
niedziela, 12 grudnia 2010

Plant Biotechnology Journal - 7 (5), 2009


Transgenic barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) expressing the wheat aluminium resistance gene (TaALMT1) shows enhanced phosphorus nutrition and grain production when grown on an acid soil (pages 391–400)

Emmanuel Delhaize, Phillip Taylor, Peter J. Hocking, Richard J. Simpson, Peter R. Ryan and Alan E. Richardson

A novel transcriptomic approach to identify candidate genes for grain quality traits in wheat (pages 401–410)

Yongfang Wan, Claudia Underwood, Geraldine Toole, Peter Skeggs, Tong Zhu, Michelle Leverington, Simon Griffiths, Tim Wheeler, Mike Gooding, Rebecca Poole, Keith J. Edwards, Salvador Gezan, Sue Welham, John Snape, E. N. Clare Mills, Rowan A. C. Mitchell and Peter R. Shewry

A high-oleic-acid and low-palmitic-acid soybean: agronomic performance and evaluation as a feedstock for biodiesel (pages 411–421)

George Graef, Bradley J. LaVallee, Patrick Tenopir, Mustafa Tat, Bruce Schweiger, Anthony J. Kinney, Jon H. Van Gerpen and Tom E. Clemente

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of tomato fruits synthesizing different amounts of stilbenes (pages 422–429)

Annalisa D’Introno, Annalisa Paradiso, Egeria Scoditti, Leone D’Amico, Angelo De Paolis, M. Annunziata Carluccio, Isabella Nicoletti, Laura DeGara, Angelo Santino and Giovanna Giovinazzo

Optimizing TILLING populations for reverse genetics in Medicago truncatula (pages 430–441)

Christine Le Signor, Vincent Savois, Grégoire Aubert, Jérôme Verdier, Marie Nicolas, Gaelle Pagny, Françoise Moussy, Myriam Sanchez, Dave Baker, Jonathan Clarke and Richard Thompson

Transient co-expression for fast and high-yield production of antibodies with human-like N-glycans in plants (pages 442–455)

Louis-P. Vézina, Loic Faye, Patrice Lerouge, Marc-André D’Aoust, Estelle Marquet-Blouin, Carole Burel, Pierre-Olivier Lavoie, Muriel Bardor and Véronique Gomord

Comparative sequence analyses of the major quantitative trait locus phosphorus uptake 1 (Pup1) reveal a complex genetic structure (pages 456–471)

Sigrid Heuer, Xiaochun Lu, Joong Hyoun Chin, Juan Pariasca Tanaka, Hiroyuki Kanamori, Takashi Matsumoto, Teresa De Leon, Victor Jun Ulat, Abdelbagi M. Ismail, Masahiro Yano and Matthias Wissuwa

Strategies to mitigate transgene–promoter interactions (pages 472–485)

Loreta Gudynaite-Savitch, Douglas A. Johnson and Brian L. A. Miki

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