
sobota, 4 grudnia 2010

BMC Plant Biology - 9, 2009

Spis treści (Contents) rocznika 2009 (w kolejności odwrotnej):

Virus infection elevates transcriptional activity of miR164a promoter in plants
Ariel A. Bazzini, Natalia I. Almasia, Carlos A. Manacorda, Vanesa C. Mongelli, Gabriela Conti, Guillermo A. Maroniche, María C. Rodriguez, Ana J. Distéfano, H. Esteban Hopp, Mariana del Vas, Sebastian Asurmendi

Glycosylation-mediated phenylpropanoid partitioning in Populus tremuloides cell cultures
Raja S Payyavula, Benjamin A. Babst, Matthew P. Nelsen, Scott A. Harding, Chung-Jui Tsai

Copia and Gypsy retrotransposons activity in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
Marco Vukich, Tommaso Giordani, Lucia Natali, Andrea Cavallini

Over-expression of miR172 causes loss of spikelet determinacy and floral organ abnormalities in rice (Oryza sativa)
Qian-Hao Zhu, Narayana M Upadhyaya, Frank Gubler, Chris A. Helliwell

'Who's who' in two different flower types of Calluna vulgaris (Ericaceae): morphological and molecular analyses of flower organ identity
Thomas Borchert, Katrin Eckardt, Jörg Fuchs, Katja Krüger, Annette Hohe

A high-density collection of EMS-induced mutations for TILLING in Landsberg erecta genetic background of Arabidopsis
Beatriz Martín, Mercedes Ramiro, José M. Martínez-Zapater, Carlos Alonso-Blanco

A recent duplication revisited: phylogenetic analysis reveals an ancestral duplication highly-conserved throughout the Oryza genus and beyond
Julie Jacquemin, Michele Laudié, Richard Cooke

Ascorbate metabolism and the developmental demand for tartaric and oxalic acids in ripening grape berries
Vanessa J. Melino, Kathleen L. Soole, Christopher M. Ford

Cytosolic N-terminal arginine-based signals together with a luminal signal target a type II membrane protein to the plant ER
Aurélia Boulaflous, Claude Saint-Jore-Dupas, Marie-Carmen Herranz-Gordo, Sophie Pagny-Salehabadi, Carole Plasson, Frédéric Garidou, Marie-Christine Kiefer-Meyer, Christophe Ritzenthaler, Loic Faye, Véronique Gomord

Simultaneous mutation detection of three homoeologous genes in wheat by High Resolution Melting analysis and Mutation Surveyor®
Chongmei Dong, Kate Vincent, Peter Sharp

SolEST database: a "one-stop shop" approach to the study of Solanaceae transcriptomes
Nunzio D'Agostino, Alessandra Traini, Luigi Frusciante, Maria Luisa Chiusano

Analysis of a post-translational steroid induction system for GIGANTEA in Arabidopsis
Markus Günl, Eric FungMin Liew, Karine David, Joanna Putterill

Salt-dependent regulation of a CNG channel subfamily in Arabidopsis
Annette Kugler, Barbara Köhler, Klaus Palme, Patricia Wolff, Petra Dietrich

Dominance induction of fruitlet shedding in Malus × domestica (L. Borkh): molecular changes associated with polar auxin transport
Valeriano Dal Cin, Riccardo Velasco, Angelo Ramina

AtKinesin-13A is located on Golgi-associated vesicle and involved in vesicle formation/budding in Arabidopsis root-cap peripheral cells
Liqin Wei, Wei Zhang, Zhaohui Liu, Yan Li

Characterization of microsatellites and gene contents from genome shotgun sequences of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek)
Sithichoke Tangphatsornruang, Prakit Somta, Pichahpuk Uthaipaisanwong, Juntima Chanprasert, Duangjai Sangsrakru, Worapa Seehalak, Warunee Sommanas, Somvong Tragoonrung, Peerasak Srinives

Proteins with an Euonymus lectin-like domain are ubiquitous in Embryophyta
Elke Fouquaert, Willy J Peumans, Tom TM Vandekerckhove, Maté Ongenaert, Els JM Van Damme

Association mapping and marker-assisted selection of the lettuce dieback resistance gene Tvr1
Ivan Simko, Dov A. Pechenick, Leah K. McHale, María José Truco, Oswaldo E. Ochoa, Richard W. Michelmore, Brian E. Scheffler

Genome-wide analysis of major intrinsic proteins in the tree plant Populus trichocarpa: Characterization of XIP subfamily of aquaporins from evolutionary perspective
Anjali Bansal Gupta, Ramasubbu Sankararamakrishnan

In vivo imaging of the tonoplast intrinsic protein family in Arabidopsis roots
Stefano Gattolin, Mathias Sorieul, Paul R Hunter, Roman H Khonsari, Lorenzo Frigerio

Genome scale transcriptome analysis of shoot organogenesis in Populus
Yanghuan Bao, Palitha Dharmawardhana, Todd C. Mockler, Steven H. Strauss

Comparative analysis of the complete sequence of the plastid genome of Parthenium argentatum and identification of DNA barcodes to differentiate Parthenium species and lines
Shashi Kumar, Frederick M. Hahn, Colleen M. McMahan, Katrina Cornish, Maureen C. Whalen

Vitamin B6 deficient plants display increased sensitivity to high light and photo-oxidative stress
Michel Havaux, Brigitte Ksas, Agnieszka Szewczyk, Dominique Rumeau, Fabrice Franck, Stefano Caffarri, Christian Triantaphylides

Pollen development in Annona cherimola Mill. (Annonaceae). Implications for the evolution of aggregated pollen
Jorge Lora, Pilar S. Testillano, Maria C. Risueno, Jose I. Hormaza, Maria Herrero

Computational annotation of genes differentially expressed along olive fruit development
Giulio Galla, Gianni Barcaccia, Angelo Ramina, Silvio Collani, Fiammetta Alagna, Luciana Baldoni, Nicolo G.M. Cultrera, Federico Martinelli, Luca Sebastiani, Pietro Tonutti

Comparative transcriptional survey between laser-microdissected cells from laminar abscission zone and petiolar cortical tissue during ethylene-promoted abscission in citrus leaves
Javier Agustí, Paz Merelo, Manuel Cercós, Francisco R. Tadeo, Manuel Talón

Seed storage protein gene promoters contain conserved DNA motifs in Brassicaceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae
François Fauteux, Martina V. Strömvik

Sampling nucleotide diversity in cotton
Allen Van Deynze, Kevin Stoffel, Mike Lee, Thea A. Wilkins, Alexander Kozik, Roy G Cantrell, John Z. Yu, Russel J. Kohel, David M. Stelly

Phenolic compounds in ectomycorrhizal interaction of lignin modified silver birch
Suvi Sutela, Karoliina Niemi, Jaanika Edesi, Tapio Laakso, Pekka Saranpää, Jaana Vuosku, Riina Mäkelä, Heidi Tiimonen, Vincent L. Chiang, Janne Koskimäki, Marja Suorsa, Riitta Julkunen-Tiitto, Hely Häggman

MoccaDB - an integrative database for functional, comparative and diversity studies in the Rubiaceae family
Olga Plechakova, Christine Tranchant-Dubreuil, Fabrice Benedet, Marie Couderc, Alexandra Tinaut, Véronique Viader, Petra De Block, Perla Hamon, Claudine Campa, Alexandre de Kochko, Serge Hamon, Valérie Poncet

Identification of flowering genes in strawberry, a perennial SD plant
Katriina Mouhu, Timo Hytönen, Kevin Folta, Marja Rantanen, Lars Paulin, Petri Auvinen, Paula Elomaa

Isolation and functional characterization of cold-regulated promoters, by digitally identifying peach fruit cold-induced genes from a large EST dataset
Andrés Tittarelli, Margarita Santiago, Andrea Morales, Lee A. Meisel, Herman Silva

Characterization of WRKY co-regulatory networks in rice and Arabidopsis
Stefano Berri, Pamela Abbruscato, Odile Faivre-Rampant, Ana C.M. Brasileiro, Irene Fumasoni, Kouji Satoh, Shoshi Kikuchi, Luca Mizzi, Piero Morandini, Mario Enrico Pe, Pietro Piffanelli

Distinct changes in soybean xylem sap proteome in response to pathogenic and symbiotic microbe interactions
Senthil Subramanian, Un-Haing Cho, Carol Keyes, Oliver Yu

Gene-based microsatellites for cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz): prevalence, polymorphisms, and cross-taxa utility
Adebola A.J. Raji, James V. Anderson, Olufisayo A. Kolade, Chike D. Ugwu, Alfred G.O. Dixon, Ivan L. Ingelbrecht

The Hawaiian Algal Database: a laboratory LIMS and online resource for biodiversity data
Norman Wang, Alison R. Sherwood, Akira Kurihara, Kimberly Y. Conklin, Thomas Sauvage, Gernot G. Presting

Involvement of S-adenosylmethionine-dependent halide/thiol methyltransferase (HTMT) in methyl halide emissions from agricultural plants: isolation and characterization of an HTMT-coding gene from Raphanus sativus (daikon radish)
Nobuya Itoh, Hiroshi Toda, Michiko Matsuda, Takashi Negishi, Tomokazu Taniguchi, Noboru Ohsawa

A modified TILLING approach to detect induced mutations in tetraploid and hexaploid wheat
Cristobal Uauy, Francine Paraiso, Pasqualina Colasuonno, Robert K. Tran, Helen Tsai, Steve Berardi, Luca Comai, Jorge Dubcovsky

Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for fatty acid composition in an interspecific cross of oil palm
Rajinder Singh, Soon G. Tan, Jothi M. Panandam, Rahimah Abdul Rahman, Leslie C.L. Ooi, Eng-Ti L. Low, Mukesh Sharma, Johannes Jansen, Suan-Choo Cheah

Evaluation of protein pattern changes in roots and leaves of Zea mays plants in response to nitrate availability by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis
Bhakti Prinsi, Alfredo S. Negri, Paolo Pesaresi, Maurizio Cocucci, Luca Espen

Identification of candidate genome regions controlling disease resistance in Arachis
Soraya C.M. Leal-Bertioli, Ana Carolina V.F. José, Dione M.T. Alves-Freitas, Márcio C. Moretzsohn, Patrícia M. Guimaraes, Stephan Nielen, Bruna S. Vidigal, Rinaldo W. Pereira, Jodie Pike, Alessandra P. Fávero, Martin Parniske, Rajeev K. Varshney, David J. Bertioli

A novel method for efficient and abundant production of Phytophthora brassicae zoospores on Brussels sprout leaf discs
Klaas Bouwmeester, Francine Govers

Recovery and characterization of a Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan. 'Clemenules' haploid plant selected to establish the reference whole Citrus genome sequence
Pablo Aleza, José Juárez, María Hernández, José A. Pina, Patrick Ollitrault, Luis Navarro

Cloning and characterization of a glucosyltransferase from Crocus sativus stigmas involved in flavonoid glucosylation
Ángela Rubio Moraga, Almudena Trapero Mozos, Oussama Ahrazem, Lourdes Gómez-Gómez

Modification of tobacco plant development by sense and antisense expression of the tomato viroid-induced AGC VIIIa protein kinase PKV suggests involvement in gibberellin signaling
Rosemarie W. Hammond, Yan Zhao

Comparative gene expression profiles between heterotic and non-heterotic hybrids of tetraploid Medicago sativa
Xuehui Li, Yanling Wei, Dan Nettleton, E. Charles Brummer

Targeted isolation, sequence assembly and characterization of two white spruce (Picea glauca) BAC clones for terpenoid synthase and cytochrome P450 genes involved in conifer defence reveal insights into a conifer genome
Björn Hamberger, Dawn Hall, Mack Yuen, Claire Oddy, Britta Hamberger, Christopher I. Keeling, Carol Ritland, Kermit Ritland, Jörg Bohlmann

Systemic acquired resistance in soybean is regulated by two proteins, Orthologous to Arabidopsis NPR1
Devinder Sandhu, I. Made Tasma, Ryan Frasch, Madan K. Bhattacharyya

Gene expression profiling in susceptible interaction of grapevine with its fungal pathogen Eutypa lata: Extending MapMan ontology for grapevine
Ana Rotter, Céline Camps, Marc Lohse, Christian Kappel, Stefania Pilati, Matjaž Hren, Mark Stitt, Pierre Coutos-Thévenot, Claudio Moser, Björn Usadel, Serge Delrot, Kristina Gruden

Genetic mapping of wild introgressions into cultivated peanut: a way toward enlarging the genetic basis of a recent allotetraploid
Daniel Foncéka, Tossim Hodo-Abalo, Ronan Rivallan, Issa Faye, Mbaye Ndoye Sall, Ousmane Ndoye, Alessandra P. Fávero, David J. Bertioli, Jean-Christophe Glaszmann, Brigitte Courtois, Jean-Francois Rami

Antagonistic actions of boron against inhibitory effects of aluminum toxicity on growth, CO2 assimilation, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, and photosynthetic electron transport probed by the JIP-test, of Citrus grandis seedlings
Huan-Xin Jiang, Ning Tang, Jin-Gui Zheng, Li-Song Chen

An archived activation tagged population of Arabidopsis thaliana to facilitate forward genetics approaches
Stephen J. Robinson, Lily H. Tang, Brent A.G. Mooney, Sheldon J. McKay, Wayne E. Clarke, Matthew G. Links, Steven Karcz, Sharon Regan, Yun-Yun Wu, Margaret Y. Gruber, Dejun Cui, Min Yu, Isobel A.P. Parkin

Development and diversity of Andean-derived, gene-based microsatellites for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Matthew W. Blair, Monica Munoz Torres, Martha C. Giraldo, Fabio Pedraza

The cellulose synthase superfamily in fully sequenced plants and algae
Yanbin Yin, Jinling Huang, Ying Xu

Mass spectrometry analysis of the variants of histone H3 and H4 of soybean and their post-translational modifications
Tao Wu, Tiezheng Yuan, Sau-Na Tsai, Chunmei Wang, Sai-Ming Sun, Hon-Ming Lam, Sai-Ming Ngai

Jasmonate-dependent plant defense restricts thrips performance and preference
Hiroshi Abe, Takeshi Shimoda, Jun Ohnishi, Soichi Kugimiya, Mari Narusaka, Shigemi Seo, Yoshihiro Narusaka, Shinya Tsuda, Masatomo Kobayashi

Arabidopsis WRKY2 transcription factor mediates seed germination and postgermination arrest of development by abscisic acid
Wenbo Jiang, Diqiu Yu

Interactions between cauliflower and Rhizoctonia anastomosis groups with different levels of aggressiveness
Joke Pannecoucque, Monica Höfte

Identification of an extensive gene cluster among a family of PPOs in Trifolium pratense L. (red clover) using a large insert BAC library
Ana Winters, Sue Heywood, Kerrie Farrar, Iain Donnison, Ann Thomas, K. Judith Webb

Identification of three wheat globulin genes by screening a Triticum aestivum BAC genomic library with cDNA from a diabetes-associated globulin
Evelin Loit, Charles W. Melnyk, Amanda J MacFarlane, Fraser W. Scott, Illimar Altosaar

Uncovering the Arabidopsis thaliana nectary transcriptome: investigation of differential gene expression in floral nectariferous tissues
Brian W. Kram, Wayne W. Xu, Clay J. Carter

Tissue culture-induced transpositional activity of mPing is correlated with cytosine methylation in rice
Frédéric Ngezahayo, Chunming Xu, Hongyan Wang, Lily Jiang, Jinsong Pang, Bao Liu

A set of EST-SNPs for map saturation and cultivar identification in melon
Wim Deleu, Cristina Esteras, Cristina Roig, Mireia González-To, Iria Fernández-Silva, Daniel Gonzalez-Ibeas, José Blanca, Miguel A. Aranda, Pere Arús, Fernando Nuez, Antonio J. Monforte, Maria Belén Picó, Jordi Garcia-Mas

New sources of soybean seed meal and oil composition traits identified through TILLING
Emily C. Dierking, Kristin D. Bilyeu

Development of SSR markers and analysis of diversity in Turkish populations of Brachypodium distachyon
John P. Vogel, Metin Tuna, Hikmet Budak, Naxin Huo, Yong Q. Gu, Michael A. Steinwand

Profiling microRNA expression in Arabidopsis pollen using microRNA array and real-time PCR
Carrie Chambers, Bin Shuai

Identification, functional characterization and developmental regulation of sesquiterpene synthases from sunflower capitate glandular trichomes
Jens C. Göpfert, Gillian MacNevin, Dae-Kyun Ro, Otmar Spring

Sequence diversity in three tomato species: SNPs, markers, and molecular evolution
José M Jiménez-Gómez, Julin N. Maloof

Selection of reference genes for quantitative real-time PCR expression studies in the apomictic and sexual grass Brachiaria brizantha
Érica Duarte Silveira, Márcio Alves-Ferreira, Larissa Arrais Guimaraes, Felipe Rodrigues da Silva, Vera Tavares de Campos Carneiro

A membrane-bound matrix-metalloproteinase from Nicotiana tabacum cv. BY-2 is induced by bacterial pathogens
Andreas Schiermeyer, Hanna Hartenstein, Manoj K. Mandal, Burkhard Otte, Verena Wahner, Stefan Schillberg

Ontology-oriented retrieval of putative microRNAs in Vitis vinifera via GrapeMiRNA: a web database of de novo predicted grape microRNAs
Barbara Lazzari, Andrea Caprera, Alessandro Cestaro, Ivan Merelli, Marcello Del Corvo, Paolo Fontana, Luciano Milanesi, Riccardo Velasco, Alessandra Stella

Phylogenetic analysis and molecular evolution of the dormancy associated MADS-box genes from peach
Sergio Jiménez, Amy L. Lawton-Rauh, Gregory L. Reighard, Albert G. Abbott, Douglas G. Bielenberg

On the road to diploidization? Homoeolog loss in independently formed populations of the allopolyploid Tragopogon miscellus (Asteraceae)
Jennifer A. Tate, Prashant Joshi, Kerry A. Soltis, Pamela S. Soltis, Douglas E. Soltis

DNA ligase 1 deficient plants display severe growth defects and delayed repair of both DNA single and double strand breaks
Wanda M. Waterworth, Jaroslav Kozak, Claire M. Provost, Clifford M. Bray, Karel J. Angelis, Christopher E. West

Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation of Superroot-derived Lotus corniculatus plants: a valuable tool for functional genomics
Bo Jian, Wensheng Hou, Cunxiang Wu, Bin Liu, Wei Liu, Shikui Song, Yurong Bi, Tianfu Han

Characterization and isolation of a T-DNA tagged banana promoter active during in vitro culture and low temperature stress
Efrén Santos, Serge Remy, Els Thiry, Saskia Windelinckx, Rony Swennen, László Sági

Characterization and structural analysis of wild type and a non-abscission mutant at the development funiculus (Def) locus in Pisum sativum L
Kwadwo Owusu Ayeh, YeonKyeong Lee, Mike J. Ambrose, Anne Kathrine Hvoslef-Eide

The HaDREB2 transcription factor enhances basal thermotolerance and longevity of seeds through functional interaction with HaHSFA9
Concepción Almoguera, Pilar Prieto-Dapena, Juan Díaz-Martín, José M. Espinosa, Raúl Carranco, Juan Jordano

Exploring transcriptional signalling mediated by OsWRKY13, a potential regulator of multiple physiological processes in rice
Deyun Qiu, Jun Xiao, Weibo Xie, Hongtao Cheng, Xianghua Li, Shiping Wang

Assess suitability of hydroaeroponic culture to establish tripartite symbiosis between different AMF species, beans, and rhizobia
Fatma Tajini, Porntip Suriyakup, Hélene Vailhe, Jan Jansa, Jean-Jacques Drevon

EST and EST-SSR marker resources for Iris
Shunxue Tang, Rebecca A. Okashah, Marie-Michele Cordonnier-Pratt, Lee H. Pratt, Virgil Ed Johnson, Christopher A. Taylor, Michael L. Arnold, Steven J. Knapp

Antenna complexes protect Photosystem I from Photoinhibition
Alessandro Alboresi, Matteo Ballottari, Rainer Hienerwadel, Giorgio M. Giacometti, Tomas Morosinotto

Fragments of the key flowering gene GIGANTEA are associated with helitron-type sequences in the Pooideae grass Lolium perenne
Tim Langdon, Ann Thomas, Lin Huang, Kerrie Farrar, Julie King, Ian Armstead

Isolation, identification and expression analysis of salt-induced genes in Suaeda maritima, a natural halophyte, using PCR-based suppression subtractive hybridization
Binod B. Sahu, Birendra P. Shaw

Identification and expression analysis of WRKY transcription factor genes in canola (Brassica napus L.) in response to fungal pathogens and hormone treatments
Bo Yang, Yuanqing Jiang, Muhammad H. Rahman, Michael K. Deyholos, Nat N.V. Kav

Transcriptomic analysis of tomato carpel development reveals alterations in ethylene and gibberellin synthesis during pat3/pat4 parthenocarpic fruit set
Laura Pascual, Jose M. Blanca, Joaquin Canizares, Fernado Nuez

Comparative genomic analysis and expression of the APETALA2-like genes from barley, wheat, and barley-wheat amphiploids
Javier Gil-Humanes, Fernando Pistón, Antonio Martín, Francisco Barro

Detection and validation of single feature polymorphisms using RNA expression data from a rice genome array
Sung-Hyun Kim, Prasanna R Bhat, Xinping Cui, Harkamal Walia, Jin Xu, Steve Wanamaker, Abdelbagi M Ismail, Clyde Wilson, Timothy J Close

In vivo reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton in leaves of Nicotiana tabacum L. transformed with plastin-GFP. Correlation with light-activated chloroplast responses
Anna Anielska-Mazur, Tytus Bernaś, Halina Gabryś

Molecular characterization of a rice mutator-phenotype derived from an incompatible cross-pollination reveals transgenerational mobilization of multiple transposable elements and extensive epigenetic instability
Hongyan Wang, Yang Chai, Xiucheng Chu, Yunyang Zhao, Ying Wu, Jihong Zhao, Frédéric Ngezahayo, Chunming Xu, Bao Liu

Molecular characterisation and genetic mapping of candidate genes for qualitative disease resistance in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)
Peter M Dracatos, Noel OI Cogan, Timothy I Sawbridge, Anthony R Gendall, Kevin F Smith, German C Spangenberg, John W Forster

GarlicESTdb: an online database and mining tool for garlic EST sequences
Dae-Won Kim, Tae-Sung Jung, Seong-Hyeuk Nam, Hyuk-Ryul Kwon, Aeri Kim, Sung-Hwa Chae, Sang-Haeng Choi, Dong-Wook Kim, Ryong Nam Kim, Hong-Seog Park

Characterization of two Arabidopsis thaliana acyltransferases with preference for lysophosphatidylethanolamine
Kjell Stalberg, Ulf Stahl, Sten Stymne, John Ohlrogge

Phenotypic and fine genetic characterization of the D locus controlling fruit acidity in peach
Karima Boudehri, Abdelhafid Bendahmane, Gaëlle Cardinet, Christelle Troadec, Annick Moing, Elisabeth Dirlewanger

Bioaccumulation and toxicity of selenium compounds in the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda
Dáša Umysová, Milada Vítová, Irena Doušková, Kateřina Bišová, Monika Hlavová, Mária Čížková, Jiří Machát, Jiří Doucha, Vilém Zachleder

Construction of a consensus linkage map for red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)
Sachiko Isobe, Roland Kölliker, Hiroshi Hisano, Shigemi Sasamoto, Tshyuko Wada, Irina Klimenko, Kenji Okumura, Satoshi Tabata

Development-dependent changes in the tight DNA-protein complexes of barley on chromosome and gene level
Tatjana Sjakste, Kristina Bielskiene, Marion Röder, Olga Sugoka, Danute Labeikyte, Lida Bagdoniene, Benediktas Juodka, Yegor Vassetzky, Nikolajs Sjakste

Cold- and light-induced changes in the transcriptome of wheat leading to phase transition from vegetative to reproductive growth
Mark O Winfield, Chungui Lu, Ian D Wilson, Jane A Coghill, Keith J Edwards

Characterization of Vitis vinifera NPR1 homologs involved in the regulation of Pathogenesis-Related gene expression
Gaëlle Le Henanff, Thierry Heitz, Pere Mestre, Jerôme Mutterer, Bernard Walter, Julie Chong

Identification, characterization and utilization of unigene derived microsatellite markers in tea (Camellia sinensis L.)
Ram Kumar Sharma, Pankaj Bhardwaj, Rinu Negi, Trilochan Mohapatra, Paramvir Singh Ahuj

Serpin genes AtSRP2 and AtSRP3 are required for normal growth sensitivity to a DNA alkylating agent in Arabidopsis
Joon-Woo Ahn, Brian J. Atwell, Thomas H. Roberts

Comparison of the transcriptomes of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) and Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) in response to the chestnut blight infection
Abdelali Barakat, Denis S. DiLoreto, Yi Zhang, Chris Smith, Kathleen Baier, William A. Powell, Nicholas Wheeler, Ron Sederoff, John E. Carlson

A newly-developed community microarray resource for transcriptome profiling in Brassica species enables the confirmation of Brassica-specific expressed sequences
Martin Trick, Foo Cheung, Nizar Drou, Fiona Fraser, Edward K. Lobenhofer, Patrick Hurban, Andreas Magusin, Christopher D. Town, Ian Bancroft

Integration of tomato reproductive developmental landmarks and expression profiles, and the effect of SUN on fruit shape
Han Xiao, Cheryll Radovich, Nicholas Welty, Jason Hsu, Dongmei Li, Tea Meulia, Esther van der Knaap

Proteome analysis of Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) seeds dormancy breaking and germination: influence of abscisic and gibberellic acids
Tomasz A Pawłowski

Transient effect of weak electromagnetic fields on calcium ion concentration in Arabidopsis thaliana
Alexander Pazur, Valentina Rassadina

Generation of Phaseolus vulgaris ESTs and investigation of their regulation upon Uromyces appendiculatus infection
Sandra Thibivilliers, Trupti Joshi, Kimberly B Campbell, Brian Scheffler, Dong Xu, Bret Cooper, Henry T. Nguyen, Gary Stacey

Nanoparticle penetration and transport in living pumpkin plants: in situ subcellular identification
Eduardo Corredor, Pilar S. Testillano, María-José Coronado, Pablo González-Melendi, Rodrigo Fernández-Pacheco, Clara Marquina, M. Ricardo Ibarra, Jesús M. de la Fuente, Diego Rubiales, Alejandro Pérez-de-Luque, María-Carmen Risueno

Cloning of transgenic tobacco BY-2 cells; an efficient method to analyse and reduce high natural heterogeneity of transgene expression
Eva Nocarova, Lukas Fischer

CO2 assimilation, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, carbohydrates and photosynthetic electron transport probed by the JIP-test, of tea leaves in response to phosphorus supply
Zheng-He Lin, Li-Song Chen, Rong-Bing Chen, Fang-Zhou Zhang, Huan-Xin Jiang, Ning Tang

Evolution of ribosomal DNA-derived satellite repeat in tomato genome
Sung-Hwan Jo, Dal-Hoe Koo, Jihyun F Kim, Cheol-Goo Hur, Sanghyeob Lee, Tae-jin Yang, Suk-Yoon Kwon, Doil Choi

Removing celiac disease-related gluten proteins from bread wheat while retaining technological properties: a study with Chinese Spring deletion lines
Hetty C. van den Broeck, Teun W.J.M. van Herpen, Cees Schuit, Elma M.J. Salentijn, Liesbeth Dekking, Dirk Bosch, Rob J. Hamer, Marinus J.M. Smulders, Ludovicus J.W.J. Gilissen, Ingrid M. van der Meer

A linkage map for the B-genome of Arachis (Fabaceae) and its synteny to the A-genome
Márcio C. Moretzsohn, Andrea V.G. Barbosa, Dione M.T. Alves-Freitas, Cristiane Teixeira, Soraya C.M. Leal-Bertioli, Patrícia M. Guimaraes, Rinaldo W. Pereira, Catalina R. Lopes, Marcelo M. Cavallari, José F.M. Valls, David J. Bertioli, Marcos A. Gimenes

A simple and high-sensitivity method for analysis of ubiquitination and polyubiquitination based on wheat cell-free protein synthesis
Hirotaka Takahashi, Akira Nozawa, Motoaki Seki, Kazuo Shinozaki, Yaeta Endo, Tatsuya Sawasaki

Plastid chaperonin proteins Cpn60? and Cpn60ß are required for plastid division in Arabidopsis thaliana
Kenji Suzuki, Hiromitsu Nakanishi, Joyce Bower, David W. Yoder, Katherine W. Osteryoung, Shin-ya Miyagishima

Phylogenetic analysis, subcellular localization, and expression patterns of RPD3/HDA1 family histone deacetylases in plants
Malona V. Alinsug, Chun-Wei Yu, Keqiang Wu

A new genomic resource dedicated to wood formation in Eucalyptus
David Rengel, Hélene San Clemente, Florence Servant, Nathalie Ladouce, Etienne Paux, Patrick Wincker, Arnaud Couloux, Pierre Sivadon, Jacqueline Grima-Pettenati

Utility of EST-derived SSR in cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and Arachis wild species
Xuanqiang Liang, Xiaoping Chen, Yanbin Hong, Haiyan Liu, Guiyuan Zhou, Shaoxiong Li, Baozhu Guo

Cbf genes of the Fr-A2 allele are differentially regulated between long-term cold acclimated crown tissue of freeze-resistant and – susceptible, winter wheat mutant lines
Fedora Sutton, Ding-Geng Chen, Xijin Ge, Don Kenefick

Plant origin and ploidy influence gene expression and life cycle characteristics in an invasive weed
Amanda K. Broz, Daniel K. Manter, Gillianne Bowman, Heinz Müller-Schärer, Jorge M. Vivanco

Comparative transcriptomic characterization of aluminum, sodium chloride, cadmium and copper rhizotoxicities in Arabidopsis thaliana
Cheng-Ri Zhao, Takashi Ikka, Yoshiharu Sawaki, Yuriko Kobayashi, Yuji Suzuki, Takashi Hibino, Shigeru Sato, Nozomu Sakurai, Daisuke Shibata, Hiroyuki Koyama

A compatible interaction of Alternaria brassicicola with Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype DiG: evidence for a specific transcriptional signature
Arup K. Mukherjee, Sophie Lev, Shimon Gepstein, Benjamin A. Horwitz

The isolation and mapping of a novel hydroxycinnamoyltransferase in the globe artichoke chlorogenic acid pathway
Cinzia Comino, Alain Hehn, Andrea Moglia, Barbara Menin, Frédéric Bourgaud, Sergio Lanteri, Ezio Portis

Expression-based discovery of candidate ovule development regulators through transcriptional profiling of ovule mutants
Debra J. Skinner, Charles S. Gasser

Differential patterns of reactive oxygen species and antioxidative mechanisms during atrazine injury and sucrose-induced tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana plantlets
Fanny Ramel, Cécile Sulmon, Matthieu Bogard, Ivan Couée, Gwenola Gouesbet

Regulation of callose synthase activity in situ in alamethicin-permeabilized Arabidopsis and tobacco suspension cells
Mari Aidemark, Carl-Johan Andersson, Allan G. Rasmusson, Susanne Widell

The cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase gene family in Populus: phylogeny, organization, and expression
Abdelali Barakat, Agnieszka Bagniewska-Zadworna, Alex Choi, Urmila Plakkat, Denis S. DiLoreto, Priyadarshini Yellanki, John E. Carlson

Genomic expression profiling of mature soybean (Glycine max) pollen
Farzad Haerizadeh, Chui E. Wong, Prem L. Bhalla, Peter M. Gresshoff, Mohan B Singh

Characterization of PR-10 genes from eight Betula species and detection of Bet v 1 isoforms in birch pollen
Martijn F. Schenk, Jan H.G. Cordewener, Antoine H.P. America, Wendy P.C. van't Westende, Marinus J.M. Smulders, Luud J.W.J. Gilissen

Five QTL hotspots for yield in short rotation coppice bioenergy poplar: The Poplar Biomass Loci
Anne M. Rae, Nathaniel Robert Street, Kathryn Megan Robinson, Nicole Harris, Gail Taylor

Microcollinearity in an ethylene receptor coding gene region of the Coffea canephora genome is extensively conserved with Vitis vinifera and other distant dicotyledonous sequenced genomes
Romain Guyot, Marion de la Mare, Véronique Viader, Perla Hamon, Olivier Coriton, José Bustamante-Porras, Valérie Poncet, Claudine Campa, Serge Hamon, Alexandre de Kochko

Phenotypic instability and epigenetic variability in a diploid potato of hybrid origin, Solanum ruiz-lealii
Carlos F. Marfil, Elsa L. Camadro, Ricardo W. Masuelli

The extracellular EXO protein mediates cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves
Florian Schröder, Janina Lisso, Peggy Lange, Carsten Müssig

TRUNCATULIX – a data warehouse for the legume community
Kolja Henckel, Kai J. Runte, Thomas Bekel, Michael Dondrup, Tobias Jakobi, Helge Küster, Alexander Goesmann

Gibberellin mediates daylength-controlled differentiation of vegetative meristems in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch)
Timo Hytönen, Paula Elomaa, Thomas Moritz, Olavi Junttila

Bioinformatic analysis of the CLE signaling peptide family
Karsten Oelkers, Nicolas Goffard, Georg F. Weiller, Peter M. Gresshoff, Ulrike Mathesius, Tancred Frickey

Characterization and comparative analysis of HMW glutenin 1Ay alleles with differential expressions
Qian-Tao Jiang, Yu-Ming Wei, Feng Wang, Ji-Rui Wang, Ze-Hong Yan, You-Liang Zheng

Validation of candidate genes putatively associated with resistance to SCMV and MDMV in maize (Zea mays L.) by expression profiling
Anna Użarowska, Giuseppe Dionisio, Barbara Sarholz, Hans-Peter Piepho, Mingliang Xu, Christina Ronn Ingvardsen, Gerhard Wenzel, Thomas Lübberstedt

Construction of 12 EST libraries and characterization of a 12,226 EST dataset for chicory (Cichorium intybus) root, leaves and nodules in the context of carbohydrate metabolism investigation
Nicolas Dauchot, Dominique Mingeot, Bénédicte Purnelle, Céline Muys, Bernard Watillon, Marc Boutry, Pierre Van Cutsem

A consensus genetic map of sorghum that integrates multiple component maps and high-throughput Diversity Array Technology (DArT) markers
Emma S. Mace, Jean-Francois Rami, Sophie Bouchet, Patricia E. Klein, Robert R. Klein, Andrzej Kilian, Peter Wenzl, Ling Xia, Kirsten Halloran, David R. Jordan

Improper excess light energy dissipation in Arabidopsis results in a metabolic reprogramming
Martin Frenkel, Carsten Külheim, Hanna Johansson Jänkänpää, Oskar Skogström, Luca Dall'Osto, Jon Agren, Roberto Bassi, Thomas Moritz, Jon Moen, Stefan Jansson

Expression of genes associated with carbohydrate metabolism in cotton stems and roots
Earl W. Taliercio, Gabriela Romano, Jodi Scheffler, Brian G. Ayre

Medicago truncatula and Glomus intraradices gene expression in cortical cells harboring arbuscules in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis
S Karen Gomez, Hélene Javot, Prasit Deewatthanawong, Ivone Torres-Jerez, Yuhong Tang, Elison B. Blancaflor, Michael K. Udvardi, Maria J. Harrison

Differential effectiveness of Serratia plymuthica IC1270-induced systemic resistance against hemibiotrophic and necrotrophic leaf pathogens in rice
David De Vleesschauwer, Leonid Chernin, Monica M. Höfte

Evidence for separate translocation pathways in determining cadmium accumulation in grain and aerial plant parts in rice
Takayuki Kashiwagi, Kumiko Shindoh, Naoki Hirotsu, Ken Ishimaru

Effective carbon partitioning driven by exotic phloem-specific regulatory elements fused to the Arabidopsis thaliana AtSUC2 sucrose-proton symporter gene
Avinash C. Srivastava, Savita Ganesan, Ihab O. Ismail, Brian G. Ayre

Transcriptomic analysis of Arabidopsis developing stems: a close-up on cell wall genes
Zoran Minic, Elisabeth Jamet, Hélene San-Clemente, Sandra Pelletier, Jean-Pierre Renou, Christophe Rihouey, Denis P.O. Okinyo, Caroline Proux, Patrice Lerouge, Lise Jouanin

In planta localisation patterns of MADS domain proteins during floral development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Susan L. Urbanus, Stefan de Folter, Anna V. Shchennikova, Kerstin Kaufmann, Richard G.H. Immink, Gerco C. Angenent

Linkage mapping of putative regulator genes of barley grain development characterized by expression profiling
Christof Pietsch, Nese Sreenivasulu, Ulrich Wobus, Marion S. Röder

A multiple-method approach reveals a declining amount of chloroplast DNA during development in Arabidopsis
Beth A. Rowan, Delene J. Oldenburg, Arnold J. Bendich

FORCA, a promoter element that responds to crosstalk between defense and light signaling
Alexandre Evrard, Theogene Ndatimana, Thomas Eulgem

Transcript and proteomic analysis of developing white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) roots
Li Tian, Gregory J. Peel, Zhentian Lei, Naveed Aziz, Xinbin Dai, Ji He, Bonnie Watson, Patrick X Zhao, Lloyd W. Sumner, Richard A. Dixon



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