
niedziela, 7 listopada 2010

Canadian Journal of Botany - 88 (4), 2010

Contents [Volume 88, Number 4, 2010]:

Dates of Publication of Issues / Dates de Parution des Numéros

Editorial / Éditorial
Peterson, R. L.; Shelp, Barry J.

Introduction / Introduction

Gedenkschrift in memory of Dr. Wilfred B. Schofield, Bryologist and Botanist (1927-2008) / Publication honorifique a la mémoire de Wilfred B. Schofield, Ph.D., bryologiste et botaniste (1927-2008)
Belland, René J.; Taylor, Iain E.P.

Maze, Jack; Scagel, Robert; Robson, Kathleen

Maze, Jack; Scagel, Robert; Robson, Kathleen

Resilience of bryophyte communities in regenerating matrix forests after logging in temperate rainforests of coastal British Columbia
Baldwin, L. K.; Bradfield, G. E.

Responses of boreal epiphytic bryophytes to different levels of partial canopy harvest
Caners, Richard T.; Macdonald, S. E.; Belland, René J.

A history of bryology in the San Juan Islands, Washington State, USA
Harpel, Judith A.

Introduction and recent range expansion in the moss Ptychomitrium serratum (Ptychomitriaceae) in the Southern and Eastern United States
Miller, Norton G.; Robinson, Sean C.

Hypogymnia recurva and Hypogymnia wilfiana spp. nov., two new lichens from western North America
Goward, Trevor; Ahti, Teuvo; Elix, John A.; Spribille, Toby

The lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia, Canada. 5. A new species of Lecanora from shoreline rocks
Brodo, Irwin M.

Schwetschkea (Brachytheciaceae) in Africa, and new to South America
Buck, William R.; Pôrto, Kátia C.

Vegetation of eastern Unalaska Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Talbot, Stephen S.; Schofield, Wilfred B.; Talbot, Sandra L.; Daniëls, Fred J.A.

Niphotrichum muticum (Musci, Grimmiaceae), an addition to the moss flora of the Aleutian Islands
Bednarek-Ochyra, Halina; Seppelt, Rodney D.; Ochyra, Ryszard

Phylogenetic and haplotype analyses of four segregates within Cladonia arbuscula s.l.
Piercey-Normore, Michele D.; Ahti, Teuvo; Goward, Trevor

Distribution patterns of disjunct and endemic vascular plants in the interior wetbelt of northwest North America
Björk, Curtis R.

Ecological facets of plant species rarity in rock outcrop ecosystems of the Gulf Islands, British Columbia
Sadler, Kella D.; Bradfield, Gary E.

Scanning electron microscope studies on four species of Ulota from Australia
Ramsay, Helen P.

Octoblepharum arthrocormoides (Calymperaceae) N. Salazar Allen & B.C. Tan, sp. nov., a new species from Tropical Asia
Salazar Allen, N.; Tan, B. C.


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