva Stoger, Jürgen Scheller, Rainer Fischer and Udo Conrad

A leaf-based assay using interchangeable design principles to rapidly assemble multistep recombinant pathways (pages 914–924)

Craig C. Wood, James R. Petrie, Pushkar Shrestha, Maged P. Mansour, Peter D. Nichols, Allan G. Green and Surinder P. Singh

Molecular cloning and characterization of a KCS gene from Cardamine graeca and its heterologous expression in Brassica oilseeds to engineer high nervonic acid oils for potential medical and industrial use (pages 925–938)

David C. Taylor, Tammy Francis, Yiming Guo, Jennifer M. Brost, Vesna Katavic, Elzbieta Mietkiewska, E. Michael Giblin, Sharla Lozinsky and Travis Hoffman

A systems approach to plant bioprocess optimization (pages 939–951)

Mathieu Cloutier, Jingkui Chen, Caroline De Dobbeleer, Michel Perrier and Mario Jolicoeur

Predicting the regenerative capacity of conifer somatic embryogenic cultures by metabolomics (pages 952–963)

Andrew R. Robinson, Rebecca Dauwe, Nicholas K. Ukrainetz, Ian F. Cullis, Rick White and Shawn D. Mansfield

Rapid analysis of Jatropha curcas gene functions by virus-induced gene silencing (pages 964–976)

Jian Ye, Jing Qu, Ha Thi Ngoc Bui and Nam-Hai Chua

Keyword index (pages 977–979)

Reviewers (pages 980–981)

Contents (pages I–V)

plant | roślina | bimore | usine | rostlina | plante | tehase | planta | augalas | augu | Anlage | Anlegg | rastlina | rastlin | növényfajta | piante


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