
środa, 8 grudnia 2010

Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research - 41 (4), 2009

Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research - 41 (4), 2009


Impact of Wildfire on Stream Nutrient Chemistry and Ecosystem Metabolism in Boreal Forest Catchments of Interior Alaska
Emma F. Betts and Jeremy B. Jones, Jr.

Designing a Living Snow Fence for Snow Drift Control
Peter D. Blanken

Determination of Leaf Area Index, Total Foliar N, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index for Arctic Ecosystems Dominated by Cassiope tetragona
Matteo Campioli, Lorna E. Street, Anders Michelsen, Gaius R. Shaver, Thomas Maere, Roeland Samson, and Raoul Lemeur

Assisted Revegetation in a Subarctic Environment: Effects of Fertilization on the Performance of Three Indigenous Plant Species
Alexis Deshaies, Stéphane Boudreau, and Karen A. Harper

Spatiotemporal Variability in Arctic Climates of the Past Millennium: Implications for the Study of Thule Culture on Melville Peninsula, Nunavut
S. A. Finkelstein, J. M. Ross, and J. K. Adams

Twenty-first Century Glaciers and Climate in the Prokletije Mountains, Albania
Philip D. Hughes

Regional Summer Temperature Reconstruction in the Khibiny Low Mountains (Kola Peninsula, NW Russia) by Means of Tree-ring Width during the Last Four Centuries
Yu. M. Kononov, M. Friedrich, and T. Boettger

Role of the Soil Seed Bank during Succession in a Subalpine Meadow on the Tibetan Plateau
Miaojun Ma, Guozhen Du, and Xianhui Zhou

Environmental and Biotic Determinants of Growth and Height of Arctic Willow Shrubs along a Latitudinal Gradient
Anu Marjukka Pajunen

Climatic Signals in ?13C and ?18O of Tree-rings from White Spruce in the Mackenzie Delta Region, Northern Canada
Trevor J. Porter, Michael F. J. Pisaric, Steve V. Kokelj, and Thomas W. D. Edwards

Ectomycorrhizal Diversity on Dryas octopetala and Salix reticulata in an Alpine Cliff Ecosystem
Martin Ryberg, Ellen Larsson, and Ulf Molau

The Bracts of Saussurea velutina (Asteraceae) Protect Inflorescences from Fluctuating Weather at High Elevations of the Hengduan Mountains, Southwestern China
Yang Yang and Hang Sun

Nahanni Journals: R. M. Patterson’s 1927–1929 Journals, edited by Richard C. Da
W. T. Pfeffer

Principles of Snow Hydrology, by David R. DeWalle and Albert Rango
Nel Caine

Fatal Journey: the Final Expedition of Henry Hudson, by Peter C. Mancall
John C. Behrendt

Cold: Adventures in the World’s Frozen Places, by Bill Streever
John T. Andrews


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