
poniedziałek, 1 listopada 2010

Plant Biology - 12 (5), 2010

Contents [Volume 12, Issue 5, 2010]:


Novel potato C2H2-type zinc finger protein gene, StZFP1, which responds to biotic and abiotic stress, plays a role in salt tolerance
Z.-D. Tian, Y. Zhang, J. Liu and C.-H. Xie

Abscisic acid and late embryogenesis abundant protein profile changes in winter wheat under progressive drought stress
I. I. Vaseva, B. S. Grigorova, L. P. Simova-Stoilova, K. N. Demirevska and U. Feller

Characterisation of Zea mays L. plastidial transglutaminase: interactions with thylakoid membrane proteins
A. Campos, P. K. Carvajal-Vallejos, E. Villalobos, C. F. Franco, A. M. Almeida, A. V. Coelho, J. M. Torné and M. Santos

Evidence for an operative glutamine translocator in chloroplasts from maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) cotyledons
M. G. Claros, M. L. Aguilar and F. M. Cánovas

Impact of nitrogen supply on carbon/nitrogen allocation: a case study on amino acids and catechins in green tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] plants
J. Ruan, R. Haerdter and J. Gerendás

Reducing the babel in plant volatile communication: using the forest to see the trees
Y. Ranganathan and R. M. Borges

Acclimation of photosynthetic characteristics of the moss Pleurozium schreberi to among-habitat and within-canopy light gradients
M. Tobias and Ü. Niinemets

No increase in alpine snowbed productivity in response to experimental lengthening of the growing season
F. Baptist, C. Flahaut, P. Streb and P. Choler

A combined physical and physiological dormancy controls seasonal seedling emergence of Geranium robertianum
F. Vandelook and J. A. Van Assche

Competition intensity at local versus regional spatial scales
B. Ladd, D. A. Pepper and S. P. Bonser

Assessing facilitative responses to a nurse shrub at the community level: the example of Potentilla fruticosa in a sub-alpine grassland of northwest China
J. Xu, R. Michalet, J.-L. Zhang, G. Wang, C.-J. Chu and S. Xiao

A survey of the mycorrhization of Southeast Asian ferns and lycophytes
M. Kessler, R. Jonas, D. Cicuzza, J. Kluge, K. Piątek, P. Naks and M. Lehnert

Developmental anatomy of seedlings of Indodalzellia gracilis (Podostemaceae)
S. Koi and M. Kato

Two neutral variants segregating at the gametophytic self-incompatibility locus of European pear (Pyrus communis L.) (Rosaceae, Pyrinae)
J. Sanzol

Genetic diversity in inter-simple sequence repeat profiles across natural populations of Indian pomegranate (Punica granatum L.)
D. Narzary, T. S. Rana and S. A. Ranade

Reduced recombination in gynodioecious populations of a facultative apomictic orchid
Y. Lu, Y.-B Luo and S.-Q Huang

Genome size dynamics in Artemisia L. (Asteraceae): following the track of polyploidy
J. Pellicer, S. Garcia, M. Á. Canela, T. Garnatje, A. A. Korobkov, J. D. Twibell and J. Valles


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